“Chandni my love please open your eyes,” Shivoham begged, he was crying by now. What kind of man he was. First he killed her and then cried because he killed her.

He was completely broken..even after calling her again and again when she did not open her eyes he sealed his lips to hers.

Mingling his breath with hers he was trying to wake her up.

And like always luck was on his side.

With a sharp intake of breath Chandni came back to life. Her eyes snapped open.

The life was still inside her, she was alive.

She was alive to endure more pain from him.

“Chandni, my sweet rose. You are alive,” Shivoham cried, hugging her tight to his chest.

“I thought I lost you. Why do you keep doing this  kind of thing Chandni..you know how much I hate it when you take his name,” he said, looking at her ashen face.

She was taking short breaths, her eyes were full of tears. She wanted to die, why did God give her another chance to live

“You stupid fool.Can't you understand such a simple thing. Forget him, he is nothing to you! I am your lover, your master, your destiny. Your every fucking thing,” he said, wiping the water from her face he brought her face close to his heart.

“My idiot, stupid stupid baby,” he chuckled, raining kisses on her wet head. He was acting so sweet and normal as if not a minute ago he was trying to kill her.

Warm water again bubbled in her eyes. She was again being a prey of his psychotic side. He claims to love her then tries to kill her and then again shows his fake love.

Chandni's lips wobbled and soon a cry escaped her lips. Why she !? Why did she have to endure all these things? What wrong has she done hn ?

“What have I done! What have I done ! What I have done,” like a mad woman she mumbled the same words before breaking down in a heart wrenching sob.

She sobbed, feeling all the pain of her life at this one moment in which her tormentor was loving her, holding close to his heart he was kissing her and she was crying in his arms.

“I - I am ve-ry ba-d I shou-ld di-e. God I a-m so-rry forg-ive me,” Chandni hiccuped between her cries. She was really hating herself. Maybe all this was the karma of her past. She must have hurt an innocent soul that is why god is punishing her.

“Ma ma ma ma..” Fisting his wet shirt she cried her eyes out mumbling her mother's name as if she would come and save her from all these bad things.

“I am ba-d I am so so bad,” Chandni whispered between her sobs. Her heart, her soul, her mind everything was scarred now. She wanted to become that scarless Chandni again however she knew she can never go back to her old self.

Chandni was unconsolable, her tears, her sobs were not stopping. And the thing that she was actually crying in her tormentor's arms was making her cry more.

Such a shameful woman she was. Crying in her rapist's arms.

She should have died. Why didn't he kill her?

“Ma.. mum mum mumma,” she whimpered like a small kid, her nose all snotty, her face all red full of tears. Chandni was pitiable in search of only a hug from her mother or…Sabiq.

But both of them didn't come. It was only Shivoham with her.

“Shhh..it's okay baby. My sweet rose, I am here, don't cry now,” he cooed softly, caressing her wet hair with one hand and rubbing her naked back with the other.

 Curse Of Love| 18+  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora