40 - Sebestian

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Observing Liliana's departure, I couldn't help but be pleased with her newfound knowledge and assertiveness when dealing with Eduardo. A slight smirk. formed on my face as she exited the room.

 My mind started to question Taylor's motives. After all, he had been loyal to me for years. What had prompted him to betray me? He was fully aware of the consequences - instant death. I let out a slight grunt of pain, reaching for the button next to me to increase the dosage of my pain medication.

 I heard the door open, anticipating Liliana's return. However, my disappointment was palpable as it was the doctor and a nurse who entered. The doctor had short blonde hair, brown eyes, and a slender physique, standing approximately 5 foot 7.

 The nurse possessed long wavy black hair, blue eyes, and stood around 5 foot 5. From a distance, I could see Eduardo, Liliana, and Diego engaged in conversation. I longed to be there, eager to hear what they had discovered.

 "Greetings, I am Dr. Richards, this is Nurse Chandler, and we have been assigned to your case. Can you please recount what transpired?" Dr Richards inquired, shining his flashlight into my eyes.

 "I was involved in a car accident. Unfortunately, my driver Taylor did not survive."

 Dr Richards nodded, wordlessly resuming his standing position as he began to document the information.

 "Nurse Chandler, could you please inform me of your current level of pain, Mr. Knight?" Nurse Chandler inquired.

 "At the present moment, my pain level is at a 7."

 Nurse Chandler nodded, carrying out her routine checks while recording them in my chart.

 "Very well, Mr. Knight. We will need to keep you here for a few more days to ensure a smooth recovery. If all goes well, you will be allowed to return home," Dr Richards responded.

 I nodded my head and heard the door open once again, revealing Liliana making her way back to me. I smiled and reached out for her, and she instinctively grasped my hand.

 "We will leave you now. In case you require anything, Mr. and Mrs Knight, simply press this red button, and we will promptly attend to your needs," Nurse Chandler informed us.

 "Thank you both," Liliana expressed gratitude on my behalf, watching as they departed before turning her attention back to me.

 "What have you discovered, my dear?"

 Liliana sighed, and the weight on her face was visible, leaving me feeling physically drained. I was aware of how detrimental stress could be for her and our babies.

 Taylor was employed by an individual with the intention of undermining me. He believed it would be advantageous to eliminate you, but he failed to anticipate his demise. He recklessly collided head-on with an approaching vehicle." A surge of anger consumed me upon hearing Liliana's words. "Eduardo generously provided the family affected by the accident with 10 million dollars to address their needs. He expressed regret for the incident and fortunately, none of them sustained severe injuries."

 I couldn't resist the urge to bite my lip. Witnessing this aspect of Liliana aroused me. "Did you manage to uncover the identity of the person he was working for?"

 Liliana shook her head. "Peter is currently investigating, but thus far, there are no leads." She took a seat beside me on the bed, and instinctively, my hand rested on her belly.

 "Would you like some pain medication?" I inquired.

 Shaking her head, she replied, "No, I have already administered an additional dosage."

 Liliana nodded, then turned to identify the individual entering the room when the door opened. It was Peter, one of my subordinate members.

 "What can I assist you with, Peter?" Liliana asked, her brows furrowed in confusion.

 Peter glanced at both Liliana and me before speaking. "We discovered something at Taylor's residence which leads us to believe that his intentions were not solely focused on eliminating you," Peter explained, handing Liliana a folder, which she promptly accepted.

 Opening the folder, we both examined its contents simultaneously. Anger surged within me once more as we encountered pictures of her engaged in everyday activities, and even changing her attire. My jaw clenched upon reaching the last photo, where he had written a chilling message about harming our children.

 Liliana rose from the bed and faced Peter. "Take these to Diego and instruct him to place them in Sebastian's office. No one else must lay eyes on these," I whispered hoarsely with determination.

 "This side of you is profoundly alluring, Lily," I growled involuntarily.

 She was about to respond when her phone rang. She answered it and held it to her ear. "Yes.”

 There was a prolonged pause as she attentively listened to the discourse of the interlocutor. She engaged in a melodious hum, expressing her agreement with whatever was being conveyed. Concluding the conversation with a farewell and a gesture of gratitude.

 Taylor appears to have exhibited duplicitous behaviour, surreptitiously installing surveillance cameras in multiple locations including our residence, our new abode, and even Eduardo's dwelling. If he were alive, I would vehemently confront him."

 Observing Liliana becoming agitated, I promptly clasped her hand, endeavouring to pacify her. She emitted a whimper before burying her head into my shoulder, shedding tears. To the best of my ability, I enfolded her hand within mine, despite the encumbrance of this cumbersome IV.

 In an attempt to console her, I gently rubbed her back. As the door swung open, Eduardo entered and approached me.

 "How is your health, my son?" he inquired.

"I am experiencing discomfort," I responded while redirecting my attention towards Liliana. As her weeping subsided, she composed herself and wiped her tear-streaked face.

 Eduardo occupied the seat opposite me, a trace of dried blood lingering beneath his fingernails. "It is pleasing to see you awakened. Rest assured, my son, we shall identify the perpetrator responsible for this ordeal."

 "Thank you, Papi."

 Eduardo nodded in acknowledgment before promptly tending to his duties on his cellular device. I overheard Liliana emit a groan beside me.

 "Lily?" I queried anxiously, witnessing her double over in pain. "Lily? Are you okay?"

 Upon her impending response, she emitted a poignant cry and laboured breaths, grappling with the pain.

"I was uncertain of how to broach the subject, but I have been experiencing labour pains all day. You were preoccupied and..." She was unable to complete her sentence as another wave of agony interrupted her.

 Reacting swiftly, I pressed the red button and continued stroking Liliana's back, offering solace. She attempted to weather the pain through deep breaths.

 "How far apart are the contractions? Why did you conceal this?" Eduardo inquired as he hastened towards her location as well.

 Liliana shook her head while crying. "I apologize. Please do not be upset with me."

 "Oh, my dear, we could never be angry with you. Why did you keep it hidden?" I reassured her.

 "Everything was developing so rapidly. My primary concern was your well-being. I suppressed the pain." Liliana released another anguished cry.

Please do not come at me for the ending. I do know of people who don't have any pain until their water breaks plus I know from experience as well.

Sebastian KnightWhere stories live. Discover now