6. Liliana

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A few weeks later....

They arrived in groups of twelve, each adorned with lavish masks in various colours, ranging from black to gold, completely concealing their faces. Today marked one of Sebastian's charity balls for the local children's hospital, dedicated to cancer research and expansion. Everyone wore brand new dresses or suits, given the occasion's inclusion of an auction for generously donated items.

The moon illuminated the sky, casting a disco ball-like effect and providing natural lighting as we entered the mansion. Greetings were cordially exchanged along the gravel path, which was adorned with delicate fairy lights of my choosing, adding an abundance of colour to the footprints left behind.

Gifts and auction items were entrusted to a nearby guard, who courteously accepted them. A sweet melody gently floated through the air, emanating from the ballroom. Navigating through the crowd of waiters carrying champagne and ladies hesitantly holding their fourth glass, I made my way towards the source, positioned at an inconvenient angle to the side.

A selection of violinists, pianists, and harp players were elegantly positioned at the far end of the ballroom, accompanied by a subtle scent of lavender. For a moment, I stood by the door, peacefully absorbing the changing notes of the music, while discreetly scanning the surroundings. Caution is always necessary in gatherings such as these.

Venturing further inside, my smile widened as I spotted Sebastian effortlessly making his way towards me, his eyes radiating joy upon glimpsing my attire. (We had dressed separately.)

"Your beauty is undeniably breathtaking, Hermosa (beautiful)," Sebastian spoke warmly as he took hold of my hands. "May I have the pleasure of this dance?" he inquired, leading us into a gentle sway as the music recommenced.

The dance progressively increased in energy as he took hold of my hand and elegantly guided me across the ballroom. With a serious countenance, he looked down at me, and in turn, I met his gaze, summoning an unprecedented surge of courage I had not previously known.

As the rhythmic melodies of classical music softly whispered in my ears, I allowed myself to be carried away and engaged in the dance. Our movements synchronized, relinquishing control to the rhythm. In that moment, the surroundings and the individuals around us faded into insignificance. Holding him closely, I could sense his warmth enveloping me, drawing us closer in unison.

Sebastian perceived a trace of hesitation in my eyes, amidst the booming music and intoxicating emotions that left me slightly dizzy. Delightful tingling sensations coursed through my body, extending even to the tips of my fingers. Together, we danced throughout the entire night.

The dance grew more spirited, with him firmly grasping my hand, he skilfully swept me into the dance. Looking contemplatively down at me. I stepped onto the floor and surveyed the expanse of white marble beneath my feet, with a sudden surge of courage that had previously eluded me.

As the pulsating rhythm of classical music whispered into my ears, I began to sway and dance. We synchronized our steps, allowing the rhythm to guide us. Allowing myself to be carried away by random movements.

The surroundings and people surrounding us dissolved, I held him closely, feeling his warmth envelop me and pulling me in closer. Sebastian noticed the hint of uncertainty in my eyes, my head spinning from the loud music. Irresistible emotions surged through my body, and my fingertips tingled with delight. We danced away the night.

Our hips entwined, moving to the beat. I wrapped my arms around his neck, allowing him to draw me closer to his chest. Almost as if he was afraid, afraid to lose me again.

We glided together in perfect harmony, my body moving on its own, free from any restraints in this blissful paradise. Weaving through a sea of bodies until we found our own space. Allowing our bodies to intertwine in a different kind of dance.

My body bending and swaying in rhythm with the music. Sebastian had taken hold of my hands and led me into another twirl before he embraced me, lifting me up. Leaning in closer, I could feel his breath against my lips, causing me to bite my lip as I couldn't resist twirling once more.

Whispering in his ear, my lips barely touching, as he drew me back again, "Someone is observing us with great intensity. A woman in the back with brown hair.”

 Sebastian remained silent, yet I could tell he had heard me. We gracefully continued to dance, unaffected by the presence of others, as my gaze met Sebastian's, filled with a glimmer of delight. His arms held me tightly, creating a comforting embrace, while his hand gently slid down my back.

 My fingers effortlessly spread across his well-toned back. Engrossed in the rhythm once more, the music quickened, causing my dress to barely graze the floor as he led me through the waltz. I felt the gentle touch of his fingers caressing my hips.

 Eventually, the lights dimmed and a slow, melodic tune began to play. Harmonizing with the ebb and flow of the tides, I took Sebastian's hand and placed my other hand around his waist.

 Our steps were simple, yet elegantly pure. Sebastian expertly twirled and dipped me, eliciting a gasp from my lips, just as the music came to a halt. We were too captivated by each other's eyes to notice the woman who approached us from the corner.

 "I apologize for intruding, but I was wondering if I could interview the both of you and take your photograph," the woman politely requested.

 Observing her tall stature, olive-toned skin, hazel eyes, and chin with rounded contours, I noted her shoulder-length dyed red hair. Her reddish blush-covered cheeks and lime-coloured lips caught my attention as well. Her dress appeared rather inexpensive, unsuitable for a party of this calibre.

 "May I ask who you are?" I inquired, positioning myself beside Sebastian, his firm hand still wrapped around my waist.

 "Oh, pardon me. I'm Emily, a reporter from the Day Break News," she introduced herself, extending her hand for a shake.

 Accepting her handshake, I replied, "Certainly, but there seem to be quite a few reporters seeking exclusives at this event. What I would like to know is, why were you watching us so intently as we danced?" I questioned.

 Emily initially appeared taken aback by my tone but quickly recovered, "I'm not sure. At first, I wasn't particularly interested, but then I caught sight of you two dancing, and I couldn't tear my eyes away."

 I hummed thoughtfully without uttering a word, not fully convinced. Feeling Sebastian's gentle kiss on my temple, I knew he shared the same sentiment.

 "Por qué no te preparas para la subasta? Estoy seguro de que Diego puede necesitar tu ayuda," Sebastian spoke, nodding. I did what I was told and made my way over to Diego. (Why don't you prepare for the auction? I'm sure Diego may need your help.)

Sebastian KnightWhere stories live. Discover now