15. Sebastian

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Sitting in Eduardo's lounge room, patiently awaiting his arrival, my heart filled with joy as I observed Liliana's delightful interaction with Eduardo's Doberman dogs - the majestic guardians Zeus, Phantom, and Cerberus. Normally, it takes quite some time for them to warm up to someone, but astonishingly, Liliana managed to win them over in just 10 minutes.

"Sebastian, how is your business venture progressing?" Patricia inquired with a tone of genuine interest.

Turning my attention towards her, I noticed the subtle enhancements she had made with Botox. Patricia, Eduardo's newfound love interest, has been in a relationship with him for just 9 months, yet she somehow assumes an air of authority in this place. But for the sake of Eduardo's happiness, I'm willing to tolerate her presence.

Patricia possesses piercing, steel-like grey eyes and silky, cascading brown hair, reminiscent of a dragon's scales. Her cream-toned complexion reveals a few wrinkles that she has yet to address.

Savouring the exquisite flavours of my whiskey, I replied, "Business is thriving. I have successfully invested in several shipment yards in both New York and Chile."

Patricia hummed, gazing outside where Liliana continued to shower affection upon the dogs. "What do you see in her? I expected someone more refined," Patricia commented, perhaps unaware of the condescending undertone in her words.

Taking a deep breath, I chose to ignore the offensive remark that had escaped her lips. "Well, Patricia, unlike you, Liliana embodies everything I have ever yearned for and more. She never asks for financial favours or material possessions. Instead, she strives to assist those in need with unwavering compassion, much like Gianna."

Patricia gasped, clearly taken aback by the sharpness of my response.

"And Patricia, if you dare to speak ill of Liliana again, I shall not hesitate to silence you. I merely tolerate your presence for Eduardo's sake. Liliana is utterly perfect in every way. Though she may deviate from societal norms, I cherish her for her uniqueness," I declared firmly before indulging in another sip of whiskey.

"Sebastian, my apologies for keeping you waiting," Eduardo's voice resonated as he entered the living room.

"No worries, Papi," I expressed, rising from my seat to greet him with a firm handshake and a heartfelt hug. "How have you been, Papi?"

"Oh, you know, not too bad. Just getting some renovations done on the house. Where is she? Where's Liliana?" Eduardo inquired, eager to reunite with his beloved.

"Outside, playing with the adorable dogs," Patricia grumbled, giving voice to her disapproval. "Don't you find her peculiar, Eduardo?"

Eduardo's expression turned solemn, while my anger surged within me. My fists clenched, yearning to silence her impertinence.

"Oh, it's wonderful to see Liliana forming a strong bond with the dogs. I have a small favour to ask you, Sebastian. Would you mind taking them back with you? As I'm getting older, it's becoming more difficult for me to take them for a walk. Additionally, Patricia isn't fond of them, despite their wonderful nature."

"Certainly, Papi. With everything that has been going on, we could definitely use the extra security. I'm sure Liliana will be thrilled to have them."

I was confident that Liliana would take great care of them, as she always does with anyone who visits the mansion for business. She's always indulging them with treats and making the staff go wild with her kindness.

"Why don't we head into the office, which we've set up here in the garage at the moment?"

Entering the garage with Eduardo, it was clear that his earlier statement about it being converted was accurate. It had all the necessary features of a functional office. Taking a seat on the comfortable leather chair, Eduardo sat across from me.

"I managed to get in touch with the building owner, who has accepted my offer and will be handing over the keys tomorrow."

"Thank you, Papi. I want to provide Liliana with everything she deserves. She means the world to me." I expressed my gratitude.

Eduardo and my mother Gianna had always taught me that family should always come first, above all else. Despite our external and internal darkness, family and our unwavering trust in them are truly significant to us. It's why we feel deeply hurt when those we trusted the most betray us.

"Yes, indeed. I've heard through the bar employees. They keep me updated on everything. Unfortunately, I can't get rid of Manuel as he may inform the police. We can't afford to have that happen, especially since they have been involved with us since her great, great grandfather's time." Eduardo let out a soft sigh.

I often wished we could do something about that despicable man and her mother, considering how they mistreat Liliana. I remember countless occasions when Liliana would come to my city office in tears because of what her parents were subjecting her to. She puts on a brave face, but there's only so much she can endure.

"We have also arranged for a safe house for you and Liliana, in case her ex-boyfriend becomes a threat. It's possible that more from our past may resurface as well. The safe house is located a few hours away from the city."

Nodding my head, I replied, "Of course, Papi. I have already taken care of those contracts you wanted me to handle. Construction is set to begin next week, right here in the city."

"Great, that's wonderful. Do you think Liliana will like it? You did send me her style preferences and I will try my best to include everything she likes," Eduardo said, expressing his excitement respectfully.

When I informed my Papi about my relationship with Liliana, I could sense his enthusiasm through the phone. He always believed that there is someone out there who needs me and whom I need as well. Liliana seems to be the person who is slowly capturing my heart, just as my father had envisioned.

"She will love it. I understand if she may not appreciate being overly protected," I replied, causing Patricia to chuckle again.

With a slight roll of my eyes, I heard a knock at the door. "Please come in," Eduardo politely spoke.

The door opened and Liliana entered, followed by her three dogs. Her face lit up with a huge smile, and she kept one hand behind her back.

"Why the smile, my love?" I curiously asked, raising an eyebrow.

Liliana revealed a pink flower from behind her back and handed one to Patricia, myself, and Eduardo.

"Thank you, my love," I said, placing the flower in my visible pocket.

Eduardo did the same, while Patricia scoffed once again, causing Liliana to look at her with wide eyes.

"You are acting quite childish. It's no wonder your parents disliked you, for if I were in their shoes, I might feel the same way!" Patricia shouted.

"I-I'm sorry," Liliana whimpered, wiping away a tear and hastily leaving the room.

"Lil-" I couldn't finish my sentence as she hurriedly left. I glared at Patricia and said, "If I were you, Papi, I would advise stitching her mouth shut. What is wrong with you?" I then ran after Liliana.

Sebastian KnightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant