30- Liliana

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Three months later...

 I was four months pregnant with twins, which could explain my larger-than-usual size. We received confirmation of this two months ago during our initial ultrasound, a moment that remains vivid in my memory due to Sebastian's near fainting upon hearing the news of twins.

 The ceremony took place during a picturesque autumn afternoon, with the area facing a breathtaking sunset. Jasmine-scented candles adorned the branches of bare trees at the end of each seated aisle. The aisle itself was covered with white leaves, extending as far as the eye could see. These leaves were slightly moist to prevent them from cracking underfoot. Our guests, consisting of a select group of close family and friends, were dressed in beach attire for their comfort. They sat on white chairs arranged on the sand, positioned on either side of the aisle.

 As my wedding was about to commence, Holly, one of my bridesmaids, gently reminded me to breathe and asked if I could accomplish this task. I took a deep breath, holding my baby bump, and responded: "I can breathe." I offered Holly a small smile, further expressing my gratitude. However, I expressed my need for Sebastian's mother's necklace, a significant piece for this momentous occasion.

 Last night, Eduardo visited me and graciously presented his wife's necklace, which she had worn at their wedding. I knew she would have wanted me to have it.

 Sofia directed my attention to the gathering outside, where Sebastian was awaiting my arrival at the end of the aisle. She reassured me that it was natural to feel nervous, considering that we were both experiencing the joy of parenthood and embarking on matrimony simultaneously.

 A knock on the door interrupted our conversation, prompting me to invite the individual to enter. Eduardo emerged, as he had graciously taken the role of walking me down the aisle..

 Tears welled up in his eyes as he spoke, his voice filled with genuine emotion, “Liliana, you look absolutely exquisite. My son is fortunate to have you.”

Grateful for his kind words, I smiled warmly and took Eduardo's awaiting hand, expressing my appreciation with a simple thank you.

 Together, we descended the stairs, prepared to embark on the journey of marrying the man of my dreams, my saviour, my knight in shining armour. Eventually, the priest emerged and prompted everyone to rise. It was finally my turn, and all eyes would soon be upon me.

As the flower girl delicately scattered white rose petals along the path and the enchanting music began to play, I stepped forward, only to find Eduardo gently linking his arms with mine. He became my pillar of strength, his support enabling me to avoid fainting. The attending guests observed me, capturing photographs of my dress, waving, and smiling. However, amidst this sea of momentous occasions, one thing remained true; absolute silence.

 Ahead, I glimpsed Sebastian, my future husband, the love of my life, my everything. Standing tall with broad shoulders and an unwavering gaze, tears seemed to shimmer in his eyes. While he appeared composed, my nerves overwhelmed me. The sheer attention felt overwhelming, but luckily, it was just ten more steps until I reached my destination."

 As we neared the end of the aisle, Eduardo enveloped me in a loving embrace and whispered, “I am proud of you,” before stepping aside and presenting me to my groom.

 Placing my hand in Sebastian's, I noticed the wide-eyed expression on his face, a clear reflection of his pride. Together, we stood before the priest, united as a couple."

 Briefly, Eduardo patted Sebastian on the shoulder before he retreated. Standing alongside the love of my life in that moment felt both awe-inspiring and overwhelming. I couldn't help but question, “Is this really happening? Will I soon become Mrs. Knight?” The minister's proclamation, “You may now be seated,” signalled to our friends and family to take their seats, following his request."

 "Dearly beloved," the minister began, 'We gather here this evening to witness the union of this man and woman in holy matrimony.” He proceeded with his speech, and as we exchanged vows, tears glistened in both our eyes. The ring bearer approached, presenting us with the rings. Trembling, I carefully placed Sebastian's ring on his finger, fearing I might drop it, and then he reciprocated.

 Nodding approvingly, the priest asked, “If anyone here objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace.” As expected, not a single word was uttered. “With the authority vested in me by the state of Chile, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

 Sebastian gracefully inclined towards me and bestowed a gentle kiss, displaying a tenderness hitherto unexperienced. A wave of jubilation erupted from the surrounding crowd, although my focus remained fixed solely upon Sebastian. His right hand lovingly supported my abdomen whilst our lips were locked in intimacy. A surge of incomparable joy engulfed me.

As Sebastian gently withdrew, his eyes gleamed with profound affection. “Will you be eternally mine?” he murmured into my ear, leading me to anxiously nibble on my lip.


Hearing the commencement of our inaugural dance song, "All Of Me," Sebastian cast his gaze upon me, extending his hand, to which I readily acquiesced. His hold on me tightened as he enveloped me with his arms, shutting out everything else around us.

 As if the melody permeated his very being, resonating in our souls, our dance paused in anticipation. We moved and swayed in unison, while the onlookers observed. His hand descended along my back, while my hands stretched across his.

 Immersed in the music and overwhelmed by my emotions, I could perceive each breath he took, mirroring my own. The tempo hastened, and my wedding gown grazed the floor as he guided me through our inaugural dance. His gentle touch caressed my hips. Initially deliberate and systematic, we acquainted ourselves with one another's movements.

 I discerned that he had no intentions of releasing me; moreover, I had no desire for him to do so. I longed to remain ensconced in his embrace, perpetually engaged in this dance. He bestowed upon me a sense of safety and security. We glided and twirled with grace upon the ballroom floor.

 Eventually, the lights dimmed, and a slow, melodious melody commenced, harmonizing with the ebb and flow of the tides. I reached for his hand, placing the other around his waist. Our steps together were unadorned and effortlessly pure.

 Once again, my hips aligned with his, this time facing away from him, a smile adorning my face as I clasped his hand once more.

 Each movement carried a weight of trepidation and anguish, causing a slight flutter in my stomach.

 He extended his hand, with each finger imparting a firm impression upon my back. Soon enough, I found myself breathless as our eyes entwined, his arm enveloping my waist, guiding me with such subtlety that I seemed a mere extension of him.

 "I love you," whispered Sebastian as he gently kissed my lips amidst our dance.

 As the song approached its conclusion, our dance decelerated, our lips remaining intertwined, disregarding all else around us.

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