35. Liliana

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The following morning, I found myself alone in the mansion accompanied by a few guards. Sebastian had gone to the warehouse with Diego and some employees to inspect the inventory, considering the recent encounter with the police and Detective Allen. Sebastian now had to exercise extra caution when it came to storing his merchandise.

 Meanwhile, I was engaged in a phone conversation with Samantha, who informed me that the art gallery was nearing completion. Just a few final touches and it would be ready for display. The news filled me with immense joy, as I eagerly anticipated the moment when my artwork would be showcased to the public.

 In the meantime, Eduardo was diligently working on compiling a guest list of individuals whom he believed would appreciate art. He also arranged a few community events to invite art enthusiasts to visit. Additionally, we discussed the possibility of conducting free art lessons on a weekly basis in a newly available space nearby.

 I have a deep desire to educate those who may lack the means on the subject of art. It is disheartening to witness the diminishing value of art in the eyes of both society and families. Sometimes, individuals who aspire to become artists are subjected to ridicule. Once my conversation with Samantha concluded, I settled myself in the painting room, sketching out the vision for my upcoming piece. As soon as the outline was complete, I commenced the painting.

 With gentle and deliberate movements, my hand glided along the canvas, witnessing the vibrant colours and my envisioned image spring to life with every brushstroke. Being an artist encompasses a broad spectrum, ranging from graphic design to spray paint art and even graffiti. Lost in my own world, I found myself humming while engrossed in my creation.

 Startled by Sebastian's sudden presence, I jolted at the sound of his voice. Turning towards him, I gave him an exasperated look and let out a sigh, prompting Sebastian to chuckle.

 "Apologies, bebé. It seems you completely lose yourself when you paint, don't you?" he inquired with amusement as he stepped closer.

 "Yes," I replied, "How is everything going?"

 Sebastian sighed, "We managed to move what we could, but I need to release some tension. Would you like to accompany me to the gym?" He asked.

 I stood up from the chair I was sitting on, nodding my head. "Yes, please. Could we also go to the diner afterwards? I have a craving for a milkshake and chicken tenders."

 "Of course, whatever you desire. I would buy you the entire menu if it would make you happy," Sebastian smiled as he stepped forward, gently pressing his lips against mine for a brief but passionate kiss.

 I proceeded to the bedroom to change my clothes, opting for something more comfortable. I put on a pink tracksuit set and comfortable shoes, tying my hair up into a ponytail.

 When we arrived at the gym, Sebastian held my hand, with Diego also entering alongside us.

 "Mr Knight, it is a pleasure to see you again. This must be your lovely wife, Mrs Knight," the receptionist spoke.

 He had short brown hair, and blue eyes, and was dressed in a tank top and black jeans.

 "Yes, she is. I suggest you refrain from ogling her, or else there may be consequences," Sebastian warned, causing the receptionist to nod nervously.

 Leading me inside, Sebastian remained silent as he guided me to an available seat. I could tell he approached these sessions with great seriousness.

 "Alright, sweetheart, I have brought an apple and peanut butter cup for you as well. Not to mention your favourite drink," he informed me, handing me the food and placing the drink bottle beside me. Diego's new girlfriend, Rachel, sat next to me. She had long, straight blonde hair, blue eyes, and a noticeable fake tan. She was dressed in designer attire. I hadn't had much interaction with Rachel as our paths hadn't crossed often.

 As Sebastian and Diego entered the boxing ring to spar together, Rachel turned towards me.

 "It seems you have him wrapped around your little finger, don't you?" Rachel asked.

 Frowning, I turned to face her. "What do you mean? Sebastian loves me and always provides me with what I need."

 Rachel scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Please, it's evident to all of us."

 "We are married, and I am carrying his children. That doesn't mean I have control over him."

 "Why did you come here? I haven't seen you here before," Rachel inquired.

 "Well, sometimes I am asleep depending on when he comes, and other times I sit in the office up there, observing him from a distance," I replied, though it was none of her business.

 Rachel remained silent as I enjoyed the peanut butter cup and observed the sparring session between Sebastian and Diego. Sebastian demonstrated superior skill as he deftly dodged Sebastian's attacks, capturing most of the hits. Mesmerized by his physique, I couldn't help but notice the flexing of his muscles with every movement, which provoked a physical response within me.

 I discreetly cheered as Sebastian pinned Diego to the mat, prompting a disheartened sigh from Rachel. Quashing my annoyance at her puppy-like enthusiasm, I rolled my eyes while Sebastian glanced at me and mirrored my actions. Rising from my spot, I approached him once he stepped off the sparring mat.

 "I noticed you were watching, did you find it enjoyable?" he inquired, a smirk gracing his face.

 "Yes," I whispered, unable to hide my response.

 Sebastian hummed, pulling me closer to him and planting another kiss on my lips.


We were at the diner with Rachel and Diego, and I had my head resting on Sebastian's arm. His hand gently caressed my pregnant bump, feeling the little ones kick against it.

 "Do you happen to know the gender?" Diego inquired politely.

 "Well, the doctor has been having difficulty determining the gender as they always seem to be in the wrong position," I responded graciously.

 Rachel remained silent, her expression displaying a hint of disapproval. A waitress approached, gracefully swaying her hips while wearing a baby blue uniform and white shoes. Her blonde hair was stylishly secured in a bun, and her makeup appeared natural.

 "Hello, my name is Susan, and I will be your waitress today. What can I get for you?" Susan asked, taking out her notepad.

 "I would like the chicken tenders with large fries and a large chocolate shake, please," I politely requested.

 Susan nodded, jotting down the order, while the others placed their requests. Within a few minutes, Susan disappeared to submit the order.

 "That's quite a substantial amount of food for just you. Will you be able to finish it all?" Rachel questioned, eliciting surprised expressions from Sebastian and even Diego.

 Sensing Sebastian's rising frustration, I placed my hand on his arm, prompting him to meet my gaze. I silently conveyed a message through my eyes.

 Ignoring Rachel's comment, I simply smiled at her and replied, "Yes Rachel, I will." She seemed about to say something, but I interrupted her with a gentle kiss. "I'm pregnant with twins, which means I have a greater appetite than usual. Even before pregnancy, I ate a lot because I used to work out a few times with Sebastian and whenever possible after my shifts at the bar. But please think twice before speaking again."

 Recognizing that Sebastian would handle the situation as he saw fit and that Diego would not interfere because no one disrespects me in that manner, I continued, "Appearances can be deceiving, and I may seem delicate or unable to stand up for myself. However, trust me when I say Rachel, you don't want to make me angry. Consider yourself warned."

Sebastian's gentle lips brushed against my hair, and I knew he was proud of me for asserting myself. It felt empowering. Diego cleared his throat, and a minute later, our food arrived.

Sebastian KnightWhere stories live. Discover now