25. Sebastian

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I found myself seated in my father's living room, gazing at him after revealing my desire to marry Liliana. Although I was aware of the haste in my request, her pregnancy presented the ideal opportunity.

Eduardo inquired, while we were both seated in the living room, “Are you certain about this, son?”

 Once again, I looked at him and nodded in affirmation. “Yes, Papi, I am certain.”

 Before discussing my intention to propose to Liliana with Eduardo, I made sure that she was sound asleep. I believed that the timing was appropriate to ask her to be my wife. It was important for me to be prepared and certain that she was truly the one.

 Considering what we have experienced together and Liliana's unwavering support, she comprehends the challenges involved in this line of work, as well as understanding me.

 Liliana fills my heart with joy and affection. Furthermore, she is beginning to provide me with a sense of warmth and love that I had not experienced previously with Tamara or anyone else I had loved before.

 At precisely ten o'clock, Liliana woke from her slumber. I could hear the sound of her footsteps echoing on the marbled floor as she descended the stairs, rubbing her weary eyes. As I caught sight of her, I noticed that she had dressed herself in a charming baby pink shirt and a white skater skirt.

 "Good morning, my beautiful. How are you feeling?" I approached her and grasped her hand, bringing it to my lips for a gentle kiss.

 Her cheeks blushed as she felt the warmth, for she despised public displays of affection, particularly in Eduardo's presence.

 Liliana took a deep breath and leaned toward me. “I'm fine,” she paused, “just a bit queasy this morning.”

 I really wanted to place my hand on her stomach, knowing that she was carrying our tiny human. But I had to stop myself, as no one knows yet.

 But Eduardo overheard our conversation and discreetly cleared his throat, capturing both Liliana's and my attention. A faint smile graced his lips.

 "May I inquire about your health?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

 Both Liliana and I froze, resembling startled deer caught in headlights. We desperately scrambled to come up with a plausible explanation, attempting to conceal the truth.

 "Oh, I must have eaten something that didn't agree with me last night," Liliana hastily fabricated her response.

 Eduardo shook his head, releasing a soft chuckle. "I see." He approached Liliana and me. "Congratulations."

 My eyes widened once again as I met his gaze. "How did you...?"

 Eduardo chuckled once more, fixing his gaze on me. "Oh Sebastian, do you honestly believe I am that oblivious? This is my house, and I occasionally overhear conversations. However, rest assured, I will not divulge your secret. I am going to be a grandfather," Eduardo said before giving Liliana a gentle hug. "I understand that this is an emotional time for you, but please remember that you have our support, and that is all you need. Those who genuinely care for you."

 Liliana smiled at his words and reciprocated the embrace. Once they separated, I knew I needed to divert Liliana's attention and discover her jewellery preferences. I wanted to give her exactly what she desired, even when it came to a ring. Liliana rarely wore jewellery, and if she did, it was only for special occasions when we went out in the evenings.

 "Liliana, how would you feel about going to the mall? We haven't been in quite some time, and it might be a pleasant outing," I proposed.

 I could see Liliana's smile brighten as she looked up at me. "Sure, although I don't need anything."

Sebastian KnightWhere stories live. Discover now