Ch 14: The Goals of Good and Evil

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At the Summit, the board of directors were having a conference of an urgent matter that needed to be resolved.

Man 1: Everyone is accounted for?

The others nod to his question.

Man 2: I'm guessing this as something to do that terrorist group called "Humarise", am I right?

Man 1: About that, the entire organization and its followers was wipe out 36 hours ago.

Everyone was panicking wondering what kind of force can actually take on an entire terrorist operation.

Man 3: Did we gain any intel from their leader, Flect Turn?

Man 1: He and his followers is in our custody. However, most of them lost their quirks and are not conscious at the moment.

Man 2: So, they lost their powers? Could it perhaps be intertwined with the "Quirk-Destroying Drug" case/operation the heroes are working on?

Man 1: Something like that. But what scares me is that only five people took down Humarise.

Man 3: Only five?! That organization has over 100,000 members!!!

Man 1: We need to find out what on earth is going on and fast! We don't know where the next attack is going to be. Send the word to all of our contacts, we on code yellow.

Everyone: Yes Sir!!


-In Japan at a Secret lab (Undenounced by the characters but enounced to us)-

Doctor: Master Lucifer you been writing more in your Journal lately, more than usual. Is it because of the New Quirks you stole from that Terrorist Organization?

Lucifer: ....... Some of their quirks has proven useful in the future including their leaders "Turn Flect", it was hard for me considering that he can reflect anything that has come in contact to him. He wasn't even a challenge, because it wasn't that hard to find out his weakness. What I'm really upset about is the failure to obtain "Brainwashing" from Hitoshi Shinso. However, it's to be Expected after having Chisaki confirming the Urtication of failure.


Lucifer: (On phone) Overhaul was wrong with the drug? I tried using the new quirk I gained the other day but it didn't work. Did Kiruka fail?

Overhaul: I was able to check the drug like you told me too and create a diagnosis. I probably found some downsides to it.

Lucifer: Please Explain....

Overhaul: Apparently since the drug was created and synthesized from your blood. My hypothesis is that you probably have too many quirks stored up inside you. Apparently, your quirk has hit its holding limit. Thats probably why that transfer failed, because you hit your limit. I hope this information was helpful.

Lucifer: ....... I see, thank you.

I hang up and calmly places the phone on his desk until I smashes the desk in half along with the phone while throwing my chair into a wall shattering it into pieces out of pure anger and rage as he looks at the mess. 

Lucifer: .... That's ........Unfortunate.

-Flashback End-

Doctor: So, in the end, that failed quirk transfer was the result of your quirk storage being too limited?

I turned around and gave the death glare which scared him a little. I started to Monolog about my invention and how it Benefited us.

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