Ch 5: The Unknown

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Kurogiri: Eraser Head and No. 13. According to teachers' curriculum we procured yesterday, Mr. All Might was supposed to be here. And yet i don't see him...

Aizawa: I knew it. So yesterday you punks used the media to slip in undetected on campus.

Toumra: Where is he... My brother went through all this trouble to rustling up so many friends to meet All Might, The so called "Symbol of Peace"....... And yet he isn't here.... What a shame.... Maybe if i kill a few kids he'll come out to play.

The students were shook and stood there as the villains continued to pour out.

Kirishima: what? Real villains the way how could so many of them get into you a facility like this?!?!

Momo: Yeah Thirteen why are the alarms going off?

Thirteen: good question, im not sure.

Todoroki: Is the entire campus under attack, or is this the only Target. Either way if alarm sensors are not being triggered, then one of the villain must have a quirk that's masking their presence. They carefully chose this isolated facility where a class was being taught. They're fools for breaking in here, but this was well thought.

Aizawa: Thirteen get the students out of here, and alert the main campus. Actually if they've got the ability to block our sensors, then they might be jamming our regular communications, as well.

Aizawa then turned his head to Kaminari.

Aizawa: Kaminari, try contacting the school with you're quirk.

He instructed. He nodded and placed his hand on his communication device on his ear. Aizawa then turned to the villains, about to jump in.

Izuku: Mr.Aizawa what are you gonna do? You can't fight these guys all on you're own! There's too many of 'em. Even if you can nullify their Quirks. You're best specialized in one on one fights, and stealth.

Aizwa: You can't be a Pro if you only have one trick.

Then he jumped down and starts taking on the villains left and right, one after another.

Toumra: There he goes trying to intimidate us, and since hes hiding behind those goggles you can't tell which quirks he's erasing in which makes it harder for us to work together. My brother is right, the most difficult thing about pro heroes is when they live up to all their hype. It pisses me off. *Scratching his neck*

Izuku: Woah, I totally underestimated him.

The student and Thirteen start running towards the exit while Aizawa is holding off the villains. Until Aizawa glanced away from the Dark Fog villain erasing his qurik, which then he used to warped in front of them before they got close to the exit.

Kurogiri: There is no escape. It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello. And besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the Symbol of Peace, to take his last breath? I believe he was supposed to be here today, and yet I see no sign of him. There must've been some sort of change in plans we could not have foreseen. Well, that still dosen't change my role.

Kirishima & Bakugo out of the blue, launch themselves at the dark fog villain and attacking him... however..... they missed.😑
Thirteen yelled at the two students to move out of the way so (He/She) can use Black hole on the villain, but it was too late.

Kurogiri: (Starts to cover the everyone in a shroud of darkness) My job is to Scatter you all across the facilty and to your deaths!


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