Ch 11: Quirkless

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I was still in the clinic room due to my match with Todoroki. I have obtain several injury breaking tons of bones in my hands I don't think I'll ever use my hands the right way ever again. Even though I still had my hands came out of the surgery not missing, I still had a lot of scars reminding me of my fight with Shoto. I was full of grief And kept wondering what would happen if All might chose a different successor.

All Might: Hey Kid, you weren't trying to win that fight were you?

Izuku: He looked really sad..... I wanted to save him.

All Might: I'm not going to lie, you did the right thing. Believe it or not meddling what you don't belong is the true essence of being a hero.

Izuku: But.... I'm not as good as one.

All Might: You're thinking I've should had transfered my power to someone more worthy, is that it?

Izuku: (sad) .........

All Might: Well you're not wrong, There's a whole bunch of Worthy candidates here. One for all is a Critialization of power, for example if Young Shoto got the power combined with his own quirk, It can make him a unstoppable superhero. But you know, I was quirkless too as a kid.

Izuku: Wait! Quirkless?!

All Might: Back then it wasn't that rare, But my master saw potential in me and train me to become the hero I am today.

Izuku: ..... The Number One Hero..... was quirkless like me?! Wait- how come you haven't told me?!

All Might: Well cause you never asked, which was a big suprise even to me.

Izuku: I just can't beleave that the Number One Hero started out Quirkless...

All Might: Everyone starts out as nonthing, But as time passes we build ourselves to the people we are today. And our legacy, everything we do will be remebered. Even if we're put in the ground.

Izuku: Hey All Might, I got to ask; who was your-


All Might: Sorry About kiddo, Thats my phone- Hello?

Tsukauchi: Toshinoiri, we need to talk as soon as Possible!!!

All Might: huh?

( Quick Quiz: There's a Specific reason that All Might can use 100% of One for All for the first time without backlash. Why this that? )


4 Hours later / The time is 6:30 PM

I quietly waited for my friend to accompany me In a vacant room in the school. He said the investigation had a huge turn and he wanted to speak with me Immediatly.

Tsukauchi: Sorry to keep you waiting Toshinori. I had a bump in our Investigation.

All Might: What came up?

Tsukauchi: H2olga started to give us some infomation and I could not leave with out hearing her out.

All Might: Oh yeah her, that water girl. You also caught that bird guy I had trouble fighting against too?

Tsukauchi: Yes but thats not all...... We might know whos the mastermind behide the League of Villians.

All Might: ‼️

Tsukauchi: To start things off, H2olga and Nomu didn't say much. Nomu was Unresponsive like a mindless puppet he doesn't respond doing interrogations even not even feeling any pain, H2olga and her quirk gave us trouble. She kept turning into water and move through the cracks in the walls of her cell. But fortunately, Tartarus has preparations against quirks like hers.
After a few escape attempts and an anxiety attack due to her closed spaces, she decided to start cooperating with us and told us what she knows....

All Might: So, what did you find out about them, anything useful?

Tsukauchi: It wasn't much, she's an underling to a man named "Lucifer Shigiaraki," and unfortunately, she doesn't know where he is located or his real identity. And we ran a DNA test on her and nor she and her quirk match anyone in our database.

All Might: Shigiaraki.... That's the last name of that hand villain. If that's the case, we at least know what the brother's name is....

Tsukauchi: There's more.... we had the chance to run a dna test on Nomu as well. As for his identity, we were able to find out that he was some low level thug with charges of assault and extortion. And our research shows that he has multiple DNA signatures in his body that were integrated so he can hold mutiple quirks.

All Might: So somebody experimented on this guy by inject multiple dna signatures as well as mutating him. So is he still even human?

Tsukauchi: That's not all ether, He shouldn't have mutiple quirks.

All Might: What do you mean?

Tsukauchi: Even if new dna is introduced, it shouldn't give a person multiple powers. He never even had a quirk before he became Nomu....... Which means there's someone out there with the Ability to pass down quirks onto other people.

All Might: (scared) No...... Tsukauchi please....... It's not funny.......

Tsukauchi: Given the evidence this is proof that he's still alive-


It was silent in the room Me and Tsukauchi didn't say a word until he broke the chilling atmosphere.

Tsukauchi: ...... Just in case I'll investigate further to see if our theory is wrong hopefuly.

All Might: Please do I really sure hope so. I don't know how this could get any worse......

Then there was a knock on the door and Cementoss shows up as well as entered the room.

Cementoss: Hello, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you two....

All Might: Oh no problem, so what's up?

Cementoss: A letter came and its an Internship request for Midoriya.

All Might: Really?! Who's it from?

Cemetoss hands me the letter, and as I opened it and read it.... I pissed my pants.


??? POV

-At a Unknown location-

An unhinged man with knifes and a sword walk though the warp gate in to a empty wearhouse. He see's a familiar face sitting at a table with 2 seats while drinking wine.

Lucifer: Hero Killer; Stain, it's been a while.

Stain: Lucifer Shigaraki, I see you still cold and calculated as ever. I assume you're still following your conviction towards world domination.

Lusifer: And that's also my Brother goal as well. You have to give him credit though his words were put together very well.

*Shigaraki: Conviction Maybe I don't have anything as loaded as that, if I wanted to chose a goal, It would be killing All Might. If the world wants to worship trash like him then I'll destroy everything and crush them while their in shock.*

Stain: He has potential for improvement, but I might have to weed him out later.

Lusifer: Speaking of potential, are you sure don't want to join "The 12 Oni," there a spot open.

Stain: I'm not Interested, now if you excuse me....... there's some false heroes I need to purge in hosu...

Lucifer: Of course, I will have Kurogiri transport you right away.

But little did he know, he's action will be my biggest steping stone...

To Be Continued.......

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