Chapter 70: Practice Makes Perfect

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“Spirit Master Huan Zhong and Celestial Kong Hou?” Chang De thought for a moment and then shook his head to refute this. “Spirit Master Huan Zhong has skill with the sword—when have we sword cultivators thought of illusory love as important? Also, Celestial Kong Hou is just in her teens and a disciple of Splendid Cloud Sect. Their two sects have different cultivation philosophies, and their management styles are different. How could they have feelings for each other?”

Ling Bo said hesitantly, “Did I think too much?”

“Relationships between cultivators are not like those between ordinary men and women. Our lives are too long, we see too much, and it is hard for us to fall in love.” Chang De looked at his young shimei who wasn’t yet one hundred. “You are still young—you do not know how time wears on emotions.”

When young, one is willing to live and die for their love, not regretting it at all. When one grows older, they think less importantly of love. After seeing too much death and separation, it becomes difficult to be moved by other people or matters.

In the cultivation world, who among the most powerful cultivators had had a partner? Or maybe they once did. But in the end, to pursue their own paths, they separated.

“Is there no long-lasting love?” Ling Bo asked. “No special existence?”

“No.” Chang De shook his head. “Not even one.”

While Ling Bo did not have someone she was in love with, she still yearned for beautiful feelings. Hearing Eldest Shixiong answer like this, she felt slightly dejected.

“Do not care so much. Maybe wondrous couples like this will appear in the future, but not right now,” Chang De comforted. “You and the other shixiong go and take a walk. I will go back and organize what we need to take into the secret realm.”

Ling Bo noded. Thinking of what she had to buy, she forgot that bit of disappointment.

Chang De looked at her back, shook his head and laughed. She was still young. In the past, one of the strongest and his partner had a great love that everyone in the cultivation knew of. Yet that relationship did not withstand the wear of time. Just as hotly as the two loved each other, they were just as calm when they separated. Until his partner passed away, that powerful person suddenly went crazy and searched for a way to revive his partner. However, a dead person would not return. The living one had to continue living.

That powerful person had disappeared for several centuries. Maybe he passed away in an unknown corner and merged with the soil.


Kong Hou put the things she had bought and the letter for the sect together in the storage bag. She delivered it to the post office for a flying sword messenger. Before leaving, she thought of a lot, for example, if she did not manage to come out in time, she would be inside the secret realm for several centuries. So she had to tell the sect beforehand where she went.

“Ah…” Kong Hou saw a familiar figure at a certain shop. Kong Hou found this person at a glance not because she had good eyes but because the other’s head was so rectangular. Among the crowd, he was the most eye-catching. “That seems to be Spirit Master Shuang Qing?”

In front of them, Spirit Master Shuang Qing always maintained a smile and was an enthusiastic host. At this time, when unsmiling, he seemed to give off the authority of a sect master, even though he was picking children’s toys.

When he picked a toy, he would touch it all over several times. He appeared to make sure there were no thorns before he nodded in satisfaction.

This was for his young apprentice?

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