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We fell silent after that, our gazes fell away and I was left to look about the room, Dick lowering his eyes to wood, paneled flooring. It was then my thoughts began to race and I worried my lower lip through my teeth. I looked up at Dick and took a small breath. After all he had done, I felt it might do me some justice to open up a bit more. It seemed fair, after all.

"Hey, Dick," I spoke up at last, breaking the uncomfortable silence, "I want to admit something."

Dick looked at me expectantly, a brow quirked in wonder and his eyes alert as his gaze focused on me. I took a small breath, inwardly questioning myself as to whether or not I should consider saying what was on my mind. I sighed to myself before speaking.

"I lied to you, about being shot. Partially, anyway," I told him, "And I think it might be nice for you to know the whole truth."

"What do you mean?" Dick questioned, picking himself up off the doorframe with rapt attention towards me.

I clenched my fists, feeling my nails dig into my palms; it gave me the focus I needed to keep talking and not shut down completely. I met his eyes, brows furrowed as I forced my mouth to open.

"I did go to Blockbuster that night but it wasn't for the reason I said it was," I started, "He came to me offering the deal of a lifetime; something that would solve my problems and bring my father's name the glory it once had. My temptation and interest got the better of me, so I went to see what he meant and things went downhill from there."

I trailed off, wrapping my arms around myself and gripping my skin tight enough to break skin. I dropped my gaze from Dick's and, soon after, a comforting set of hands fell over my shoulders, catching me off guard and making my gaze fly up. Dick's kind, warm gaze met mine.

"How about we sit down," he suggested, his tone laced with worry, "And don't force yourself."

I nodded and allowed Dick to lead me to the edge of my bed. I sat, dropping my hands to my lap, picking at the cuticles of my nails absentmindedly, and Dick sat beside me. He placed his hands over mine and that brought my attention towards him.

"You feel better?" he asked, genuine concern dancing in his eyes as he watched me for any sign of hesitation.

"I'm fine," I lied, "I just gotta get my words together. I gotta tell you the truth. That's the point of this whole hero thing, right?"

"Even heros lie sometimes," Dick sighed, giving me a wary smile in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Just let me continue," I breathed, wanting to fidget but being deemed unable to with Dick's hand on my own.

"Okay," he said simply, opening up the floor for me to speak with his attention.

"His offer started off as a way to ensure leadership stood strong with the gang and that, with his help, we could be glorious again. I was intrigued and told him to tell me what he meant," I explained, "And what I saw was impossible."

"What did you see?" Dick pressed, his brows furrowed in worried concentration.

"He was alive," I noted with disbelief, still unable to process it, "I didn't want to believe he was, but he was there with his grin and laugh and talking about the plans he had for Gotham. I freaked out, told Blockbuster he was insane and that he never should have even done such a thing. I questioned how he did it and that's when things got rocky.
I objected to it, told him to send Joker back to Hell where he belonged but I knew it wasn't going to be easy. Things were bad and it was Joker who wanted to give the killing shot. He had the gun pointed at me, told me to say hi to my mother when I saw her."

"Nova..." Dick breathed, shock and disbelief written all over his features.

"What's worse," I continued, interrupting him, "I saw the hesitation in his eyes as he pulled the trigger. But he still pulled it, grinning his stupid grin. And he ran off as soon as it was pulled, leaving me to bleed out."

"But you tried running from the scene yourself," Dick noted.

"And Blockbuster and his goons were after me, ready to pump me full of more holes. I collapsed and Blockbuster was ready to make the kill when you swooped in," I finished, "and now we're here."

Dick's arms were around me in a flash, making me wince at the strain in my side but I felt a warmth pass through me that I hadn't felt in a while. I broke. Here I was, opening up to someone I barely knew in the home his family provided me, and my walls were falling. I felt vulnerable but I didn't dislike being in such a way with Dick. He made me comfortable for some reason.

My tears soaked into his shirt as I sobbed, curling myself into him. I felt meek and as much as I hated crying, it felt like a weight was lifted off of me. I think Dick saw it too.

Eventually, I calmed into sniffles, and Dick pulled back to me, holding me at elbow length. My side ached but I ignored it as I reached up to wipe my sore eyes and runny nose. I felt better. And I managed a weak smile.

"I'm pathetic aren't I?" I asked, my voice was strained, "crying at something that happened so long ago?"

"You're not pathetic," he countered, "I think it's good that you're opening up like this. But you really didn't have to open up to me like this."

"You deserved it," I argued, "After all you've done to ensure I'm okay. I would be with my mother if it weren't for you."

"Well, let's not waste the life you got left to live," Dick piped up, giving me a small smile.

"But what about Joker?" I managed, not returning his smile.

Dick's brows furrowed once more as his smile fell. Not in concentration, but in what I could guess as deep thinking. He hummed and dropped his hands from my shoulders. I watched him curiously, practically seeing the gears in head spinning.

"This definitely needs to fly by Bruce. If the Joker is back then that spells a world of trouble for Gotham," Dick stated at last.

"Why do you think I didn't want to come back immediately?" I huffed, looking towards the window, noting how the sky was darker than before.

"I wish you didn't have to retell the story again, but in order for Bruce to believe it, it's best it comes from the firsthand source," he told me.

I nodded slowly. I was reluctant but I understood. I willed myself to stand only to stumble back onto the bed with an inward hiss. My hand immediately went to my injured side and lifted my shirt to check my stitches. The area looked mildly red with obvious irritation and I breathed out slowly. I found the area around it with the least amount of pain and massaged gently, trying to ease the ache that I felt.

"Look, we don't have to do everything today, we can wait if you want to take it easy and rest," Dick told me, "especially if you're hurting."

"I'll be fine," I argued, attempting to stand once more and succeeding just barely, "see? I'm doing better already."

"Nova," Dick sighed with obvious, unspoken objections to my actions.

"Besides," I continued, "the sooner we get it done, the better chance we have to locating him and sending him back to his grave."

"Alright, fine," he agreed reluctantly, standing with a sigh and a shake of his head, "but lean on me."

"For support?" I asked, taking a small step away from him.

"What else?" He wondered, opening an arm for me to lean my uninjured side against his.

I sighed and accepted his help, letting him guide me, who was half-limping, back down the stairs towards the living area where the other boys of Wayne manor still grumpily remained, except Tim. They weren't too pleased to see me and Dick either.

"Bruce is in the cave," Jason said without hesitation, as if reading our thoughts.

"You're the best, Jay," Dick replied, to which both Jayson and Damien scoffed at as we turned and left, making our steady way towards the cave.

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