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The walk itself was nice, but I was a but wary of walking the open streets, even with Dick by me. I found myself looking over my shoulder every so often and keeping pace with Dick. He seemed to sense my discomfort and reached an arm around my back. I flinched away but, upon realizing his motive to bring me some aspect of comfort, I accepted it and relaxed.

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea?" I wondered, mostly to myself under my breath.

"It's fine, Nova. Trust me," he reassured, also speaking under his breath, "No one will try anything in broad daylight."

"You know Blockbuster as well as I do," I countered, taking a small step closer to him so we were walking side by side, "He would do anything just to make sure me and anyone around me is dead, not caring about anyone else getting in the way."

To anyone, it would look like we were having a private conversation. Not a conversation revolving around a life or death situation. Haley helped wrap the casualty of it all up in a nice bow by her stopping to sniff around and then pull us forward every few feet, as dogs do.

"You're not wrong," Dick sighed reluctantly, lightly pulling back on the leash so Haley wouldn't walk too far ahead, "We should be fine, though so don't worry too much."

All of a sudden, I saw a flash of light from up ahead and looked up at the building window it came from. I pulled away from Dick and grabbed his hand, pulling both of us and Haley into a crowd of people. Being worried and observant can pay off sometimes. I pulled Dick into a hug which only added onto the confusion I'm sure he was feeling. He tried removing my arms from around him but I gripped harder.

"Don't move or we'll both die," I murmured in his ear, laying my head on his shoulder.

I was trying to look like it was a casual hug and Dick understood and laid his head on mine, wrapping his arms around me. Haley sat nearby, watching us with her tongue lolling.

"What did you see?" Dick wondered, his voice hushed enough no one heard us but loud enough for me to hear.

"Sniper scope in sunlight. Building in front of me in the west window on the fourth floor," I whispered, closing my eyes and swaying him a bit to ensure the hug was as casual as possible; I was grateful Dick followed through.

"Wanna go investigate with me?" He asked, the smile in his tone obvious.

"Hell yeah. But I'm not gonna be allowed to fight am I?" I pouted.

"No, but you can watch," Dick told me, pulling away from our 'hug'.

"Deal," I agreed, "You got your suit?"

"Always," he stated, pulling back the collar of his shirt a bit to reveal the black hemming of his Nightwing suit.

"But Haley..." I trailed off, looking down at the sweet puppy who was still sitting and staring with her puppy smile.

"I know someone who'll take her for a bit," he said, "We'll inform her on the way."

I nodded and together we made our way through the thinning crowd, being sure we kept relatively out of sight of the westward side of the building by keeping close to cover. Thankfully there was a small market and tents provided good enough clearance as we made our way through.

Dick made a phone call and handed me Haley while he was talking to whoever it was. Haley was getting excited by our rush to get places and was beginning to get rowdy. I couldn't help but smile at her actions and let her go this way and that, grateful she didn't jump up on people and cause problems. I didn't even notice Dick getting off the phone until he caught up to me.

"She'll meet us there and then we'll go from there, " he told me, "You ready?"

"Always. I could use some more action," I stated with a smile.

Dick took back Haley's leash and we continued walking, trying to not appear too suspicious or like we were rushing towards any particular place. Except that we were and the anticipation of what lay ahead was a tad overwhelming. Mostly because we could end up running into the guy on our way there if it was such a big deal to have a sniper. A sniper also meant someone is or was tailing us, giving our position. And that's when the first shot rang out. It took out an innocent to our left and made me freeze for a good few seconds to process it. Everyone seemed to freeze and then life resumed in a blur. Chaos broke out and Dick and I both swore loudly. Haley started barking like mad and we ran for cover.

"The sniper will be moving positions," Dick said, his words lost to all but me in the madhouse that the street became, "As much as I'm glad he missed, let's not lose any more lives."

"Agreed," I stated with a quick nod, feeling my adrenaline starting to make me restless and wanting to run towards the danger that pursued us.

Do You Trust Me? •~|~•Nightwing Fanfict•~|~• (Read Desc)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin