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Waking up wasn't as peaceful. It felt forced considering all I could hear was a dog's yapping by my face. I batted at the noise only to receive a nip on the side of my hand as well as a light tug. That woke me up and I had to take a moment to remember where I was and whose dog I was about to kick.

"Haley, leave her be. She doesn't want to play," the familiar voice of Dick Grayson said, "Sorry about her."

I hummed, waving one hand dismissively while the other rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I sat up and heaved put a sigh, only succeeding in making myself wince. Dick picked up his pup, holding her in his arms. He had changed in the time I was asleep, now dressed in a t-shirt and jeans.

"What time is it?" I asked instead, ignoring the dull sting that was now fading as I relaxed.

"Around noon," Dick answered, "I was going to let you sleep a little more but this one didn't agree."

I couldn't help the smile as he motioned towards his dog. He called her Haley, after introducing her as Bitewing. I reached out to light pet her head. Guess people aren't the only ones who can't have two names.

"I needed to get up," I countered, "It's awkward being the only one asleep while everyone else is rushing around."

"But you should rest," Dick argued, putting his pup down since she was getting restless in his arms.

"I'll be fine," I sighed, making to stand but being denied the opportunity because Haley jumped into my lap.

I resorted to petting her with a small smile as I trained my gaze on Dick. He was looking at me with a hint of disapproval.

"What? Don't you do the same thing?" I asked, partially offended, "Get knocked down and get up the next day saying you're fine?"

"Touché," he huffed, giving up finally and looking around him with a small sigh, "Well I do have a few errands to run if you want to come with me. Haley could use a walk too."

"Then let's get ready and get going," I piped up, "And I could use a walk."

"Well, come on then," Dick said, "and we'll get you something new to wear while we're out. Probably safer than going to Gotham anyway right now."

"Alright," I sighed, gently nudging Haley off my lap and standing, "I can't exactly say no to that, can I?"

"Nope," Dick told me with a smile, "Then let's hurry up and get going."

Doing my best to be quick but not cause myself any pain, I figured out where my shoes were and pulled them onto my feet. When all was said and done, I noticed that Dick already had his pup on her leash and was ready to go.

"All good?" he wondered, giving me a kind smile as Haley threatened to tangle him in her leash.

"Are you?" I asked with a lighthearted laugh at his puppy's actions, "She seems to be giving you a tough time."

"She's like this all the time. It's nothing," he assured, making his way towards what I guessed to be the front door.

He opened it to a hall with stairs leading up and down. Haley bolted out, going towards the downstairs part and Dick smiled as he allowed her to lightly pull him forward with me trailing close behind. I was more than happy to finally reach the outdoors and feel the fresh air once more. I took in a nice deep breath and let it out slowly as Haley took a pit stop to do her business as a dog.

"Started feeling suffocated, huh?" Dick wondered with a raised brow.

"Maybe a little bit," I admitted, "I'm used to being outside, running around, and doing my own thing."

"I know what you mean. Fresh air does feel nice," he agreed, "Just stick close to me so you don't get lost."

Do You Trust Me? •~|~•Nightwing Fanfict•~|~• (Read Desc)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora