Chapter Fourty-Four

Start from the beginning

"Hey listener!" I turned around to see Present Mic and Aizawa standing there with smiles on their faces.

"Where ya going? We gotta talk about what happened." I swallowed the fear and shook my head.

"I don't understand what's happening but I'm not playing whatever sick game you're trying to get me to play."

"We can play games later, we need to talk about what happened. You've put it off long enough, come sit and talk about it." Aizawa said as Present Mic nodded at what he was saying.

I pushed passed them and went into the kitchen hoping to escape from the window above the sink. When I did I saw Midoryia and Todoroki sitting, facing my way, smiling.

"We get it Y/n, it's hard to talk about but we're here for you." Todoroki stood up and moved his chair towards me. "Let's talk, talking helps."

I ignored them and left the kitchen to find that I was trapped. The only other way to go was upstairs and there was no way in hell I was going up there.

"Y/n please." I looked to see Mina and the guys standing in the living room doorway. "Don't you wanna talk about what happened?"

I was about to responded but I saw Midoryia and Todoroki appear out of the kitchen doorway. "It wasn't your fault, you have to know that."

I kept taking steps back until my hand hit the railing of the stairs. "Kid."

I almost cried when I saw that it was Dabi standing beside Aizawa and Present Mic. "None of this was your fault. You know that, so why don't you believe that?"

I can't, I just can't.

I closed my eyes, hoping that this would all go away but it didn't. I'm not sure if this was real or not but I didn't like it and I can't deal with this.

I opened my eyes and quickly ran up the stairs, only to find myself not in my house anymore but instead outside in a park. This is-

"Fucking took you long enough." I turned around to see Katsuki standing there with a blanket, a picnic basket and a telescope. "This is where we had our date, I don't get it."

He scoffed and started to walked ahead of me. "Those extras wanted to talk to you so I let them, goddam mistake since you're late." He said all that while putting everything down.

When he was done he looked at me and sighed. "Guess it doesn't matter, sit. You look like you're about to pass out."

He sat in the blanket and waited for me to do the same. I was so confused but I sat down next to him and spoke.

"Are you gonna say I should talk about it too?" I asked him as he looked into the telescope. "I ain't gonna make you if you don't want to."

He put it down and turned his head towards me. "But you gotta stop that shit."

"Stop what?" I asked him confused, he scoffed. "Thinking everything is your fault. The thing with your parents, with the League and All For One. You put so much blame on yourself that you're driving yourself insane, you don't trust yourself."

I know he's right, but it hurts. I can't trust myself because I'm scared, I'm scared one day I'll wake up and be the monster All For One made me to be. And I'm scared if that happens I won't be able to come back from it.

I'm scared of myself.

I felt Katsuki put his arm around me and pull me closer to him. "No one's scared of you, well maybe that bitch Shigaraki but he's only scared cause he knows you're better than him." I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Are you scared of me?" He laughed and flicked me on my head. I lifted my hand and rubbed the spot he flicked while he spoke again. "Hell no."

He paused for a moment. "You scared of me?" I instantly shook my head. "I don't think I can be scared of you, I trust you too much."

I lifted my head and looked at him. "I love you too much." A small smile formed on his face, he held my face and put his lips on mine. As always his lips were soft, warm.

'Stay with me Y/n!'

I pulled away from him and looked around. "Did you hear that?" I kept looking but I saw nothing but grass.

"No, what is it?" I waited but it was quiet again. "I don't know. Maybe I just-"

A sharp pain hit my stomach, my quickly looked down to see I was bleeding. Why am I-

Memories quickly came back to me and I remembered what happened.

"Time's almost up." Katsuki stood up and held his hand out for me. I took it and let him pull me up off the ground.

"Where are we going?" I let him take me with him and not even a second later we arrived at a door, a door I didn't recognize.

"You ready to go back?" I looked at him confused. "Go back to what? The fights over isn't it?"

"All I know is that you gotta shit ton of people waiting on you." He opened the door and when he did all I could see was white but I could hear faint voices yelling my name.

They're waiting for me, they needed me.

I looked at Katsuki once again. "Can I ask you something?" He leaned against the door frame waiting for me to continue. "What was this?"

He thought for a moment before answering. "Everyone needs a place to think, leave it at that." I wanted to ask more, so much more but I think I was also okay with not knowing.

I smiled and gave him one more kiss on the cheek. He smiled and rolled his eyes. "Get going before I start tearing the place apart."

I knew he was talking about the real Katsuki but I still laughed. I didn't bother to say goodbye because I knew I would see him again soon.

I just needed to wake up.

1546 Words

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Next chapter is the epilogue!

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