Season 2, Chapter 1

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"Y/n.. Doll..." Bucky yelled and ran up to her. He dropped to his knees, ripped off part of his sweatshirt and pressed it against the wound on her throat, barely noticing the tears streaming out of his eyes and mixing with the blood gushing through the sweatshirt as he tried to resuscitate her. She just needed to breathe... to live... to love and fix him, right? He'd be lost without her.
His thoughts drifted towards a black hole, the desperation starting to consume him. She can't leave this world. He wouldn't let her. There is so much she has yet to do, so many places she has to see, so many people she has to meet. She simply can't leave.

"Don't go Y/n. You can't leave me, stay with me! I love you! I can't lose you..." He said out of breath from the chest compressions he had been performing like a mad man, when suddenly he heard voices behind him. With his full focus set on Y/n, he hadn't noticed the Avengers arriving.

"Barnes! What the hell happened to my daughter?! What the fucking hell are you doing?!" Tony Stark.

"Buck! Stop smashing her ribs!" Steve.

"Bucky, stop it!" Wanda.

But he didn't care. It wasn't until Steve aggressively yanked him off of Y/n's pale body that he stopped, only because he had been physically forced to do so. "Let GO off me!!" He roared at Steve and Nat who had their difficulties at restraining him being he's a supersoldier, as he flailed wildly. Wanda, who had grown almost as pale as Y/n, stepped forward and knelt down next to the motionless body of one of her best friends and grabbed her wrist to check Y/n's pulse, but even without doing so, she knew the truth. She had known as soon as she had set foot on the glade where the not-so-safe safe house was located. The thought of it sent shivers down her spine and made her feel like she was about to burst into tears, but for the sake of her friends, she managed to compose herself.

Bucky tried his hardest to break free, he couldn't bear the sight of his blood-smeared girlfriend and the fact that nobody was trying to help her. With this many „gifted" and „smart" people around, why was nobody helping her?
„Why are you not letting me help her? Why are you not trying to help her?" Bucky shouted out, his voice nervous and angry at the same time, close to breaking. He had an idea of the reason, a presentiment, but he would never admit it to himself. Not ever. He would fight for her until his last breath. „Let fucking GO of me Steve!!"

Wanda turned around with a sad look on her face, but didn't manage to scrape together the courage to look at Bucky or Tony, the latter standing next to Steve, Nat and Bucky, as pale and worried as nobody had ever seen him before.

"Stop it Bucky. Stop, please. It won't help." She said, her voice shaky and slightly raspy. "What do you mean it won't help?? Let me help her! Let fucking go of me!!" He yelled but then it clicked. "Bucky, it won't help because... Y/n is dead."

Earth shattering screams filled the air, Bucky dropped down to his knees and Tony stumbled backwards, trembling.

"No.. no... no! She... she can't be, squirt... no!" It was the first time, any of the Avengers had seen Tony Stark, Genius, Billionaire, Playboy and Philanthropist Tony Stark, fall apart in such an emotional way... ugly crying, screaming and trembling like that. But right in that moment, he was none of that. Not Genius, Billionaire, Playboy or Philanthropist. He was the father who's daughter, his precious daughter, adopted or not, had been killed, by a man that had planned to make her life a living hell before she had even been born. Memories of their time together flashed before his eyes and tears started rolling down his cheeks.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Strong arms wrapped around Tony's shoulders, breaking his fall, while Nat, Wanda and Bruce and Thor, who both had just left the Jet, tried to find a way to comfort Bucky through their own sadness and tears. Bruce had put a white cloth on Y/n's body so that the they wouldn't have to bear the sight of their dead friend, but it wasn't helping against the deep sorrow and disbelief.

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