Chapter 2: You slap like a girl

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I decided to find out what was going on and quickly grabbed the gun that was laying underneath my pillow. I tiptoed to the bathroom carefully, ripped the door open only to find...

"AHHHHH!!!!" I screamed, finding a naked Barnes in the bathroom. I quickly turned around and looked away. "What the actual fuck are you doing in my bathroom?!" I yelled at him.

"Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" he asked back.

"Shut up, I asked a question first! Why are you in my bathroom??"

He sighed. "Mine is under construction and Tony told me to use yours until it's done."

"And why the hell did nobody tell me this? More importantly, why didn't you lock the door?? You know I'm not in Australia anymore!"

Bucky grabbed my shoulder that - as I just realized- was still bare apart from my bra strap and turned me around. It happened so quickly I didn't get to cover my eyes, but he had wrapped his towel around himself, so I at least didn't have to see his dick. "Maybe I wanted you to come in." he whispered after leaning in so close I could feel his breath brush against my cheek. I couldn't help it, I got so mad at him that I just slapped him in his face.

"You slap like a girl" he said and chuckled.

"Get. Out. Of. My. BATHROOM!" I yelled.

"Uhm, I'm not wearing any clothes?" he said.

"Do I look like I care? You maybe should have thought about that before taking a shower in a bathroom that wasn't yours without informing the owner! Now get the fuck out!"

Barnes rolled his eyes, grabbed the pile of clothes that was laying in a corner of my bathroom, and left. The door was open though and standing next to it was dad.

"For fuck's sake doesn't anyone know what's privacy around here anymore??" I shouted and quickly grabbed a sweatshirt I had already pulled out but not put on before.

"Why weren't you wearing a shirt??" Dad asked.

"I started cooking Bolognese and I accidentally stained the other shirt I was wearing so I wanted to come here and change, but while I was doing so, I found a naked IDIOT in my bathroom!" I said, yelling the word idiot so that Barnes could hear it in his room.

"Oops, sorry. Yeah, you and Barnes are sharing a bathroom now, his is under construction. Shouldn't take too long though. Maybe like another three days. Should've told you, but I forgot."

I sighed. Dad truly had too much on his plate.

"Why are you here anyway?" I asked and looked at him.

"I wanted to talk to you about you going on missions. And I wanted to show you your new suit!"

"My new suit?" I asked surprised.

"Well, it's more of like combat clothing rather than a suit since you said you wanted to keep it simple, but I want you to be safe and you know, aerodynamics and all that... so Bruce and I tried designing something for you. Do you want to look at it now or...?" he started, but he was interrupted by the growling of my stomach. He chuckled. "Well, I take that as a no, let's talk about it tomorrow maybe. Didn't you say you started cooking something?"

"I sure did! Let's go eat. Tell the others to come join, dinner will be ready in about 10 minutes!" I said and we left. Dad to find the others, I to finish up dinner. I set the table for 13 people: Nat, Wanda, Bruce, Steve, Dad, Sam, Rhoedey, Vision (who didn't really eat anything though, but I didn't want to leave him out), Clint, Thor, Scott, Peter and myself. I didn't forget Bucky, I just didn't want to set the table for him.

Home is where the heart is - A Bucky x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now