Chapter 13: The Files

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"Bucky!" I spoke loudly and knocked at his door again. "Bucky please, I'm sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen!" I said, a tear rolling over my cheek like a drop of lava.

"Go away." He growled through the door. I knew I shouldn't have tried to use my stupid mind control powers and I never meant to intrude into his private thoughts and memories like that, and I felt horrible about it. Absolutely horrible. I turned around and leaned my back against the door, only to drop to the floor and start sobbing like a baby. I hadn't meant to do any of this.

"Y/n!" A voice suddenly pulled me out of my misery after a while and I looked up to find Steve looking at me, concern written all over his face. He had knelt down, but he's huge, so he was still kind of towering over me.

"What are you doing here? Are you ok? Is Buck ok? Why are you crying?" Steve asked concerned and I shook my head. "I messed up Steve." I whispered, my voice raspy from the crying. "What did you do? I'm sure it's not that bad." Steve knew about my powers and he's Bucky's best friend, so I decided to tell him what happened.

"We... we were sparing and I wanted to try winning by using my powers... I just wanted to mess with his mind a little, distract him by making him think about my..." I couldn't tell Steve I wanted to make Bucky think about my boobs. „ making him think about boobs or something like that, but I... I accidentally... I think I found a memory... he was being beaten by a man, his father... and I... I didn't mean to intrude into his thoughts like that. I feel so horrible about this. And about what I've seen and the things I have said in the past and he just... he won't open the door." I explained quietly. „Oh Y/n... there is a reason you're not supposed to use your powers, you know that." Steve said and sighed. „Let me talk to him." „No, I want to do this myself." I insisted and Steve looked worried. „Are you sure?" „Yes." I answered weakly. „Can you... open his door? He overrode my access and I can't open it anymore." I asked him and luckily, he did.

„Buck?" Steve asked and looked into the room. Bucky was laying in his bed, facing the windows. „What?" he grunted. „Y/n wants to talk to you." Steve informed him, but Bucky just groaned. „I don't want to talk to her. Tell her to go to hell." „Bucky, please." I begged, my voice shaky. Bucky turned around to finally face us, and when he saw that another tear rolled down my cheek, his face softened, the anger started to seemingly fade and he sighed. „Ok." he whispered. „Steve, you can leave us alone. Please." Bucky said and got up. His best friend nodded, left and closed the door behind him, leaving Bucky and I to ourselves.

As soon as the door closed, Bucky wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into one of those tight hugs that made me feel so safe. „Don't cry because of me, doll." he whispered into my hair. I took a deep breath and inhaled that calming scent of his, and then took a step back. „Bucky I... want to explain what happened there. Please." I begged and looked at him with pleading eyes. Bucky sighed and waved me to follow him, and we then sat down next to each other on his bed.

„Go ahead." he whispered and laid his right hand on my thigh carefully. „Ok I..." I started and sighed. „So, I... kinda have... powers I guess. You know how I was adopted? I guess my biological parents passed them on to me, or it happened because of some lab accident, I think. I don't know.... It's stuff like moving things with my mind, mind reading, mind control... that kind of stuff. Nobody knows about it because I've never been properly trained. I've been taught how to shut them off and not use them, so I wouldn't... hurt anyone by accident... but I... I have never read anyone's mind or anything. Just never had anyone to train... though Wanda's powers are pretty similar to mine, I don't know. Well, and today... I wanted to distract you. I threw that towel at you first and then I wanted to distract you by making you think about..." I stopped for a second and looked down. „By making you think about my boobs. And I went wrong somewhere. I didn't mean to intrude into your personal thoughts and memories, and I didn't mean to hurt you by doing this. I'm so incredibly sorry, you have no clue how bad I feel. I shouldn't have used my powers on you." I explained, and another tear rolled down my cheek. I hated myself for losing control over my powers.

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