Chapter 12: Pardon me, officer

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„Scott!" I gasped in shock and took a step back. „It's not what it lo-" I started, but there was no fooling him.

„Oh please, this is exactly what it looks like. You're wearing the same dress as last night, you're make up is all smudged up and your hair! Don't even let me get started on that!" Scott interrupted me and chuckled. Bucky had come to the door and looked pale, while Scott seemed to be quite amused by the whole situation.

„How long has this been going on for? And what exactly is going on here? I thought you two don't like each other and this whole arrangement-" he drew a circle in the air with his index finger "was supposed to be a punishment?" I sighed, and then looked at Bucky. He shrugged slightly and nodded, and I understood. I turned back around towards Scott and started explaining the gist of it.

"Listen Scott, you cannot tell anyone, not under any circumstances, ok?" I asked first and he nodded. "Fine." "Buck and I aren't dating. We're just... having fun. That's all. And if you tell anyone-" I explained, but Bucky interrupted. "If you tell anyone, I will personally make your life hell, pal." He said, but it seemed forced. The more I got to know him, the more I was starting to feel like he wasn't actually that much of a badass scary guy. Not as much as he seemed.

He was scary enough for Scott to gulp and nod though, looking like he had just seen the devil. He was still kind of new to the avengers, and Bucky just needed to so much as angrily look at him and he almost pissed his pants.

"Of course, I-I won't!" He promised and held out his hands in the air to underline his promise. "Have... fun you two. Oh and uhm Barnes, the reason I came up here in the first place... Tony wanted to speak to you. He said it's about some government stuff, I don't know what he's talking about though. He's in his office." Scott informed Bucky, who suddenly turned pale again. „I...I'll be there in a minute." he rasped and cleared his throat. „Alrighty. Then my job here is done! See you!" Scott said, waved and then disappeared towards the elevator.

„Everything ok, Buck?" I asked, my voice full of concern. He had grown even paler and looked incredibly nervous. „This is... it must be the decision on wether I'm being pardoned or not." he pressed out and looked to the ground. „Why are you so nervous then, shouldn't you be excited?" I asked, a bit confused. If it were me, I wouldn't still stand here, I'd be RUNNING downstairs.

„Well, what if they decided not to pardon me? What if I'll have to go prison for the rest of my life or if... or worse? I know would deserve it, but it scares the shit out of me." he admitted quietly. I gulped, but then decided to take a step closer to him. I grabbed his hands, squeezed them, and when he rose his head to look up at me with his fear stricken eyes, I tried giving him a reassuring smile.

„Listen Bucky. I'm sure they decided to make you a free man. None of what happened was your choice, you didn't even do it consciously! And now look at you! You're an avenger, using what they did to you for the good in the world! You, Bucky Barnes, are not a bad man, as much as it pains me to say that. On the contrary, you're a truly good person. Ok? So... I'm sure they decided to pardon you. They'd be stupid not to." I barely whispered the last words, as I noticed our faces were so close, I could feel his soft breath on my face.

„Thank you, doll." he whispered and smiled. And then he quickly, barely noticeably, glanced down to my lips, but slowly took a step back. I cleared my throat and decided to make an offer. „If you want to... I could come with you. So you're not alone when he tells you what they decided to do." „I'd love that. But maybe...", he looked me up and down, „... you should get changed and brush your hair, so he doesn't..." „Yes, don't worry, I'm already on it!" I assured him and chuckled.

After I was done, I found Bucky waiting for me by the elevator. He was kneading his hands nervously, but at least he wasn't as pale anymore. When he noticed me, a smile played around his lips and it seemed like he calmed down a little. „Let's do this!" I said and put a hand on his left shoulder, when I pressed the button to the floor with dad's office.

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