Chapter 16: Christmas Blues, Part 2

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"Are you still awake, Doll?" Bucky suddenly whispered and I was grateful to hear his voice. I had been failing to fall asleep for what felt like hours, and apparently he had a similar issue. I guess I was just too excited maybe!

"Yeah, I can't sleep." I said and turned around so I was now facing him. "Me neither." He said and bent backwards to turn on the little lamp on his nightstand. "You know... I've been thinking." "Sounds like a first." I said and chuckled. "Hey now, be nice! Or I won't tell you what I was thinking about!" Bucky said and playfully put a soft kiss on my forehead. I sighed and smiled at him, waiting to hear his thoughts.

"That's better. Ok so... I've been thinking. We broke every single one of your rules, but one a-" "Two." I corrected him. "No, one. Scott knows, we've held hands and kissed, we've stayed the night, we've fallen in love, we've not used protection..." "Oh wait, fuck... you're right." I realized and felt all the blood drain from my face. "Don't worry Y/n, I can't get you pregnant. Super soldier sperm, remember?" He said, but I just sighed. That hadn't been the reason why I had asked him to use protection, but it was ok. It had felt amazing, and it had been worth it.

"Ok so, the point is, I have something I want to give you. It breaks the last unbroken rule, but I think we're over those anyway, right?" He asked, eyeing me carefully. I nodded slowly, watching him pull a small box put of his nightstand. "Bucky..." I whispered, but he motioned me to be quiet. "Open it. Please, just accept it." He said and smiled at me, with a tad of uncertainty and insecurity.

I opened the box and found a beautiful silver bracelet with... "Your dog tags!" I breathed in surprise and couldn't help but smile. Whenever we had done it, I would play around with his dog tags to mess with him. "Well, you always play around with them so I figured why not give you something to play around with when you don't have a chance to play around with mine? Plus... it's kinda... well..." he started stuttering a little, but then continued. "I hope this doesn't come off as too much but... people can see who you belong to. That you belong to me... that we belong together." He said and I just threw my arms around him. "Thank you Bucky. This is such a thoughtful and lovely present... I love it, and I love you." I whispered. "I love you too, Doll." He whispered back and reciprocated the embrace. Eventually though, I started letting go of him.

"Buck, I also have something for you. I had been debating if I should give it to you on Christmas or not but... well, here you go." I said and like him, pulled out a small gift box from my nightstand. After handing it to him, I watched him open the box and his eyes widen. "Is that..." he breathed and quickly took the watch out of the box. "Yup. It's an exact replica of your old watch... the one that got damaged in the fight, you know? It's made from Vibranium and bullet proof glass now so it can't break as easily. I hope you li-" I said but Bucky interrupted me by pressing his lips on mine.

I would have never expected it, but this was the best Christmas ever.

2 Days Later
"Dad? Hey, what's up? Is everyone ok? Is it safe for us to come now?" I asked after immediately picking up the phone when it started ringing. I haven't heard from Dad since Christmas, and I had been starting to get nervous.

"It's um... we're all ok. We were kinda busy taking down Octavius the past few days an-" "You did WHAT?!!! That's awesome!!" I squealed in excitement, but Dad made sure to break some bad news to me. "Yes squirt, but Zemo... well, that little fucker is on the run... Can you tell me where Barnes is?" Dad asked and sounded tense. "He's out getting some groceries, why?" I asked, starting to get nervous. What was Dad worried about? Zemo couldn't possibly know where we're hiding, right?
"Fuck" Dad whispered, and I knew shit was going to hit the fan soon. "Dad?" I asked nervously. "What are you not telling me?" "It's just that... we have reason to believe that Zemo knows where you are. And he will most likely pay you a visit sometime later today... as soon as Barnes gets back, you have to get out of there immediately, understood?" Holy fuck, I have never heard Dad that nervous. "He knows about all your powers and he can easily suppress them I assume, because he's responsible for you having them in the first place. So you have to be careful and don't go anywhere without Barnes. Promise me that!" Dad demanded and I nodded my head. "I can't hear it if you just nod your head sweetie." Dad said and let out a small chuckle. "I promise, Dad." "Ok good. Just to make sure of that, Steve, Bruce, Nat, Wanda and I are on a jet on our way to you. Don't move! We'll be there in like..." Dad said, and I heard Steve yell "an Hour!" In the background. "... an hour. Love you squirt. Stay safe." "Love you too, Dad. See you later" I said and then hung up the phone.



Just a few minutes after the phone call, I decided to start packing the most necessary things into a bag so we can get out as soon as the others arrive. Clothes, the gifts we gave each other and received by our friends, weapons... and then I sat down in the kitchen with the bags standing right next to me, ready for takeoff.

A short glance at my wrist told me that it was 2:30pm, the time that Bucky said he'd be home by, and punctual like a clock, I heard the doorbell ring. I jumped up from my chair, grabbed the two bags and ran to the door. That I immediately swung open. "Bucky! Finally, it took you-" I started, but when I recognized the person in front of me, all my blood drained from my face. "Zemo." I whispered.

"Missed me, you ungrateful bitch?"

Bucky's POV:
"Where the hell am I supposed to find shaving foam for women? She'll just have to use the one I use..." I muttered into my beard, that was in dire need for a trim as well. I had already checked off everything else from the list, but when I checked the time, I almost dropped everything in shock. It was already 2:15pm, and I had promised Y/n to be back by 2:30pm, so I really needed to hurry. I quickly brought everything to the checkout and the nice lady quickly scanned everything and I paid for it using Stark's credit card. Modern times did have advantages.

After I had loaded everything into the trunk, I quickly made my way to the cabin, but when I got closer, I noticed tire tracks in the snow. Fresh tire tracks. Fuck, who could that be? I quickly pulled a gun out of the glove compartment and jumped out of the car, deciding it was for the better if I ran the last bit. As I got closer to the cabin, I noticed a car standing in front of it. It seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on who it was. But then... shit. I saw a man at the door, as Y/n opened it. It was Zemo.

"Y/n, NO!!!!" I roared and started running, but it was too late. A lound "bang" made the birds fly off the trees, a splash of blood, and Y/n dropped to the floor, her hands pressed against her throat where she was trying to hold back the gushing blood. "You fucking BASTARD!!" I yelled as I got closer. This time I wasn't going to aim for leg. No, not this time! As Zemo turned around, all I saw was red and I shot him right in the chest. And again. And again. And again. Until he finally dropped to the floor like a sack of wet sand.

"Y/n.. Doll..." I cried out and ran up to her. I dropped to my knees , ripped off part of my sweatshirt and pressed it against the wound. I barely noticed the tears streaming out of my eyes as I tried to resuscitate her, not caring if I broke her ribs. She just needed to breathe... to live... to love me. I'm lost without her. "Don't go Y/n. You can't leave me, stay with me! I love you!" I said a little out of breath, when suddenly I heard voices behind me. "Barnes! What the hell happened!" That was Stark. "Buck! Stop smashing her ribs!" Steve. "Bucky, stop it!" Wanda. But I didn't care. Until someone aggressively yanked me off of her. "Let GO off me!!" I roared at Steve and Nat who had their difficulties at restraining her. I had to watch a chalky-white Wanda check Y/n's vitals, and while I tried to break free, Wanda turned around with a sad look on her face. "Stop it Bucky. Stop. It won't help, no matter what it is you want to do." She said. "What do you mean it won't help?? Let me help her! Let fucking go of me!!" I yelled but then I understood. "Bucky, it won't help because... Y/n is dead."


Sorry guys, a late April fool's! This is just the end of the first season. The second season will start in about a month when I'm done with my exams. You'll have to stay tuned until then. 🤗 I will set this book on completed until I'll continue. I will continue in this book here, so don't delete it from your list if you have it saved 🤗

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