Chapter 6: A Blind Date to remember

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A/N: Just a short warning: This story is for mature audiences, so there will be mature topics. I decided I will not put specific trigger warnings because I do not want to spoil the story line ahead of time, but please be advised that there are mature topics here.

Nat's POV:

Tony walked up and down in his office furiously. „How dare he? The audacity of that fucking..." „Tony!" I interrupted his whispered tirade of insults.

„You know, what your daughter said wasn't exactly nice as well. Which doesn't make Bucky's comment ok, but you should keep that in mind"

Tony just grunted in response and then stopped the pacing. „Did you see the look on her face? He hurt her... I..." he sighed. „I think I need to put an end to this project of them spending all of their time together... I feel like it's just making things worse. And I don't get it! In the hospital he seemed so nice, he even-"

„I know Tony" I interrupted him once again. I had an idea why Bucky was acting the way he was, but I couldn't tell Tony. At least not yet.

Tony sighed once more and started pacing again, when I caught some security footage with the corner of my eye. It was from the kitchen. Bucky with a bunch of chocolate, bananas and a muffin tray. No way! He actually started baking Y/n's absolute favorite food... My suspicions seemed to be right.

„You know, Tony, maybe you should give it a little more time."

„A little more time?? Are you crazy? Do you want them to kill each other?" he asked and looked at me with a shocked expression.

„No. Look." I said and pointed at the many screens that showed security footage from all over the tower except for the bedrooms, bathrooms and the roof.

„Is he making banana chocolate muffins?" Tony asked in disbelief.

„Yep. And there is only one person in this tower except for you who eats those and I'm sure he's not making them for you"

„...Y/n..." Tony whispered. „Maybe you're right... I will still loosen the rules though. They will get a break from each other every now and then, they can go to their rooms but whenever they leave their rooms, they have to take the other one with them. Training, food, shopping... you know, that kinda stuff. Maybe they'll start getting along then."

God this man is blind. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. „Sure, Tony."

Y/n's POV, two weeks later:

I knocked on Barnes' door. „Hey, Barnacle man! It's time to train!" I shouted.

„Cooming!" I heard him shout back from inside and just seconds later the door flew open. Barnes was wearing dark shorts and a white t-shirt, his hair was pulled up in a bun. I had to admit, he looked really hot like that...

„Take a picture, it'll probably last longer" he said with a knowing smirk. I punched him playfully and responded „The camera would break from your uglyness, old man"

Barnes grabbed his chest, pretending to feel hurt, but then we both started laughing.

Over the last few weeks, Barnes and I had been starting to get along well. We were still bickering from time to time, but it was more of a friendly banter rather than us saying truly hurtful things. I even called him Bucky twice on accident... It's starting to feel hard not to, but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of me accepting him as a friend just yet.

When we entered the gym, we started warming up individually, like we had done in the past two weeks. Then Barnes started lifting weights, while I did a short high intensity work out.

Home is where the heart is - A Bucky x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now