Chapter 1: Who the hell is Bucky?

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"Who the hell is Bucky and why does it say he lives on my floor??" I yelled and got out of the elevator as quickly as I had entered it. When I was about to press the button to the top floor – my floor- I had noticed that there was a new sign next to the one that said "Y/N Stark". On the small sign next to mine it said "Bucky Barnes".

"Oh, uhm, well... Surprise! You have a new neighbor, you're sharing the top floor with Bucky, which is short for James Buchanan Barnes! He kinda joined last year while you were gone and welp, the rooms up there were the only spare rooms we had left. Try getting along with him, he ...can be really nice!" Dad attempted to explain.

"Forget it! I'm not going to share my floor with a random idiot. Bucky, what kind of name is that anyway?!"

"Mine. Nice to meet you too."

"Ahhhh! Where the hell did you come from?" I yelled and jumped as I turned around. I hadn't even noticed the man who had entered the living room behind me. I looked him up and down, but just quickly so it wouldn't look like I was staring at him. I was sure his ego was big enough already.

He was tall and had straight brown hair that fell softly onto his shoulders. And he had the bluest eyes I had ever seen. Oh and I'm also sure he is ripped as hell under those clothes, but I had no desire in finding out and I also quite frankly didn't give a fuck. I hated his guts already and his looks were not going to change that.

I straightened my back, cleared my throat and looked at him. "James, I assume" I spat. "Wish I could say nice to meet you too, but if I did, that would be a lie and I was raised to always speak the truth by my lovely father." I said and shot my Dad a glaring look.

James looked at me as if he felt the same way. "Wow, I figured since you're Stark's daughter you must be arrogant, but I didn't think you'd be that spoiled. You... brat!"

"HEY! Watch your mouth!" I yelled at him. We got closer, and I was about to punch him in his pretty little face, but Dad intervened.

"Enough! Try getting along, you'll have to live on the same floor whether you like it or not! Barnes would you please be so kind to help her take up the luggage?" Dad asked.

"No, I don't think I will. If she can handle living on a floor all by herself, I'm sure she can handle carrying her stuff. Have a nice day, Tony. Bye Barbie." James said and then disappeared towards the training rooms. Of course, that meant that the elevators would go down to the 45th floor, while I had to go aaaaall the way up to the 93rd floor. Great, now I had to wait. It was so stupid we only had one elevator that went all the way up to the top. Most of the other elevators stopped one or two floors lower than mine, but I was not about to carry all of my things up the stairs.

"Dad seriously how can you expect me to put up with such an asshole?!" I asked him. I still couldn't believe he just let a stranger move into my floor without even telling me about it!

"Y/N please, just try to get along with him, will you? Eventually when you start going on missions, you'll not only have to work with me or the others, but him as well. And that won't work if you don't even try getting along. You'll end up getting each other killed" he responded massaging his temples. I knew he didn't want to continue talking about this topic, but I frankly didn't care.

"I wouldn't mind getting him killed" I murmured, hoping dad didn't hear, but he looked at me angrily. Great.

"What was that?"


"That's what I thought. Now start taking your bags upstairs. I'll go fetch Bruce and Steve and then we can help you."

Home is where the heart is - A Bucky x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now