Chapter 10: Ready

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AN: this is really short, but there is quite a lot to follow:)

Bucky's POV:

When I checked my phone it told me I had already been tossing around for almost 2 hours. I don't know what was going on, but I just couldn't fall asleep... at first, my thought kept drifting off to Y/n and at how I was kind of frustrated about her dad's sudden appearance and then, for some reason, I had to think of Hydra and my past with them. I probably would have had a nightmare if I had actually fallen asleep so maybe it was even a good thing.

After a while of being deep in my thoughts, I heard someone scream. That someone could only be Y/n since I wouldn't hear it if it were anyone else, so I quickly stormed out of my room to hurt whoever made her scream like that. When i entered her room, she was the only one in it though. And she was laying in bed. I was about to say something, when I noticed how she looked nervous, scared even. She was yanking around her arms, kicking her blanket, tossing and sweating kept repeating the words „No, leave me alone, I wan't my parents!" She was having nightmares.

I decided to approach her slowly so that I wouldn't get hurt by her throwing her arms around and tried whispering her name. As soon as she heard me say it, she seemed to become a little calmer, but she was still moving around quite a lot and kept on talking. I eventually got close enough to lay my hand on her shoulder, which calmed her down even further, but then she started whimpering, almost crying even. I sat down on the bed next her and began stroking her head.

„It's all going to be fine, princess" I mumbled. „I promise."

Y/n, who had been facing the other side of the bed, slowly started turning towards me. „Bucky?" she whispered, with her eyes closed. „Yes Doll, I'm here. You're safe. I won't let them hurt you anymore." Whoever „they" were who caused her such trauma... I wanted to protect her. All of a sudden, Y/n reached over with her arm and pulled me close to her which was a little awkward because I was sitting and she was still laying, so I decided to also lay down. I stroked her head again.



„Are you feeling better now?"

„Always when you're around" she mumbled which made a burst of tingles appear in my stomach. Calm down Buck, she's just sleep talking.

I wanted to get up and leave her alone, but she held on to me tightly and whispered „Stay" so I didn't really have a choice... I sighed, wrapped the blanket around me and my arms around her to pull her close.

Y/n's POV:

„AAAAHHHHH! What are you doing her?" I yelled. After I had opened my eyes I almost jumped out of bed because I found Bucky laying next to me, and I was kind of not expecting him to be there... but he was!

„Why are you yelling like that?" Bucky rasped, still half asleep God, his morning voice was incredibly hot.

„Why are you in my bed??" I asked. I had looked down n both of us and we were in full pajamas, so at least we didn't have sex I forgot about.

Bucky sighed and then slowly opened his eyes.

„You really don't remember?" he asked.


„Nothing?" He raised an eyebrow and looked straight at me, tilting his head.

„Well, I had a nightmare and then it just stopped right in the... Oh. You.... Thank you."

„So you do remember?"

„Just that you helped me. Why? Did I do or say anything weird?" I asked. Shit.... I always make a fool out of myself when I fall asleep in front of other people, what did I do now?"

„on the contrary." Bucky said and raised the corners of his lips to a slight smile. „You were very friendly."

„Oh, ok, well... I guess, that's good then?"


We both sat in silence for a bit, until Bucky cleared his throat and started „If you want to talk about.." „No." I interrupted him. „I don't know it's just... I think I need to process it. It felt so real" I said. And, whispering, I added „even more so than usually". Bucky seemed to have heard that because he grabbed my hand and said: „You know I have nightmares too. You can talk to me if you want to, but you don't have to" Bucky looked me straight in the eyes while drawing circles on my hand with his thumb. „I.." I started, but then I straightened up, remembering that this was purely a friends with benefits relationship. Not a romantic one. „You should go Bucky." I said in a calm voice. „I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast". He looked at me a bit confused, but then let go of my hand and got up. „See you in a bit" he mumbled and left.

Damn, that was a...great start for out friendship with benefits.

(A few weeks later)
„Hey look at you!" Bucky panted impressed. I had just tackled him to the ground without using my suit or my powers and I fell my chest swell in pride. I chuckled, while sweat started dripping down my forehead.

Suddenly I heard someone clap from the other side of the training room, so naturally, I turned around. „Good work, Squirt! You know what that means, right?" Dad asked excitedly. „Ohhhh does that mean I can go on my first bigger mission soon?" I asked full of even more excitement than my dad. „It sure does! High five!" he said and I gave him the highest of fives. I was so proud of myself for finally beating Bucky not only because that meant I had gained strength, but also because I had been longing to kick his ass for a long time now. „And now, i think you've done enough training for today, ok? Get some rest, after all it's your special day!" Dad said. „Special day?" Bucky asked and looked at me and my dad.

„Oh, uhm..." I stammered. „Ugh Y/n quit it. I know he's not your best friend but that doesn't mean he can't know. It's her 25th birthday!" Dad explained. „Hence the dinner!" Bucky looked at me in surprise. „You never mentioned it was your birthday today!" he complained, but I couldn't help but feel like something was off. Maybe it was the slightly mischievous grin on his face. „Well, it's not that big of a deal. Talking of ‚not big of a deal', I hope by dinner you mean dinner and not a party dad, right?" „Yes squirt. I have told everyone to come tomorrow. It'll be an Avengers dinner. Hope that's ok, because I'm not telling them not to come now!" He said and I sighed. „Thank you dad." „Love you squirt!" he said and then left Bucky and me to ourselves again.

„So, you're 25 now, hm?" Bucky whispered into my ear with a mischevious tone. „Yeah" I whispered back and took a step away from him. The risk of someone coming in was too high. „You're no fun!" Bucky complained. „I know" „What are you wearing tonight?" Bucky asked. „I don't know yet" „Wear a skirt or a dress please" I don't like the suspicious look on his face. „Why?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. „You'll see. Now, you heard your father. Go rest, I'll see you at dinner." „You're annoying". „Likewise!" He yelled after me playfully as I left the Gym.

Later that day we were sitting in a restaurant that was fully booked just for us... the power of being an avenger! Or a Stark. Either way, apart from us there were no other customers. The waiters had prepared a big table to fit all of us and one chair had two huge helium balloons spelling out my age. As we sat down (My dad had „forced" Bucky and me to sit next to each other) Everyone sung Happy Birthday. And then it was time for presents.

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Home is where the heart is - A Bucky x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now