Chapter 27 "Exam day"

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You combed your hair, then fixed your tie while looking at yourself in the mirror.

"Umm...all the best..." After keeping quiet for a while Sujan said to you with a smile, you immediately looked at her and made a small smile on your face.

"Thank you Sujan..I hope my exam goes well today..."

"The one whom Professor Jimin himself has taught in the extra class, how can she fail..." She taunts you with smirk.

You didn't give any answer to her.. and silently started wearing your shoes.

"Ok...Now I go, today I will be a little late because its my last I will go out with my friends..." You told her picking your bag and wrist watch..

"See ya...all the best again.." Sujan waved at you with bright smile.

"Yaa..thanks..." You shouted her while stepping downstairs.

"Dad Lets go.." you told him, he was waiting you while reading newspaper...he put that newspaper on table and leaving with you.

V and seo were walking in the campus talking to each other. Both were very happy because today is their last exam, but that trouble was also clearly visible on the face which is visible in the worry of the exam result.

"V My heart is very nervous..." Seo said while sitting on a nearby bench, V stood by his side.

"There is nothing to worry about, we both will pass..." V said for soul satisfaction but Seo know the truth that he may be fail but who knows now.

"Hmm..." seo hummed..then his eyes went towards you.

You got down from the car and fixed your skirt. After that you grabbed your pencil box and water bottle from the car and moved forward, towards the main door of university as you were going to enter the hall way.

"Y/n You go to class, and give paper well, you were very worried since the day before yesterday, I hope your paper goes very well..." Your dad patted you on the shoulder and you entered inside the class.

On the other hand, jimin's car also entered the parking lawn of the university with a bang, now everyone keep watching his driving speed, it seemed like jimin was very angry.

He almost hit the tree on the side way of parking area.

"Today professor seems very angry..." Seo turned his eyes to jimin, the sound of car bang turned everyone's attention to jimin.

"Aishh bitch I've to take a new car...." Jimin said to himself while hitting his fist on car's hood.

Jimin entered the university hallway, he saw V and seojun standing infront of main door, he ignored them and walked towards his staff room.

"Professor Jimin doesn't seem to be in a good mood today...." Seo said to V.

"Don't even give so much respect seo... just say jimin, don't forget that jimin has separated y/n from me...." V started fabricating his own love story.

"Today will have to give respect him, V.. Today is exam of his subject... may be he will pass us after giving him respect....And anyway, since the beginning of this semester, we don't get along well with him..." Seo took steps towards the main door of the university.

"Hey.....are you really going to give respect to jimin?? but what will you say to him, Seojun ...??? " V asked from behind him.

"SHUT UP...V Why would I go to talk to him at this time? It's time for our exam. Walk in class, otherwise our respect will go down in front of everyone..." Seo shouted him and started dragging V with himself.

"Ahhh... I'm not a kid...leave my hand you bratt...." V screamed a lit cause they are already came infront of class...

"May I come in... Sir..." Seo asked invigilator...taehyung also followed behind Seo.

You saw the question paper, a smile was clearly visible on your face.

All these questions are the same which Jimin had explained to me a day ago. There's not a single question out of these which I don't know.

You thought looking into that paper...You didn't look at Taehyung but he was looking at you, all his attention came on your smile.

From her smile it looks like she will get this paper well but still she will not help me in this, don't know why she is not interested in me. but i like it If anyone comes between us it's only Jimin.

Taehyung thought himself about you.

"Yaaa!!!.... Taehyung !! taehyung..!!!!....taehyungahhhhhh...." Invigilator shouted his name, His voice echoed throughout the room.

Seo punches taehyung's back hard. Taehyung let out a moan. ..

"Aishhhh....bastur......." Taehyung was about to shout Seojun when he saw the invigilator standing near him then he gave him a weird smile.

On the other hand, jimin was sitting peacefully in his staff room, although there's paper of his own subject, but all of his attention was on somewhere else, he was not able to pay attention to the people passing around him.

I don't know why he told me like this. y/n herself told him about me and her, how can this happen, Is she playing some big game with me or that guy, what was his name...umm... yoongi....yaa Min Yoongi..whenever I said his name my head aching..I heard this name somewhere.... I should meet him face to face once. If he knows about some y/n he will let me know. If I ask y/n..myself, she will not tell the truth.

"Jimin....Jimin....Where were you lost?? " Your dad came from nowhere and started asking him..

"Ooh...sir sorry actually...umm...I was just thinking about ah.. about my actually... it's you have any work to me ? I mean how can I help you?? " Jimin was saying everything that came to his mind, his condition was surprising your dad, he though, what has happened to him that he himself doesn't understand what he wants to say.

"Jimin actually I want to ask you something abou.... " Before your dad could say anything, the staff room door slowly opened and a professor came in, because of him your dad became silent.

" what were you saying.. " Jimin diverted his attention and asked again.

"I actually came to invite you for dinner at my place. Come tonight if you are free then..." Your dad smiled and leave him, after jimin smiled him back as yes.

I don't want to go but how can I refuse.

Jimin looked at the clock, took out his laptop and some register and started doing his work..

By the way, I already knew all the questions I had explained to y/n, after all I had arranged those questions for exam. She must have got all the questions, But I shouldn't have helped her so much, she doesn't deserve that..

He thought doing his work.

Jimin was thinking all these things, then his phone started vibrating, due to which his full attention went towards the phone, but he did not want to pick up the call, so he did not extend his hand to the phone at all and silently started doing his work.

Author : hey army .... Hope you're doing well... I'm good here.... There's so much suspense if you'll think deeply.. Everything will be revealed slowly. Enjoying and don't forget to vote ... If you're new please follow for more fiction stories...

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