Chapter 132 Galaxy Conference

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After asking a few words, Shi Xing's expression was also very complicated.

On the one hand, I am amazed at the easy talk of these two star beasts.

On the other hand, they were surprised by the number of star beasts and the determination of the king beast.

"Pioneer, look for me around the planet, and check the situation of our galaxy."

"One speed mutation, just killed, the space mutation ability is the leader, it's gone, and the remaining two are mentally ill. It has higher strength, a little more agility, and the degree of mutation is not very high."

After the question, Shi Xinghui reported.



the two star beasts started howling back and forth again.

Chi Yao: "What are you talking about?"

Er Ya didn't look at them, "Don't cut them, it's too scary."

Chi Yao: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Fei Chu walked around a star beast, Surprised, "They still know how to be afraid?"



Fei Chu: "What's the matter?"

After a moment of silence, Erya continued to translate, "Don't let you get so close to it, you will make it nervous."

The star beast that was entangled: "Wow."

She was right !

Er Ya raised his forehead.


Shi Xing: "Let's show our sincerity to communicate well."

Fei Chu was convinced and backed away.

Chi Yao: "How many advance teams like them are there, and how did they invade the border?"

Er Ya relayed.

The star beasts are very honest and explain clearly.

Occasionally, when encountering vocabulary comprehension problems, Erya and Shixing would change the meaning of the word to explain, and the star beasts did not pretend that they did not understand.

It may be because Chi Yao stood too close and had too much deterrence.

After integrating the information, Shi Xing and Erya began to say, "I don't know about them."

Erya: "They came in through the ability of space mutation, but some teams don't." "

How many advance search teams... ..." Shi Xing lowered his voice, "A lot."

"They are not very good at counting. It is said that there are more than one group, and the specific number cannot be changed."

Fei Chu has already squatted down to look at these two big star beasts, " What do you mean by not being able to switch?"

Erya: "A small community occupies a mountain on the planet, and there are at least one mountain-top star beast sent out, can you switch?"

Fei Chu was convinced again and shut up.

Was matched to the Imperial Majesty after rebirthNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ