Chapter 60 The Imperial Capital

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Shi Xing didn't sleep well that night.

To be precise, it is difficult to fall asleep.

While thinking about Chi Yao's mental state, he thought about it randomly, and felt that he should increase the intensity of treatment, but also felt that he had not yet passed the maturity stage, and his mental life was too poor. Even if he increased the intensity of treatment, it would be a drop in the bucket, and he comforted himself .

On the other hand, leaving His Highness's room, the soft touch at the end of the eyebrows seemed to be burned on the skin, sticking to the heart, and I would think of it every now and then, and couldn't get rid of it.

Accompanied by a mess of disturbing heartbeats.

Shi Xing didn't know what rhythm it was.

I don't want to know either.

Rolling around on the bed again, covering his head with the quilt, Shi Xing sighed heavily, and began to count sheep in his heart.

With tons of pure white lambs jumping through his mind, Shi Xing's upper and lower eyelids finally closed quietly... When he

woke up the next day, he was extremely sleepy. After a hasty wash, Shi Xing yawned and went to the breakfast table.

"Xing Xing, you..." Fei Chu hesitated to speak while eating.

Shi Xing: "?"

Fei Chu glanced at Chi Yao.

A certain person from Chi was putting a cup of hot milk in front of Shi Xing, without raising his head, but as if he had eyes, he said to Fei Chu, "Say what you want, and swallow it if you don't want to say it." Fei Chu rubbed his hands

, "Hey, this is what you asked me to ask..."

Chi Yao: "I also offered the option of shutting up."

Fei Chu ignored Chi Yao's last sentence, looked at Shi Xing again, and wandered between the two of them. "You didn't have a fight last night, did you?"

Shi Xing froze when he bit the bread.

Chi Yao said naturally, "Yes."

Shi Xing was startled again.

Fei Chu's eyes lit up, "And then?"

Xu Jin rubbed his forehead.

Chi Yao's tone was calm, "Make up after the quarrel, or can we eat at the same table?"

Fei Chu: "."

Xu Jin couldn't help asking Fei Chu: "What's your expression?"

Chi Yao smiled: "What else can there be? I'm disappointed."

Shi Xing choked and started coughing. Yan Changyue next to him hurriedly patted him on the back.

Nothing was said after all.

Except for Fei Chu, although the others were a little curious, they would not openly ask. Shi Xing heaved a sigh of relief.

In the morning, the new teacher Tang Mi took over Xu Jin's job and began to teach Shixing the structure of the entire galaxy, focusing on the relationship between the alliance and the empire.

"The alliance was originally composed of six planets in the center of the twin galaxy. Since its establishment, it has radiated from the center and has continued to expand. So far, the six planets have become history. This piece, together with this planet, belongs to the alliance "

But the six planets with the highest status and the greatest voice in the alliance are the six planets when it was first established." "The

prime minister of the alliance is elected every ten years. I don't know how many years ago, the six planets basically rotate candidates. It's done, the current prime minister is from Star Tianyuan, and the people who came to the empire for diplomatic negotiations this time are also several officials of Star Tianyuan who work in the alliance."

"The development of the alliance and the empire can be said to be the opposite. The alliance is located in the center of the galaxy and is less susceptible to the influence of star beasts. Therefore, it focuses on trade, cultural development, and technological innovation in life. The empire is on the edge of the galaxy and focuses on weapons. The per capita spiritual power of the empire is the highest in the galaxy, and the top technology tree is weapon research and development..." I

can't talk much in the morning, and I will go back to the imperial capital after passing through another city. Shi Xing wants to learn more, and Xu Jin reported it , and asked Tang Mi to add a cultural class to him in the afternoon.

Learn about the galaxy pattern in the morning, and focus on internal affairs in the afternoon.

Chi Yao was not there at noon, and he went out together with Fei Chu and Fu Qing, which was extremely rare. After the meal, Shi Xing still asked, "Did something happen?" Before Xu Jin could answer,

Tang Mi said: "It should be the matter of the alliance."

"This city is actually an air port around the imperial capital. All foreign spaceships and warships are not allowed to land in the imperial capital. They have to berth at several nearby ports for inspection before diverting to enter. "

"I guess it's dragging His Majesty, it's a headache for the reception specifications."

Xu Jin affirmed, "That's right."

Shi Xing was puzzled, "What matter?"

He had been thinking about Chi Yao's spiritual sea for the past two days, and other things , I really didn't pay much attention.

Xu Jin hesitated to speak.

Tang Mi seemed to have just remembered something, slapped his head, and blamed himself, "Tsk, talking about history is really all about talking about history, blame me, blame me, forgot to tell your highness the progress of this diplomatic situation." "

Yes In this way, the Tianyuan star is relatively outside in the alliance, in other words, in the alliance, although their strength in dealing with star beasts is not as strong as that of the empire, they are considered to be more." "In recent years, star beasts have fainted

. There is a tendency to flood..."

"I don't know if Your Majesty has told you about it. When the empire first signed the treaty with Blue Star, they wanted to..."

Shi Xing nodded. He knew this, "I said that the empire once wanted to join the alliance." "

Ah Yes, but it didn't work, because the alliance required the empire to transplant the mother tree, which was first proposed by Tianyuan star back then. In recent years, all the blue stars in the galaxy have been in the empire, and Tianyuan star has been greedy for a long time It's been two days, and it just so happens that this term is their prime minister, so the old story is brought up again..."

Shi Xing: "?"

Tang Mi touched his head, "I want the empire to share the mother tree and export Blue Star people to the outside world."

Shi Xing was stunned, "For external export, do they want blue fruit or pre-mature Blue Star people?"

Tang Mi was silent for a moment, "They want a healer." Shi

Xing couldn't tell if this was true, "Healer? Just...give it to them directly "

I definitely wouldn't say that verbally. The Blue Star has disappeared. Under the banner of rebuilding the Blue Star, I advocated for the legitimate rights and interests of the Blue Star people, and demanded that the Empire return the personal freedom of medical practitioners within the interstellar range..." In other

words , wanting to bypass the empire and invite the healer alone in the name of the planet.

Shi Xing was also silent for a moment, "What's the difference between this and shameless grabbing?" How much

resources it takes to train a medical doctor, the spar from childhood to maturity, and the spar beast core in the mature stage are all The energy is fed little by little. Sometimes Shi Xing even wonders whether the spar consumed by a medical doctor and a warship in a year is the former or the latter.

Shi Xing: "What about the pre-mature Blue Stars, what do they say?"

Xu Jin twitched his lips sarcastically, "Of course it means that the Empire has a contract with Blue Star. In order to prevent the attacks of star beasts and ensure the personal safety of Blue Star people, it is not recommended to leave the Empire before maturity." Shi Xing: "

... "

Tang Mi determined: "There is no difference."

Turning the subject, Tang Mi said again, "But the essence is to make trouble for no reason. Originally, we came to negotiate the border guarding, and the two sides could not be too happy. They are just testing the bottom line of the empire. It is a normal operation." That's all."

Tang Mi said very presciently, "Now that Tianyuan Star is spreading the word in the alliance, and people will come in two days, they will say that it was a misunderstanding, so let the empire rest in peace."

Tang Mi's words perfectly predicted this matter. subsequent development of the matter.

Star Tianyuan in the alliance asserted the legitimate rights and interests of the Blue Stars for a period of time, and the empire made a strong statement, saying that if the alliance insisted, then this negotiation would be over, and the empire would temporarily not welcome all visitors from star Tianyuan.

After the Empire's attitude was sent to Starnet, the alliance changed its tone again, saying that it was an act of a non-governmental organization and had nothing to do with the official ruling planet of the alliance.

This matter can't be followed up, and the empire has nothing to lose, but it's disgusting.

And if the alliance's attitude does not soften for a day, it has to maintain a confrontational posture against the airport for a day. In order to be prepared to deal with all situations when the alliance's spaceships and warships arrive, Chi Yaofei Chu and Fu Qing's military affairs have become more and more busy.

During treatment one night, Shi Xing found that Chi Yao's mental sea was not as stable as before.

Feeling it again, it was true, Shi Xing's heart sank.

Chi Yao is okay with this, "It happens every year. This year, the spiritual sea is relatively stable, and Erya is coming soon, so it should be just enough to last her."

Shi Xing held back what he wanted to say.

Only silently increased the treatment time.

After the spiritual filaments have grown, his mental power is now under normal conditions, and he can enter the edge of the middle layer of Chi Yao's spiritual sea. If Chi Yao's state is relaxed, occasionally the contract can lead his spiritual power into the inner layer. However, he found that the contract seems to be able to absorb his spiritual power and use it to restrain the broken spiritual sea.

Therefore, every time he could feel the contract, Shi Xing would let it absorb part of his spiritual power.

But the changes in Chi Yao's spiritual sea were more dramatic than Shi Xing imagined.

I felt unstable the day before, and my mental power overflowed once at noon the next day, and it was not destructive.

This is not a good sign.

Everything shows that Chi Yao's disorder cycle is approaching the time limit, and he may not know when...

Xing is very worried about this time.

The night before returning to the imperial capital, he inexplicably thought of Xu Jin's proposal, which he hadn't considered at first, but as he felt Chi Yao's overflowing spiritual power again in the middle of the night, Shi Xing had to force himself to think.

The next day, the battleship berthed in the First Army of the Imperial Capital.

Chi Yao had already changed into formal clothes, and Shi Xing stood behind him, also putting on the formal military uniform that Xu Jin had prepared for him.

Thinking of meeting all the officers of the First Army today and formally meeting the Council of Elders after returning to the palace, Shi Xing became inexplicably nervous.

Shi Xing, an officer in the First Army, healed a lot. When we met again, Fei Chu kept introducing him and guiding his responses. Except for being shocked by the scene of the army waiting solemnly at the beginning, he was a little speechless. It's fine.

Lunch is served in the army, and the soldiers get along better than Shi Xing imagined.

Perhaps it has something to do with his identity. The soldiers of the empire are very friendly to the Blue Stars.

The difficulty is still in the palace.

Shi Xing knows it, and Chi Yao knows it too.

After leaving a group of officers in the afternoon, I took Chi Yao's exclusive spaceship back to the palace, and Shi Xing saw the spaceship with the complicated logo on the hull of the previous life again.

Now Shi Xing knows that it is the exclusive symbol of the royal family, representing the ownership of the spaceship.

"Are you nervous?" Nearly before, Chi Yao asked Shi Xing.

Shi Xing looked at Chi Yao, and his breathing speeded up significantly. Chi Yao curled his eyes and said with a smile, "Suddenly I want

to ask an inappropriate question." It was as if everyone heard what he didn't want to say, so he leaned into Shi Xing's ear and whispered, "Are you afraid?" His tone was unscrupulous and narrow. While speaking, his breath brushed against the helix, and Shi Xing remembered that soft feeling in the slight itching. My heart skipped a beat, I always felt that I had scratched it, and felt that it was my own illusion. Shi Xing subconsciously covered his ears. I didn't forget that they were coming soon, and the tone was still very serious, "I'm a little nervous." After a pause, he said firmly, "But I'm not afraid." The corners of Chi Yao's lips curled up, "So powerful?" Shi Xing: "..."

Shi Xing: "Your Highness, can you not add fuel to the fire and make fun of me again at this time?" It

even seemed to be begging for mercy.

Chi Yao laughed silently.

Shi Xingxiao closed his eyes, calming down his unclear heartbeat.

After a while, the spaceship stopped and went outside the palace.

Xu Jin checked everyone's attire, and after confirming with the servants in the palace that all the reception staff outside the ship had arrived, he changed his address to Chi Yao, "Your Majesty, we are here and you can disembark." After the cabin door opened, Time Star was the first to

see What you can see is the ancient and majestic palace building.

Tall, solemn, standing quietly.

The outer wall is full of scratches from thousands of years, and it is one of the oldest representative buildings of the imperial civilization.

Looking down, there was a huge group of people standing outside the palace, thinking that the elders were among them, Shi Xing took a deep breath, his throat slipped, and his heartbeat accelerated again, but this time it was because of nervousness.

Chi Yao took the lead to get off the spaceship.

Shi Xing followed closely behind.

The red carpet was laid out, and Shi Xing followed closely behind Chi Yao in a regular manner.

It was approaching the main entrance of the palace, and Shi Xing recognized the two leading receptionists.

One is the President of the Presbyterian Church.

One is Chi Yao's nephew, His Royal Highness Bi Zhou.

When they were a few steps away, Chi Yao stopped suddenly.

Shi Xing was puzzled, but he also stopped.

Watching their group stop from beginning to end, the chairman and Bi Zhou on the opposite side were also at a loss.

Until Chi Yao stretched out his hand to Shi Xing.

Shi Xing was ignorant, but Chi Yao didn't take it back, looking at Shi Xing very seriously with his smoky eyes.

Shi Xing held Chi Yao uncertainly.

He got a slight smile from His Highness, and was pulled to his side by Chi Yao.

They walked side by side and took the last few steps back to the palace.

Was matched to the Imperial Majesty after rebirthKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat