Chapter 23 Past

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Shi Xing was stunned, his mind crashed.

For a long while, the words Your Majesty and Chi Yao couldn't be related.

The former is too far away from him. In his previous life, he had only heard of it in news reports, from the mouths of the Lu family members, and in the signatures of the inquiry documents sent by the tree nest that finally signed the divorce agreement.

As for the latter, he had bumped into it once before his death, and he had seen it countless times in the tree nest.

Maybe they were estranged at the beginning, but with each contact and conversation, the other party is no longer an unattainable image in Shi Xing's heart.

And now, regardless of the science popularization on Xingwang, just look at Sergeant Xu's reply...

Your Majesty? His Majesty? ? His Majesty? ! !

This title is crushed on the tip of the tongue, disassembled and kneaded by repeated chewing, and then gathered again.

His Majesty.

Shixing tried it.

Tried it twice.


Forget it, he really couldn't equate the two in a short time.

It's really...the two are too different in his heart.

His Majesty is like a symbol of power, like several glorious achievements since he succeeded to the throne, including but not limited to the well-received military system reform, killing the D-level mutant star beast of sss at the border, and shrinking the empire since he took office. The borderline range and so on.

When mentioning these two words, all Shi Xing could think of was these.

The word "Your Majesty" is known by everyone to exist in the empire, but it is hidden behind countless incidents.

Your Highness, or Chi Yao, is different.

Chi Yao... is a real and palpable figure in his life.

Especially now that he is not as afraid of the other party as he was at the beginning, on the contrary, he can feel the freshness of the other party more personally in the details of getting along.

Shi Xing: "..."

He may need a longer time to accept this fact.

Fortunately, Xu Jin saw that he didn't reply, and the second message came soon, and asked as if he could read his mind.

[Did he fall asleep, or was he too shocked? ]

Sensing the impoliteness, Shi Xing quickly replied, [I didn't sleep, too, so surprised]

Shi Xing said truthfully: [I need some time]

Xu Shiguan smiled over there, [You can still call Your Highness, in fact, in life We don't have many chances to call His Majesty]

[Part of the reason is that His Highness spends a lot of time in the army, and the other part is related to personal habits and His Royal Highness] I

just mentioned one thing, and I feel that Shi Xing can be relieved by the title of Your Majesty. After arriving, Xu Jin decisively changed the subject, [So, did you ask His Highness about the marriage today? ]

After thinking about it, Shi Xing didn't hide it, and briefly told what he said in the study when he went to the business district and when he came back.

Xu Jin asked again, 【What about His Highness's attitude? ]

Shi Xing, [it was a bit scary at first, but then...]

When I was in the study, I couldn't say it wasn't scary. After I came back, Chi Yao didn't use his own aura to put pressure on him. When he spoke carefully, most of his tone was normal. Yes, some of the tones he would use.

That is... Maybe those questions themselves are too sharp, even if the expression doesn't have that meaning, but it still can't be said to be such gentle words in Shi Xing's ears.

Shi Xing was a little frustrated, and tried his best to describe it. Except for the specific dialogue, the meaning was vaguely relayed again during the process.

Xu Jin grasped two key points, 【His Highness asked you a lot of questions? ]

[His Highness didn't reject you from the beginning? 】

Shi Xing expressed his feelings,【I think those questions are almost the same as rejection】

Especially after knowing the identity of the other party, when thinking of those questions, Shi Xing's mind is even more buzzing.

His Majesty has a mental problem that cannot be cured. Not only his entourage knows, but also the upper echelons of the empire. It is not a secret. When he was in the Lu family, Shi Xing could hear the Lu family talking about This matter is either worrying or helpless.

When it came to him, if he didn't know the identity of the other party, he might still think that he had the best healing ability in the future, that is, he could cure the other party.

But I get it...

In his previous life, what Shi Xing heard from the Lu family all day long was his worries about His Majesty's physical condition!

——Your Majesty's spiritual power is too strong, and there is no medical doctor who can cure the mental sea problem.

This is almost as the external environment becomes part of the cognition of time and stars.

And it is difficult for people to break the conventional cognition, Shi Xing also knows this.

Turning his thoughts to this point, Shi Xing immediately asked without answering, [What is your highness's spiritual power rating for the first time? ]

The first time the Imperials rated their mental power was when they were in their teens, and their mental power was still growing.

Although I know this answer is not of reference value.

But it does not prevent Shixing from using this data to comfort himself and cheer himself up.

Xu Jin was stunned, [Uh, the situation of the royal family is quite special. You have studied the history of empires in the tree nest, so you should know that the royal family is used to marrying, and other bloodlines are frequently added in order to improve genes and improve the spiritual power of offspring Level]

Shi Xing was still dumbfounded and didn't realize it, [I know]

Xu Jin: [Marriage and the tendency to find someone with high-level spiritual power as a partner have also lasted in the royal family... for a long, long time]

[So ...]

Shi Xing: [So? ]

Xu Jin: [The effect is also very significant]

Xu Jin: [For example, Your Highness and Your Highness, if you calculate their grades according to the conventional test, they will be sss level from the first test]

Shi Xing: "..."

Shi Xing: "..."

Very good, not only did he not comfort himself, he even gave him a stab at the data that could not be used as a reference, mocking his overreaching.

Shi Xing typed expressionlessly, [the effect is really significant]

He has never heard of anyone from the Empire who was sss-level in the first test!

Forced myself to go back to Xu Jin's question, Shi Xing: [Well, I asked a lot of questions] [

There is no clear rejection,] Shi Xing laughed at himself, [Maybe His Highness didn't want to embarrass me]

Xu Jin: [No 】

【Your Highness is not this kind of person】

Shi Xing: [? 】

Xu Jin:【If you don't want to embarrass you, he will take the initiative to say no when you say match for the first time. If you have that tendency, before you ask, block all possibilities first】 Shixing was shocked again

, Will the other party still be like this...?

Xu Jin: [But Your Highness didn't. He knew exactly what kind of ideas you might have in mind, and he didn't say anything dead. The second time you asked, you didn't explicitly refuse. Your Highness doesn't like to do unnecessary things, so he doesn't refuse. It proves that he is really thinking about it]

[Including asking you so many questions]

[If he really won't agree, he has already made a decision, there is no need to waste time and effort talking about it]

[Since he said it, he should I really hope you will think it over carefully and think about it carefully]

Of course, based on Xu Jin's understanding of His Highness, His Highness probably hasn't made up his mind yet.

From this angle, Shi Xing didn't sound unreasonable.

Thinking of something, Xu Jin asked again, 【Did your bracelet light brain come up with the best recommender yet? 】

After Shi Xing read it for confirmation, he replied, [Not yet]

Xu Jin had a vague suspicion in his heart, but he only said to Shi Xing, "Oh, it should not be time yet"

to bid farewell to Shi Xing. Chi Yao has already said enough, and there is no more room in his mind. The best way to deal with it now is to give him time to digest and accept. Xu Jin knows it well, so even if Shi Xing wanted to ask, he didn't continue.

After closing the communication interface and saying good night, Xu Jin didn't sleep.

After thinking about it, he went to the study.

Sure enough, Chi Yao was standing by the window with his arms crossed, not knowing what he was thinking, and the documents and markers on the desk were left to be placed, not as usual, even if he was not working, he would put them away as soon as possible stand up.

Chi Yao is not as absolutely rational as he has shown.

Xu Jin saw it.

I think it's a good sign.

He stepped forward to say hello, Chi Yao replied lazily, and didn't even look back at him.

I know that I can't hide from Chi Yao that I contributed to the flames in this matter, and I also know that it is not what Chi Yao wants to see. I also know that Chi Yao, who is in a delicate mood, doesn't really want to see him, the instigator, at this moment.

But Xu Jin had his own purpose, so he asked Chi Yao how he felt about Shi Xing.

Chi Yao's reply was a little indifferent, "You know, emotional factors are not a reference factor for me to choose my partner."

Xu Jin: "I know that the heirs of the royal family have always been cultivated in this way, and have this Awakened."

Xu Jin followed the two His Majesties, it is impossible not to understand the self-restraint of the monarchs.

Xu Jin is very clear, even too clear, that the last long talk about matching was based on this entry point, which Chi Yao could not refuse.

Xu Jin: "Your Highness, I'm just asking casually."

I just want to know.

Chi Yao thought for a while, and gave an answer casually, "The pupil color is good."

When making such an evaluation, what Chi Yao thought about was the pair of seawater blue eyes washed with water at the end of the conversation.

Clean and clear, when looking directly at people, there is something flashing inside that Chi Yao can't see among the people around him.

If you have to say it, it is probably a pure sincerity.

Those people he dealt with were taboo about this, they were better at disguising and keeping calm.

Xu Jin: "?"

Xu Jin immediately thought he had heard wrong.

After he reacted, he couldn't help but start to fall into suspicion. He has already made His Majesty hate him so much, did he say such unrealistic words to dismiss him?

It was a long night, and Shi Xing fell into a drowsy sleep.

After a long time, I woke up again from my sleep.

Woke up in a cold sweat.

He dreamed again, but this time it was different, this time...he dreamed about the process of losing his ability.

It was tens of millions of times more real than when Chi Yao questioned him and brought back his memories.

It was so real that after Shi Xing woke up, he couldn't get rid of that fear for a long time.

Bury your face into your knees and hug yourself.

Shi Xing thought that he might never forget this paragraph.

That was, after Lu Lu took him away from the Lu family and went to his elder brother's army...

At that time, Lu Lu and the princess had a big fight, which was very unpleasant, and Lu Lu even said that he would not go back... ...

Was matched to the Imperial Majesty after rebirthNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ