Chapter 7 Arrogance

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When Shi Xing fell asleep, he was ignorant.

For Lu Lu, the mental journey of these three days was extremely bumpy.

In view of the conflict between Shi Xing and Yu Man, and the subsequent conversation in the tree garden, Lu Lu simply believed that Shi Xing was about to enter the maturity stage and was caused by a wrong mood.

But after returning to the residence, the details of the conversation kept popping up in his mind inadvertently. The more he thought about it, the more Lu Lu felt something was wrong.

No, nothing is right.

Shi Xing was too calm, and the look in his questioning eyes was too firm.

Those words didn't seem like random thoughts caused by emotional pressure, but rather, like Shi Xing knew something and was telling him solemnly... Yes,

Shi Xing's words didn't seem like discussing with him at all.

It's like...

a unilateral rejection.

Lu Lu suddenly realized this the next day, and dialed Shixing's communicator in a panic, but... no one answered.

Communications could not be established, and tentative messages were not answered.

After Lu Lu calmed down, he went to the library to check the information.

The empire's matching dinners have been held more than 20 times, and all talent evaluation results have been recorded.

Because most of the Blue Stars did not enter the maturity stage when they participated in the assessment, or had just entered the maturity stage, the results of the talent assessment were either accurate, accurate, or inaccurate, literally inaccurate.

The law is like this, under normal circumstances, the result of the talent assessment will be one level lower than the real level after the maturity period.

In other words, at the current level of general medical practitioners are A, the average talent evaluation is B.

It is very rare for Blue Stars to be evaluated as A-level, which means that they can reach S-level after they pass through the maturity stage smoothly, and S-level is currently the highest level of spiritual power for imperial medical doctors.

Even though he was clear about these things, Lu Lv was not relieved until he went through all the evaluation results and confirmed that the tree nest had only given an "a" rating at the highest level in the past.

But still feeling uneasy.

Before going to bed, I chatted with my friends in the imperial capital, and was told that my friend Bi Shu in the imperial capital was sick and did not come to school. Lu Lu was concerned, and then changed the subject: [Do you think this matching dinner is better than my family's? choose? ]

[You want to ask if there are any Blue Stars who would not choose you? 】A friend's joke hit Lu Lu's heart, 【Don't worry, the families that control the seven armies have an S-level medical doctor on average, and now most of the people participating in the matching are their subordinate officers. Holding the third legion, what are you afraid of? ]

That's right, the background of the military officers currently participating in the matching should not be more powerful than the Prince's Mansion.

Thinking of this, Lu Lu became calmer again.

And the next day, "Tree Nest produced a particularly powerful blue star this year", the announcement of the postponement of the talent assessment, and the triple news that Shi Xing was hospitalized due to entering maturity reached Lu Lu's ears at the same time.

I don't know how the gossip about the imperial capital spread, but people from other legions have already inquired about it. After inquiring, several groups of people met Yu Man who was the first to enter the mature stage through the administrator.

But what they didn't know was that one night the border warships were all over the tree nest.

Lu Lu saw it with his own eyes, and he came from a military family in the imperial capital. Although Lu Lu hoped that the news referred to Yu Man, he couldn't lie to himself.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world?

The battleship hangs in the air at night, the time star disappears the next day, and the talent assessment is postponed one day and the time star enters a mature stage, as well as gossip. If there is no connection in it, Lu Lu does not believe it.

In particular, people are not allowed to visit Shi Xing in the tree nest. If it enters the mature stage normally, Lu Lu has never heard that it is not allowed.

After another three days of depression, Lu Lu couldn't sit still when he heard the news from the imperial capital that Tan Jia, who was in charge of the Seventh Army, might participate in the matching this year.

His relationship with Shi Xing has always been natural, but this time, Lu Lu deeply felt that he had to do something.

Shi Xing was in a daze, and when half a glass of water entered his throat, he was able to make a sound with difficulty, realizing what he had let Chi Yao, who had a background in the royal family, do. Chi Yao had already rang the call bell one step ahead of him.

The white coats filed in, separating the distance between Shi Xing and Chi Yao.

Shi Xing had fun in the midst of bitterness, and thought dully, that's fine, and there is no need to be embarrassed by each other.

The testing equipment sheet was soon covered Shi Xing's body again.

"Body temperature is normal."

"Spiritual sea is stable."

"The fluctuation of mental power is within the normal fluctuation threshold of maturity."

One report after another, I was confused when I heard it, and soon the doctor came to a conclusion, "Recovery is good, observe again You can leave the hospital if there is no problem in two days."

Shi Xing thought of something, and said anxiously, "Talent evaluation..."

The doctor: "You slept for three days, it was postponed."

"The administrator will wait for you to be discharged from the hospital before confirming your talent." The specific time of the assessment." Chi Yao's voice was not high, but everyone in the room could hear him clearly.

Shi Xing reacted, oh, that's all right.

The doctor finally gave Shi Xing a basket of crystals, "There is no reserve of animal cores in the tree nest, if you still feel that you are lacking in the past two days, you can use the crystals first, and if the situation does not improve after absorbing it, remember to call me.

" Guaranteed, the doctors and nurses came and went quickly and neatly.

Shi Xing took a spar and pinched it in his hand, and found that it was not the blood crystal mine, but the kind of spar provided under the mother tree. If I remember correctly... Shi Xing

asked in a low voice, "These are the energy sources from the battleship. Did it come out of the warehouse?"

Crystal stones and beast cores are two common durable energy sources in the interstellar era.

Chi Yao sat back on the chair in front of the hospital bed and hummed.

Shi Xing suddenly felt that the spar was a bit hot, "Is it...too wasteful to use it for me?"

Obviously, the warship supported by such a high-level spar cannot be an ordinary model.

"Why do you say that, as long as it is useful, it is not a waste." Chi Yao was surprised when Shi Xing asked this question.

Guessing that the superior would not care about these things, Shi Xing could only smile at the man, lowered his head to glimpse the solemn and complicated embroidery on the side of the other's collar and sleeves, paused on the special logo, and looked away calmly.

If it were another person, Shi Xing might feel that the details of this body are too luxurious, but Chi Yao's demeanor can completely suppress the clothes, and even Shi Xing has the illusion that the clothes are too simple and not suitable for the other party. I don't know if it's because people in the royal family are naturally suitable for grand formal attire.

There was a moment of relative silence in the ward, Chi Yao suddenly said: "Don't be restrained."

"I asked you to take over Fei Chu, and I'm also responsible if you don't wake up, I should come and have a look."

Shi Xingxiao raised his eyes, and the solemn smoke-gray eyes in his line of sight were slightly bent.

"Besides, since sending you here, your doctor in charge has said to your face no less than ten times that we are being too foolish. Fei Chu is fine. I'll come and see you again. Maybe she will scold me behind my back." Shi Xing: "!


Shi Xing hurriedly clarified for the doctor, "No." "How do

you know?"

Chi Yao asked fluently, Shi Xing's brain that had just been activated did not turn around, "She dare not."

After finishing speaking, the reaction broke down. Shi Xing speculates that Chi Yao's status is valuable, but it's good to know this kind of thing in his heart, and if he exposes it face to face, he doesn't know if he will commit any taboo... Sure enough,

Chi Yao stopped talking, and those smoky gray eyes stared straight time star.

When Shi Xing's palms were sweating and he wanted to bow his head unbearably, suddenly Chi Yao raised the corners of his lips.

Not too strong, very shallow, but a real smile.

Relieving the crisis in Shi Xing's subconscious also made him a little confused.

Chi Yao nodded without denying, "Indeed, she didn't dare." "

But I feel like you are more trembling than her, am I scary?"

Shi Xing was trying to find love, but Chi Yao didn't want his answer, " After sleeping for three full days, you have nothing to ask?"

Yes, there are many more.

Originally, it was not easy to ask, but the serious atmosphere was broken by that laugh.

Sensing that Chi Yao was patiently waiting for him to speak, Shi Xingzhen asked.

Except that he was uncomfortable seeing Chi Yao when he woke up, Shi Xing was able to handle the visits from the administrator and the two medical practitioners at the back with ease, and I don't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the two medical practitioners treated him too kindly.

Shi Xing turned a corner and asked the administrator about Chi Yao's identity, but the administrator only asked him to remember to call him Your Highness, and didn't say anything else.

To a certain extent, it proves that this highness is really not small.

Two days later, Shi Xing was discharged from the hospital and was sent back to his residence by Fu Qing. The major general took the initiative to exchange communication numbers with him.

Fu Qing: "You can find your highness later if you feel unwell or encounter any difficulties. My officer hasn't woken up yet. Your highness said that when he wakes up, he will thank you personally. Well, the communication number for your highness is not very good. It's convenient, you can write me down first, and contact me if you have anything, the same."

"Thank you Major General."

"It's okay, you take this box of crystals, it's not much, just a little thought."

After Fu Qing left, Shi Xing opened it After looking at it, it is the energy stone of the battleship, not to mention, he quite likes it.

It feels cool and cool when absorbed, very comfortable.

Holding a box of crystals, Shi Xing showed a satisfied smile.

But this smile didn't last until he returned to the room, and when he saw Shi Ran sitting on the steps with red eyes at the door of the residence, he fell down.

"Shi Ran, what's the matter?" After a pause, Shi Xing frowned and said, "Who messed with you?" Shi Ran

sulked outside alone, and he didn't expect Shi Xing to be discharged from the hospital today, his expression was unnatural for a moment, and he quickly lowered his head Turning his head away, he covered up and said, "No, no, I'm just in a bad mood..."

"Yu Man? Yu Huai? Or Yu Cai?"

Shi Ran faltered.

Realizing that he had guessed right, Shi Xing: "They owed you again, or did they do something to you?"

Shi Ran was a little frightened by Shi Xing's abnormal strength, and he subconsciously refuted.

"No, no, no, they didn't say anything about me..."

Shi Xing grasped the key point: "Didn't say anything about you, are you so upset?"

Shi Ran choked up again, Shi Xing understood, "Could it be that I What did you say about me?"

Shi Ran hesitated to speak.

Seeing that Xing had calmed down at this time, he handed a spar to Shi Ran, and his state suddenly changed from being angry and pleading guilty, to being curious and eating melons.

Shi Ran didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "It's you!"

"I know, so what did you say about me?"

After asking to this extent, knowing that she couldn't hide it, Shi Ran finally told Shi Xing.

The matter is divided into two parts. One is that Yu Man recently met several high-ranking military officers of the Seven Legions, and there are rumors in his residence that they have taken a fancy to Yu Man and may want to compete for him. Yu Man was a little flustered.

The blue star people who are about to enter the mature stage are all in the tree nest, and the channels for obtaining information are relatively simple. Shi Xing knows more about this than Shi Ran.

According to the gossip circulating in the imperial capital recently, Chi Yao had already informed Shi Xing in the ward.

His Highness apologized for the trouble that the leak of the news might have caused Shi Xing. There was no way to secretly compete for the opponent, but he assured that after the talent evaluation, Shi Xing would not be a bad match.

Knowing this, and listening to Shi Ran talk about Yu Man's fate, Shi Xing immediately realized that those officers most likely came from the gossip and found the wrong person.

Xing didn't feel much about it at this time, he was not a pushy character.

The other thing is the point of Shi Ran's anger. It is derived from the first one. After being interviewed by so many officers, Yu Man now swears that he is the best existence among this group of Blue Stars. Shi Xing's conflict in the tree garden that day has been polished by him in the past few days. From his proactive provocation, cutting off the beginning and the end, Shi Xing took advantage of his unstable stage before entering maturity to deceive him and intentionally A version that absorbs his mental power and bullies him.

"He said that?" Shi Xing raised his eyebrows.

Shi Ran nodded, angrily: "He just took you into the hospital as an excuse, saying that you must have shown signs of maturity at that time, but you just lied to him because of your instability..." The

real reason for Shi Xing's admission to the hospital was told by the administrator. Outdated Ran can not say.

Shi Ran: "He's just pretending to be wronged, and he's been proud of himself recently... so many people listened to it." At

this moment, Xing only smiled, handed the box to Shi Ran, and turned to enter the residence.

"Xing Xing, where are you going?" Shi Ran who was holding the spar was a little confused.

Shi Xing waved his hand with his back to the person, "Go and implement the bullying that Yu Man said." "



Shi Ran reacted and hurried after him.

But Shi Xing walked fast, and when we met again, what Shi Ran saw was a group of people sitting around Yu Man sitting on the edge of the flower bed chatting, while Shi Xing stood behind them and listened.

Shi Ran's eyelids twitched, and he was about to call for someone, but Shi Xing suddenly raised his leg and kicked Yu Man down.

At the same time, the news of Shi Xing's return to his residence was also sent to Lu Lu's communicator by other Blue Stars.

Was matched to the Imperial Majesty after rebirthOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant