Chapter 104 Out of Control

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    Can play, but the coordination of the formation needs to be changed.

This star beast has a high degree of intelligence, and can always see the weak points of cooperation.

Twenty minutes later, Chi Yao assigned two groups of unmanned warships to Admiral Ye Jun, and a group of people in the command office began to discuss further hunting arrangements.

Erya found something wrong, and said with a serious expression, "It has been attacking all the time, and the wounds on its body... are about to recover."

This star beast is retaining its strength, and when it really recovers completely, it will attack again Start.

Chi Yao and Shi Xing also took a look at the star beast, confirming the authenticity of Erya's observation.

Shi Xing found something else, "The energy fluctuations in the star beast are more than it uses for attack."

In other words, most of its mental power is used to repair itself, not to attack.

The purpose of the unmanned battleship is to hold back the star beasts. Similarly, the star beasts are also perfunctory in combat, recharging their energy and recharging their batteries to wait for the opportunity.

Chi Yao looked at it for a while, and said in a deep voice, "It played very cleverly."

The star beast used its own abilities to the extreme. The kind of mental power that appeared out of thin air often fell on the weak point of the formation change, and it could be used every time. Not to mention that the unmanned warship is in a hurry, it can also interfere with and reduce the attack on it.

"Its intelligence is very high." Chi Yao emphasized again.

In just a few minutes, all the complicated formations were rejected.

Fei Chu can see the simple formation, "No, these types are too easy to see through. Once it interferes, the coordination can't keep up, so why do you fight? Don't make us flustered." Chi Yao rarely

refuted Fei Chu, "You're right."

Shi Xing, who didn't have a deep understanding of formation and actual combat, followed the voice and looked at everyone. He didn't speak, but listened silently.

Chi Yao looked at the battlefield again, lowered his eyebrows, and after a while, made an amazing decision.

"Cancel the formation of the army, don't cooperate anymore, go directly to someone."

Fei Chu: "Huh?"

Fei Chu: "Who are you going to?"

Chi Yao: "Me."

Shi Xing choked.

Chi Yao said calmly, "Combined with Bi Zhou, quick battle and quick decision, it should be ok."

After so many times against the mutant star beast, only Chi Yao's mental power has seriously injured it. The star beasts fight directly with high-level mental power, and come the fastest.

Shi Xing's first reaction was to resist, but he didn't say it, Fei Chu helped him.

"What should you do if you leave the command, the spiritual sea is better... Bi Zhou doesn't have this kind of combat experience. If you take him with you, why should you take him into consideration?"

Chi Yao: "He has no combat experience, but it's not an attack. The main force, the problem is not big."

Rolling up his cuffs, Chi Yao said again, "Besides, he has no experience, but I am very rich."

Shi Xing realized later that the wounds in Chi Yao's spiritual sea he healed were probably all in the produced in this situation.

Indeed, His Highness has rich combat experience in dealing with star beasts.

Rationally, he knew that since Chi Yao was going to be on the show, it shouldn't be a big problem, but emotionally, it might be the first time he met him, Shi Xing still secretly resisted in his heart, and he didn't dare to express his resistance.

Because Shi Xing clearly knew that this was also His Highness's responsibility.

In other words, it is their shared responsibility.

What others can shrink back, put it on them, you can't.

Closing his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath, and then opening his eyes, Shi Xing said calmly, "Your Highness, you go, I will help defend against the star beast's mutant attack on the outside." After a pause, he promised, "I will also be

optimistic about Bi Zhou, no Let him be injured."

Fei Chu: "?"

Fu Qing: "?"

Chi Yao nodded, and in silence, he said, "All the squads are commanding officers, and Yi Zhenqiang will take over the commander-in-chief, and Zhuang Yuanyin will be the deputy. Commander, Shi Xing..." Taking a deep look at his little friend, he said, "Let's also be the deputy conductor."

Shi Xing accepted.

It was the first time to fight against high-level star beasts, and Bi Zhou seemed very excited.

Even though Fei Chu and Fu Qing had some criticisms, under the military order, they adjusted their emotions very quickly.

Within ten minutes, the formation changed and dispersed, giving Shi Xing an excellent broad view and helping him resist the mutant attack in the first place, while Chi Yao and Bi Zhou had no warships to get in the way and chose to fight alone.

A powerful mental force followed the unmanned battleship and hit the star beast, and with the roar of the star beast, the melee combat started.

Due to his natural ability, Chi Yao can stabilize in mid-air, and his speed is not inferior to the star beast.

And this time, Shi Xing saw Bi Zhou's talent used for the first time.

The combination of wind element and water element is very exciting.

But D-level mutated 3s-level star beasts are rare after all, and the battle situation is also extremely fierce. Several times, in the talent of Shi Xing, he can only see the energy shock wave covering the world. He must close his talent ability to focus his sight again Figures of Chi Yao and Bi Zhou.

And Shi Xing's performance did not disappoint everyone.

Except for the three teams he led, it was the first time for the other teams to see him in actual combat, and it could even be said that the emotions of surprise and surprise far exceeded expectations for Shi Xing.

With the blessing of innate ability, Shi Xing is the most sensitive to energy fluctuations in space.

Countless times during the battle, the star beast repeated its old tricks, interferingly trying to attack the rear team with mutated mental power. The moment the attack appeared, it was firmly blocked by the time star barrier.

After using the barrier a few times and feeling exhausted, Shi Xing only provided a special barrier. Fei Chu and Fu Qing used their mental power to provide a normal barrier under his barrier to reduce the loss of Shi Xing.

As Shi Xing's teacher, Er Ya didn't make a move, and focused on replenishing his mental power, trying to ensure that Shi Xing's mental power was not less than half, in case of emergencies.

The attack is like fireworks exploding on the barrier of Time Star again and again.

Anticipate ahead.

Strict protection.

Precise delivery barrier.

All of this made all the soldiers, including Bi Zhou, rarely feel safe on the battlefield.

The people of the empire have strong physical fitness. As long as they don't get pierced through the spiritual sea, no matter how severe the external injury is, with the medical level of the empire, they can be saved without dying.

"The star beast took one hit."

"The second hit."

"Fake move, the third strike, he started to focus on attacking the wound."

Fei Chu watched from the side, and told Shi Xing and Er Ya about the battle situation.

Suddenly, when Shi Xing turned his head, there was nothing in the distance.

"What's wrong?" Erya noticed his movement and asked.

Shi Xing shook his head, while having a bad premonition, that feeling was fleeting, he wasn't sure if it was an illusion.

Before he had time to think deeply, another attack came one after another, and Shi Xing raised his hand to release the barrier.

Another barrier was placed on Bi Zhou to resist the attack. When Chi Yao started to accelerate, Shi Xing put a soft barrier on him.

Huge energy hit and exploded.

In the field of vision of the first talent, only the white expanse of dissipated energy is left in the world, and everyone and everything are shrouded in a thick layer of fog, which cannot be dispelled.

Shi Xing turned off his talent again, and when he looked up again, he saw the star beast falling like a meteor.

Fei Chu: "I hit it."

Realizing that the battle was over, Shi Xing let out a sigh of relief, and his natural ability activated again.

In the field of vision, the star beast, which should have had no energy, erupted with a burst of gorgeous color, a thin layer, tightly wrapped around the beast's body.

Shi Xing had never seen such a situation before, and before he had time to react, the star beast smashed through the isolation barrier with its body and fell towards their direction.

"Spread out, it's not that badly injured!"

Enlightened, Shi Xing shouted, and the star beast's body suddenly flipped in mid-air, almost at the same time.

Chi Yao will use fake moves, and the star beast will also play dead.

In the next moment, when the star beast attacked Qin Jue's team, the large barrier of Time Star also opened at the same time.

The mutated mental power bombarded the time star barrier continuously.

The star beast did not retreat, and Shi Xing couldn't break the mental power supporting the barrier at all. The two forces collided brazenly, and then saw each other.

"Xing Xing."

"Shi Xing!"

"Shi Xing!!!"

Several calls exploded in Shi Xing's ears, and Shi Xing didn't care who was there.

Immediately afterwards, he knew the reason for everyone shouting.

In the tug-of-war, affected by the mutated mental power, his position changed.

From the rear command zone, the star beast distorted time, using the law of time to affect space, and forcibly dragged him to the front of Qin Jue's team.

"Your Highness, stop!"

Tan Jue's voice sounded.

Knowing that it is for his own good, he is afraid that the energy will see him again, and Shi Xing will still be affected by the law of time, but... If

Shi Xing stops, he clearly knows that the team behind him has no ability to protect himself.

Such a strong spiritual power will penetrate everyone's spiritual sea in the first place.

He couldn't hold back.

No matter what level he stands on, he can't just think about himself and choose to retreat.

At the moment when he made up his mind, Shi Xing pushed his hand forward, pressed the barrier and rushed forward, and was caught off guard to push Yuanxing Beast.

"Everyone retreat! Spread out!!"

Shi Xing gritted his teeth and ordered.

Qin Jue didn't worry Shi Xing about this point. Almost the moment he said it, the battleships floating behind him obeyed the order to scatter and quickly left the battlefield.


The star beast's attacks continued continuously, with a tendency to intensify, all of which were directed at Shi Xing.

The impact of the energy made Shi Xing's arms tremble.

For a couple of moments, all the voices calling him were in his ears, and Shi Xing couldn't tell what was said and who said it.

The star beast changed its direction, trying to break through the barrier, and Shi Xing also changed its protective position.

The direction of attack and protection began to change constantly, and the high-speed rotation made it impossible for the surrounding warships to locate the star beast.

Feeling the spiritual power of Chi Yao and Bi Zhou rushing towards him in the air, before Shi Xing could breathe a sigh of relief, wonderful colors erupted again at the energy collision, his heart suddenly burst, and then he opened his eyes, Shi Xing was surrounded by Without the army and the familiar environment.

He landed in an unknown direction high in the air.

Here it is again, he was pulled away by the mutant ability of the star beast again.

Because of the entanglement of energy, the mutation ability can also act on him.

Shi Xing understood, but couldn't resist at all.

The sound of energy shocks exploding continuously rang in my ears...

Shi Xing was taken aback for a moment, and after knowing it, he also jumped forward with time. This was clearly the sound of Chi Yao's explosion when he attacked the star beast just now. He was nearby at the time and felt the gap between the sounds. You can't go wrong.

He also made a time jump.

Therefore, during the attack just now, the familiar energy he felt in the distance was not an illusion.

It's his spiritual power.

He was dragged away by the star beast...


He swooped down again, and Shi Xing didn't have the breathing time to retract the barrier at all. Not only could he not retract it, but he had to constantly open up his mental power in different directions during the continuous attacks Barrier against attack.

This resistance cannot last.

If it continues, only he will be left behind.

He hadn't passed the maturity stage yet, without the supplement of Er Ya's mental power, his mental power was quickly drained as the barrier continued to open.

Know to break the entanglement of mental power.

I also know to get rid of the star beast.


Shi Xing couldn't do it at all.

No chance at all.

The star beast's attacks came too fast, one after another without interruption, endlessly, it was already very difficult for him to barely resist the attack, let alone find a way to escape.

He... couldn't get away.

And his spiritual power is being consumed at a terrifying speed.

If you keep going, there will always be that hit.

Moreover, the mental power is intertwined, and he is still making leaps, on the time axis, and also on the space dimension under the interference of laws.

In short, the time and space where the stars are located are changing.

Even if it can only be two minutes ahead each time, Shi Xing knows that he is getting farther and farther away from the team through the judgment of his voice.


the barrier was suddenly under attack, and it shattered with one blow.

Shi Xing's spiritual power is running out.

He needs to add, he can't go on like this, he can't...

take a rough breath, he doesn't want to feel the threat of death again.

The moment this thought broke out, the barrier of time and stars began to twist, and the words Erya said rang through his ears again.

——"Spiritual power is divided into many strands, infiltrated into the other party's spiritual power, and then pulled back."

——"It is the opposite process to healing. In healing, spiritual power is released and given completely, while absorption is a thorough demand "

——"Like walking in the desert for a long time, you need a drop of water to survive."

——"If you can't drink it, you will die."

No, he doesn't want that kind of ending, he wants...

in this life, he Want a new ending.

The time star's barrier melted like water, and the non-aggressive mental power wrapped around the spiritual power of the star beast and penetrated.

This process is like the star beast breaking through the barrier of time and star.

The blue star man's mental power is not aggressive, even if the reverse winding goes deep into the star beast's body, what the star beast feels is still a calm and gentle feeling, and it can even be called a comfortable feeling.

Sensing the dryness of Shi Xing's mental power, the star beast roared excitedly, opened its stinking mouth wide, and rushed straight at Shi Xing.

In mid-air, the wind element maintained Shi Xing's figure, and the exhaustion from excessive use of mental power made Shi Xing half-closed his eyes, full of discomfort, like a withered white rose, drooping and about to lose its vitality.

And this delicious meal is about to fall into the mouth of the star beast.

The saliva was drooling, and the star beast was excited. It hadn't smelled such a fragrant spiritual power for a long time. It smelled so good, it must be delicious.

Just when the star beast was less than one meter away from the time star, its big smelly mouth was about to bite.

Shi Xinghai's blue eyes opened.

The spiritual power completely penetrated into the body of the star beast.

He felt the vitality of the vastness.

He felt...

finally felt, the last drop of the water of life.

When Shi Xing raised his hand, the star beast was instantly fixed in mid-air, unable to advance an inch.

The star beast froze, and in the blink of an eye, it was too late to resist. While the attacking mental power sank into Shi Xingxing's body, the mental power outside his body, together with the mental power inside him, was taken away by a ferocious force, stripped off completely uncontrollably, and then again Into the body of the blue star.

So much spiritual power, poured into Time Star, is like a mud cow into the sea.

His face turned from pale to rosy, and he stretched out another hand in midair.

"Aw, ow, ow, ow!"

The star beast wailed, in pain.

Shi Xing felt comfortable and satisfied.

The star beast struggled violently and wanted to run.

Shi Xing took a step towards the star beast.

At this moment, the relationship between hunter and prey is exchanged.

Shi Xing also likes the spiritual power of this star beast, it is of a high level, so fresh.

At the moment when Shi Xing's hand touched the star beast, the mutated star beast screamed, but when Shi Xing closed its jaws, the mental power in the body was still continuously drawn away, but his mouth disintegrated first , turned into flesh and blood, losing its original shape and function.

"Don't make noise." Shi Xing said weakly.

The next moment, Shi Xing put his other hand on the star beast.

Kazi, Kazi.

Tiny voices sounded in subtle places.

It was the sound of the beast core cracking.


With a muffled sound, the crack pierced through the beast's core instantly.

Shi Xing half closed his eyes, soaked in the nourishment of huge energy, comfortable.

The shriveled petals filled up again, blooming with vitality again.

With a sigh of relief, after the spiritual sea was filled, the absorption speed increased again. This time, Shi Xing's spiritual sea layer absorbed all the energy crazily.

Chi Yao and his team hurried over, and when they saw Shi Xing in the distance, they saw this scene.

Shi Xing leaned against the star beast, as if stroking some pet.

"Shi Xing!"

Chi Yao's voice came from a distance.

When Shi Xing opened his eyes, he subconsciously felt that he should hurry up. As soon as this idea came into being, the beast core was completely broken, and turned into powder inside the Star Beast.

Erya realized something, grabbed Chi Yao, and said loudly, "Don't go there, something is wrong with him."

Before Chi Yao could break free, the star beast's body began to disintegrate in mid-air.

Flesh and blood flowed down like water droplets.

This scene made the First Legion collectively speechless.

"He has learned." Er Ya said.

As soon as the words fell, the star beast's flesh and blood skeleton without a trace of spiritual power fell down.

What surprised Erya was that Shi Xing's absorption of energy did not stop, and the energy dissipating in the air around him continued to flow into Shi Xing's body.


"Your Highness."

After calling, Shi Xing shook his head, feeling a kind of intoxicated trance.

The next moment, the body swayed, and then fell like a star beast.

In the process of falling, Shi Xing still did not stop absorbing the energy in the air.


Erya didn't have time to remind, Chi Yao rushed out.

After being stunned for a moment, Er Ya realized something, followed closely behind.

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