Chapter 48 Mystery

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Against the background of the icy and snowy forest, Chi Yao walked up to Shi Xing against the wind and snow.

No nonsense, let Shi Xing repeat the shooting action.

Shi Xing was a little nervous, so he did it anyway, Chi Yao: "Don't move, hold on." The

tall man in a black combat uniform walked around Shi Xing, and suddenly pointed out his posture, "Feet and shoulders Qi Kuan, backhand grip."

"Fu Qing is good at fighting, Xiang Fei is good at mechs, Qin Jue is best at flying battleships, and the fighting style in the northern border is because of their strong individual mental strength, so people are weapons, and they are more used to being alone Enter the battlefield."

"Among them, Fu Qing is the one who is most likely to teach you these things. He doesn't like cold weapons, but prefers energy 'guns' inspired by mental power as auxiliary weapons." "But your holding posture is very standard.


When The heart of the star is raised high.

Chi Yao said firmly, "I shouldn't be able to learn these if you don't go to the military academy." "

I have participated in the tree nest course customization, and I don't know how to teach blue star people to fight."

Every time Chi Yao said something, Shi Xing felt that the words were heavy In his heart, it was deafening.

Chi Yao walked up to Shi Xing and stood still, his smoky pupils looked extraordinarily cold against the background of the heavy snow.

"So, where did you learn this?"

Asked like the last chime of a bell, Shi Xing was caught off guard.

Unexpected, but reasonable.

Perhaps, since he took the initiative to raise the weapon to use the arm crossbow, Chi Yao had suspicions. His skillful use of the arm crossbow today only confirmed the doubts that the other party had not yet asked.

Shi Xing's throat rolled a few times, and under the extremely cold weather, because of nervousness, fine sweat oozes from his forehead.

Shi Xing couldn't control his reaction.

And these reactions fell into Chi Yao's eyes... Knowing that it was another way to confirm "there is a ghost in his heart", Shi Xing closed his eyes, unwilling to see the disappointment in Chi Yao's eyes.

There was a long silence, and Shi Xing's heart was in turmoil.

After a long time, I spoke, my voice became hoarse, "Your Highness, you may not believe me when I tell you."

Everything was too unbelievable.

Chi Yao hit the pain point directly, "Is it because I don't believe it, or you don't want to say it?"

The bell on Shi Xingxin rang again, hitting his whole body, and there was no place where he didn't feel numb.

Shi Xing said in confusion, he didn't know what he was talking about and said, "I don't want to lie to you."

Chi Yao: "Then don't lie to me."

Shi Xing was completely speechless.

Chi Yao's unyielding attitude made him feel for a moment or two that he was driven to a dead end and had to surrender immediately, as if he was worthy of begging the other party's tolerance later, he... "I..."


started Suddenly, the hand in the shooting position was pushed back. When Shi Xing opened his eyes, he saw Chi Yao standing in front of him at some point. The next moment, the long finger clasped his upper arm and lifted it up , let him stand up straight.

"You are trembling."

The eyelashes drooped, and the four words were extremely soft, almost uttered against the helix.

Chi Yao was determined, "It doesn't seem like a good memory."

After the words fell, Shi Xing shuddered again.

An instinctive reaction from body tension, not under his control, nor in his mind.

The thick long eyelashes were raised, and the smoky pupils were exposed, and Shi Xing looked at each other in an almost intimate gesture.

Chi Yao was calm and calm, while Shi Xing was restless and flustered.

When Shi Xing couldn't stand being watched, and Shi Xing wanted to close his eyes again, Chi Yao patted his hand on his shoulder, "Follow me."

Immediately afterwards, Chi Yao led Shi Xing to hunt the snow bear point to go.

Shi Xing's whole body was stiff, and he didn't know where he was in a trance, and he didn't know what day and night, Chi Yao led him, and he followed that strength to move forward, his mind was rare and muddled.

"Give me a gun."

Chi Yao ordered, and several guns were placed in front of him for him to choose.

Chi Yao took a small caliber, inspired by his mental strength.

Holding Shi Xing's long finger firmly, Shi Xing felt as if he was bound by something. This point of contact has nothing to do with intimacy in his cognition at the moment, it's just an action that doesn't allow him to run around.

Chi Yao asked him, "Can your mental power heal the snow bear's beast core?"

Shi Xing said truthfully, "It should be possible."

The principle of treatment is the same, but their blue star people never heal star beasts Those monsters.

Chi Yao nodded, waved the muzzle of the gun in the air, and ordered, "One more."

A snow bear was quickly led to Chi Yao, because of his strong mental power, everyone did not treat Shi Xing like he did. Especially to consume the snow bear to the limit, so when the snow bear walked in front of Chi Yao, he was so energetic that Shi Xing couldn't help but take a step back.


He reacted, and his body has already retreated.


Shi Xing was speechless.

It is fear, but it is not fear of snow bears, but fear of some star beasts in memory.

And when the energetic snow bear approached, the past and the present moment coincided wonderfully.

Chi Yao made a move that Shi Xing didn't expect.

He pulled the man in front of him, and hugged Shi Xing from behind.

The arms around his waist were firm, and Xuxu was stretched across his body, Shi Xing felt that he was completely enveloped by the other party's breath.

Strong and safe.

"Your Highness?" Shi Xing's voice trembled.

Chi Yao rested his chin on Shi Xing's shoulder, breathing warmly into Shi Xing's helix, itching slightly, "Don't be afraid, I'm here." Chi Yao

: "Where is the beast core?"

It is to use bullets to hit the beast core, to verify the possibility that I said at the time.

Got it, Shi Xing still told the location obediently, Chi Yao's right arm moved down slightly, just beside Shi Xing, and felt that the aiming head was a little tilted, Shi Xing took the initiative to reach out and hold Chi Yao's wrist, and helped fine-tune the target position .


Shi Xing reported: "It hit."

Chi Yao stood up straight, and did not let Shi Xing go. He led the people all the way to Snow Bear. A surface was cut out, exposed in the sight range.

The bullet holes are small, and the animal core is indeed not broken. After observing for a while, the self-healing ability of the animal core is also working accordingly. The incompletely cut out animal core is connected with flesh and blood, and the mental power is rapidly repairing the outer wall.

Once you get the answer, there is no need to look any further.

"Cure it." Chi Yao said.

The snow bear is a part of the ecology in the ice and snow forest. If it can not be killed, it is best not to.

Shi Xing nodded, just as he stretched out his hand, he was held by warm long fingers again, and asked him, "Will it be difficult?"

Shi Xing shook his head: "No, Your Highness, they are only A-level."

Release the long fingers, Shi Xing His mental power pushed the bullet casing from the wound onto the snow, and the beast core healed extremely quickly under Shi Xing's spiritual power. Chi Yao's mental power was so overwhelming that Snow Bear could not move. After a while, the beast core submerged into the body again, leaving only a small wound opened by the wind.

Chi Yao walked out for a while with Shi Xing in his arms, and let go of his mental strength. Xue Xiong immediately got up, suffered a lot of torture, and ran into the depths of the forest without looking back.

On the way back, the spaceship was completely quiet, Chi Yao didn't speak, Shi Xing sat down and looked down at his legs, and didn't speak.

Fu Qing praised Shi Xing loudly, but was interrupted by Xu Jin's wink, and remained silent for the rest of the journey.

The two snow bears killed undoubtedly became dinner. No matter how stupid Fu Qing was, he didn't understand at first. When he returned to the residence to observe Shi Xing and Chi Yao, he also felt something was wrong. The dinner was very self-conscious. Also shut up.

Shi Xing eats so much that he doesn't know his taste.

As soon as the bowl was put down, a chopstick of vegetables, followed by a chopstick of bear meat was caught in the bowl, Chi Yao: "It's too little, eat more." Shi Xing nodded, and ate

another bowl of crystal rice without feeling hungry.

"Shi Xing comes with me, and the others are free to move about."

After the meal, without accident, Shi Xing was called into the room by Chi Yao.

It's not the study, it's Chi Yao's bedroom.

"Sit down." Chi Yao said

after entering the door, seeing Shi Xing standing restrainedly outside the suite.

Shi Xing didn't sit on the sofa, moved a chair, and sat opposite Chi Yao, with his back straight and his palms down on his lap.

It looked like he was going to be punished.

Chi Yao didn't mean that at all, seeing him like this, he didn't force it, and said directly: "I have a few questions for you, and you answer them truthfully."

Shi Xing nodded heavily.

"Do you know that bullets can't pierce the beast core?"

Shi Xing nodded.

"Can the arm crossbow be improved according to your physical condition, you know it well?"

Shi Xing nodded.

"Have you ever practiced fighting?"

Shi Xing closed his eyes in pain and nodded again.

"To what extent can it be done?" Chi Yao asked. Shi Xing said in a low voice, "The basic skills in the military academy are good, but their physical fitness is not as good as that of the Imperials, so they can only catch them by surprise and practice some clever


" Chi Yao became interested, stood up, went to the bedroom, but his voice didn't stop, and asked again: "What else have you learned?"

Shi Xing said, "Some basic military knowledge, basic formations for combat."

That's all, after all, he only stayed in the imperial capital for more than a year.

"No more?"

"No more."

When Chi Yao came out, he had already changed into his daily training clothes, and called Shi Xing to get up. When Shi Xing changed into his training clothes, he took people to the energy shielding room. Xu Jin and Fu Qing Yan Changyue didn't seem to care, the three of them had their eyeballs stuck to their backs as they passed by.

When the people walked away, Fu Qing whispered: "This is Your Highness, are you taking someone to the training room?"

Xu Jin: "It looks like it is?" Yan Changyue: "What's the matter



It can only be seen that the atmosphere between Chi Yao and Shi Xing is not right.

Xu Jin finally said, "Let them get used to it, maybe it'll be fine if they come out?"

Yan Changyue and Fu Qing felt that it was reasonable, but they couldn't help but glanced in the direction of the training room from time to time.

Shi Xing's heart beat violently when Chi Yao grabbed his throat easily again. Chi

Yao let go, not going to continue, sat down and concluded, "It's true that

you know a little bit, but not very good."

Next, Shi Xing felt that it was not good to stand, so he also sat beside him and listened.

Chi Yao thought for a while, then asked Shi Xing, "Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Shi Xing bowed his head, "There are still some personal things, some experiences, but that's all I know, and I haven't kept anything from you about the others." Chi Yao keenly asked, "Is it an

experience or a grievance?"

Shi Xing didn't say anything.

And silence is sometimes a kind of default.

Just when Shi Xing felt it was time, Chi Yao didn't beat him outside, and there were only two of them now, and Chi Yao should not allow him to hide anything, only Chi Yao let out a light breath, like a sigh.

"You remind me of some stories about the Blue Star people that my dad said."

The topic changed abruptly, and Shi Xing couldn't help but raise his eyes.

Chi Yao said: "The large-scale beast swarm three hundred years ago united all the planets in the twin galaxy for the first time to create a boundary line and fight against the enemy together." "But even so, the blue star and the blue star are

still in our galaxy. The most mysterious existence."

"Did you know that the Blue Stars are extremely lethal?"

Shi Xing shook his head.

After hearing this, I couldn't help but yearn for it, and asked in a low voice, "What is it?"

Chi Yao shrugged, "I don't know."

"The high-level executives of all the planets know what they have abilities, but no one knows the specifics. The reason, probably is In a confrontation with disparity in power, only one strong Blue Star survived and returned to the team." "

My dad also asked the fellow Blue Star in private, and the answer he got was very interesting, saying yes This ability cannot be used easily, it can only be used when there is no way out, in short, it cannot be used in normal combat."

"Of course, the blue star is also very mysterious. Before the blue star disappeared, no one from other planets in the twin galaxy had ever set foot on the blue star's territory. They were like an unknown mysterious existence. When the empire and the blue star After Xing signed the relevant treaty, people in the twin galaxy knew for the first time that you were born from trees."

Chi Yao looked at Shi Xing suddenly, and said, "It's just like you, mysterious.

" All the life records of the nest."

"From your birth to now, you can be seen in the video data every year and every month, in other words, theoretically, you have never left the tree nest since you were born." "But this kind of knowledge cannot be acquired in a short period of

time. Your behavior does not match your record."

Against the light, Chi Yao looked firmly, "You have a temperament that is not cultivated by the tree nest."

Fingers suddenly stretched out, Shi Xing was pressed on the back of the head, Chi Yao's facial features were instantly magnified in front of his eyes, and they looked at each other abruptly, Shi Xing felt that the other party wanted to look deep into his body and see his soul.

The confinement was quickly released again, and Chi Yao stated, "But you are not a liar. You can see all your emotions and sorrows in your eyes, and you can't hide them.

" life experience."

"I find it unbelievable, and you also think that I won't believe it."

"Is it?"

Because of that eye contact, the two of them were so close that Shi Xing could even feel the breath of Chi Yao's words passing by. cheek.

Shi Xing's whole body was stiff, and he didn't expect Chi Yao to guess to this extent.

After a long while, he tapped his chin lightly, which was regarded as a default.

Shi Xing's voice was hoarse, "It's not a particularly good experience, Your Highness, do you want to hear it?"

Chi Yaochang pointed at Shi Xing's eyes, "I gave you the answer." "


Chi Yao: "I'll wait until you want to tell Me that day."

"Actually, you may want to miss something, I'm not curious about secrets."

The royal family has a long history, and many secrets have been buried in the long river of time.

Secondly, as the monarch of a country, each of the subordinates has their own thoughts, and it is impossible to be completely honest with him. If he knows Chi Yao of all people well, then he would be too tired.

As long as it doesn't affect him or the empire, to be honest, Chi Yao won't even be interested in listening to it.

Shi Xing was puzzled, and looked directly at Chi Yao, "But your have been asking."

His eyes were so obedient, Chi Yao couldn't hold back, and put his palm on Shi Xing's cheek.

When he touched the warmth of his palm, Shi Xing froze, but he didn't feel disgusted.

Chi Yao: "I'm asking you today because I need to adjust your training plan according to your situation. Even with one important thing, I think it's time to tell you and let you make a decision." "I asked

before You, rather than being curious about your experience, might as well say..."

Chi Yao's smoky gray eyes were deep.

Sometimes the emotions that the stars can't understand are rolling inside.

"What I really want to ask you is,"

the voice fell lightly in Shi Xing's ears, but the concern contained in it was extraordinarily heavy.

"Xing Xing, have you ever been bullied?"

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