Chapter 93 Confrontation

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Shi Xing fell headlong, and within ten minutes, Yishui's doctors and nurses, followed by a suspension vehicle carrying large instruments, rushed into the dormitory.

Fei Chu, who was outside the shielding room door, was sweating for Chi Yao at first, but Chi Yao was fine, and Shi Xing fell down. Fei Chu was surprised for a moment, and was greeted by Er Ya, and went in to help.

Chi Yao wanted to hug Shi Xing, but was held down by Er Ya, "You stay here. Fei Chu brought Xing Xing back to the room, and Uncle Xu came up to take over. He absorbed the energy in your spiritual sea. You You can't go, I have to confirm your safety, and you are safe to everyone, before you can go out."

Fei Chu and the other officers felt that it made sense.

Just as Chi Yao was about to refute, he suddenly hissed and lowered his head.

Without him, some things were extracted, and his spiritual sea was indeed affected and fluctuating.

Feeling Chi Yao's sudden loss of mental power, Er Ya pushed Fei Chu, who was holding Shi Xing, and Fu Qing, who was holding hands, out of the energy shielding room. Erya's expanded barrier firmly blocked it.

"You are in charge of Shi Xing, I am in charge of Chi Yao, let's go."

Seeing Fei Chu's worried eyes looking back, Erya decided without hesitation.


With one hand propped on the ground, just as he was about to say something, another wave of mental power erupted in Chi Yao's body.

"Stop talking, adjust your breathing, you need to control it first." "

If you can't control it, you can't look at the stars like this, you will cause him a second injury."

I don't know what Erya's words triggered The point is, Chi Yao, who wanted to refute, took a deep breath and finally nodded.

Xu Jin was called upstairs in such a situation where everyone couldn't figure it out.

Knowing that Erya was standing up, Xu Jin quickly arranged for doctors, nurses and servants to take over Shi Xing, so he didn't care to go to see Chi Yao.

After all, it was the chief servant in the palace. As soon as Xu Jin came up, he gave orders to arrange it without talking nonsense, and the busy people found their backbone again, so that they would not be too flustered and anxious.

Xu Jin has seen Shi Xing fainted more than once. This time, Jing Jing first took the temperature gun and slapped Shi Xing's forehead and limbs. Seeing the normal temperature display, Xu Jin pursed his lips with a serious expression, and then scanned Taking a look at Shixing's clothes, he made a quick decision, "Set up the robot to change into pajamas first, it will breathe and sweat, and it will be more comfortable."

Yan Changyue nodded next to him, "Okay." " Is the doctor here


Then came in a row, Xu Jin glanced at it, "The attending doctor and nurses stay, and there are more than 15 people in the room, just go out and a few waiters, keep the ventilation, put the large equipment next door if it can, and lengthen the detection line. ."

The doctors and nurses said they were aware, after all, they had come here like this before.

The attending doctor took the temperature once, and his face became more serious, "The temperature is normal."

Yan Changyue added, "I just fainted, even if I have a fever, it will take a while."

The doctor nodded, and while listening to Fei Chu's situation, On one side, start to install the equipment.

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