Chapter 27 Take away

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After the matching is completed, the tree nest system will receive the message feedback at the first time.

The administrator who was drinking star chrysanthemum tea was so shocked when he saw the news that he choked.



Your Majesty matched?

His Majesty matched! !

Patting his chest to catch his breath, realizing what had happened, the steward burst into tears, feeling like he was in a trance like smoke rising from his ancestral grave.

How many years have passed, so there must be a small thirty. From the day your majesty's information entered the tree nest optical brain, it is like a nail house that will not leave. It is rooted in the tree nest system and changes with time. Elder It will change, and it will not move like a mountain.

When the rain blows away, no matter how many groups of Blue Stars and candidates are sent away by the tree nest, only His Majesty and the widows will not collapse!

After spending the first ten years of exhausting all means, the physically and mentally exhausted administrator started to keep in good health, and had long since ignored this matter.

I didn't expect, I didn't expect wow, he could see it one day!

After a brief moment of excitement, the administrator turned on the communicator and transmitted the news to the elders.

Alone Better Together.

Let joy fill the world.

As the matching beep fell, Shi Xing followed Chi Yao back after repeatedly confirming the progress of the bracelet.

I was dizzy all the way.

Surprised in disbelief, at the same time, I feel that I really did it, and I am happy for myself.

These emotions were churning and colliding in his chest, and it was difficult to express them bluntly in front of His Highness. After walking all the way, all kinds of feelings surged up and became complicated all the way.

When he got to the residence and saw Officer Xu and Major General Fu waiting at the door, Shi Xing was still a little dazed and unable to recover.

Seeing Chi Yao coming back with Shi Xing, Officer Xu stepped forward with rare recklessness, and asked nervously and excitedly, "Is... Is that what I think?"

Chi Yao put his hands behind his back: "No."

Shi Xing: " ?"

Chi Yao: "How do I know what you are thinking?"

Shi Xing: "." Oh.

Xu Jin was also choked up by Chi Yao's sudden rhetorical question, and later realized that Chi Yao must have done it on purpose.

He has been urging the other party for so many years, and finally his wish came true, so he deliberately entangled himself!

Xu Jin coughed lightly, and the naked eye could see that he had become a lot more stable. Before he could speak with Chi Yao in an official tone, Fu Qing offered another kind of genius idea, "Ham, look at the time star bracelet Hey, why don't you show this kid to you!" His

Highness is obviously retaliating, and he is deeply involved in the city, so when can't he just pick the simplest cabbage?

Fu Qing obviously went with Xu Jingou, and Xu Shiguan nodded to Chi Yao immediately after hearing this, and said, "Your Highness, you have worked hard, go in and rest.


Chi Yao: "..."

Shi Xing: "..."

I don't know if I should say it, but the look of Shiguan Xu's eyes shining is still a bit scary?

Just when Xu Jin was about to arrive in front of Shi Xing, Chi Yao finally said, "Okay."

Glancing at Fu Qing who proposed his idea, Chi Yao announced, "It's a match.

" I got scared and ran away, I want to see my bracelet."

Fu Qing said enthusiastically, "Your Highness, I, I want to see it."

Xu Jin coughed lightly, but didn't turn around immediately, and stood where he was digesting. He showed a friendly smile to Shi Xing, which was so sincere that Shi Xing smiled back embarrassedly.

"Okay, that's good, I can be considered worthy of your parents."

"They will be happy when they know."

Officer Xu comforted him with the rare gesture of an elder.

Chi Yao opened the bracelet, handed it to Fu Qing in disgust, and turned his back to Xu Jin, suddenly hearing what the other party said, the banter around him also restrained a lot, lowered his eyes for a moment, and said lightly, "Maybe."

Xu Jin: "Okay, okay, let's not talk about the past, let's go in." "

Now that we are matched, we have to keep up with the subsequent arrangements."

Fu Qing was puzzled, "Your Highness's mansion in Ancheng, you are not the former Have you cleaned it up in a few days?"

After the matching banquet is completely over, the tree nest will not leave the Blue Stars and candidates, and will let the candidates bring the Blue Stars home to live with them for three days, to get acquainted with their future partners and responsible persons Of course, we also need to see if there are irreconcilable conflicts in getting along. If everything goes well, we will wait for the tree nest to notify us in three days, and we will come back one-on-one to sign a series of agreement terms, including the marriage agreement.

Xu Jin was speechless for a moment, "Is the place where I live after tomorrow finished? The rooms in the palace, the reports from the Presbyterian Council after the number of members of the royal family increase, and the status will be different in the future. Assets can be divided slightly. Finally, but when...cough, but His Royal Highness's clothes, spaceship and servants must be ready immediately, right?"

Fu Qing was stunned.

After listening to Shi Xing for a long time, he realized that His Royal Highness was calling him. He almost lost his eyes in shock, and waved his hands in a panic, "Officer Xu, you don't have to do this. Just call me Shi Xing.

" Yao made a sound.

Chi Yao said again: "Okay."

"Uncle Xu, you are responsible for the part of your own plan. Just come to me to discuss Shi Xing's matter. You have been outside for so long, and you are tired from standing. Go in first." Thinking of Shi Xing

's When addressing him, he glanced at Shi Xing, and almost swept his gaze away, Shi Xing sensed the question in his eyes, and shook his head pleadingly.

Chi Yao: "Let's call Shi Xing first. It's not too late to change your mind after returning to the tree nest and signing the agreement." "

Let's go."

Chi Yao led the way in.

After entering the door, Fu Qing and Xu Jin followed Chi Yao to the study, while Shi Xing returned to his room.

After closing the door, Shi Xing finally had some time to be alone, not daring to make a sound, and rolled around on the sofa several times with the pillow in his arms, happy.

After the excitement of "passing the interview" passed, he realized that Chi Yao was helping him out of the siege in the end, and sent a message to Chi Yao, [Thank you, Your Highness! 】

Fu Qing and Xu Jin are both in the study, Chi Yao didn't reply immediately, probably still discussing his affairs.

Shi Xing had been on Xingwang for a while, and his emotions went from apprehensive, nervous, to excited that night, with too many ups and downs, and when he really calmed down, he was attacked by deep exhaustion.

After washing up and before going to bed, I received a message from Chi Yao. It was very short, [Small things, go to bed early]

Shi Xing: [Good night, Your Highness]

Maybe he didn't expect him to come back, and he came back after a while. News, [Good Night]

Shi Xing's wish has been fulfilled this evening, and he is satisfied.

It's not the case for someone else.

The five officers each murmured in their hearts. After leaving, they found in the small group that no one had chosen Shi Xing. They thought that the other party was thinking about it, and decided to wait for Shi Xing's answer the next day.

Lu Lu searched all night but couldn't find Shi Xing. He seemed calm, but his actual mood was tense.

Waiting for the matching banquet to continue on the second day, the administrator came to their residence and informed them that there were not many Blue Stars left. The light brain estimated that the matching banquet would end tonight. If His Highness wants to stay in the tree nest It's not that the tree nest can't set this precedent. If you want to take people to live outside the tree nest for a few days according to the regulations, you can leave the tree nest now as the first group before the news of the end is announced (Your Majesty The status is special, it is best to leave when everyone does not know).

Officer Xu has long been prepared. The rules of the tree nest were set by Chi Yao, so he will naturally abide by them.

Robots pack everything during the day.

The steward had communicated with Sergeant Xu earlier, and asked His Majesty for instructions. The invisible warship appeared above the building, and Shi Xing, bathed in the moonlight, left the tree nest again.

After boarding the warship, Shi Xing stood at the window and looked at the gradually shrinking tree nest below. When Chi Yao saw it, he asked him warmly, "Are you reluctant to grow up?"

Shi Xing thought for a while, then shook his head.

Seriously, "Yeah, it still feels unreal."

I really did it all over again, and fate took a different path.

Anything else...

"I can't believe you really chose me."

He joked about Chi Yao, but he could understand Shi Xing's mood, and said, "I'll always get used to it.

" With a wink, Xu Jin hurriedly greeted Shi Xing to come over, and showed him the room that had been arranged for him in the Ancheng mansion.

Xu Jin babbled, Fu Qing made jokes, Shi Xing... was a kid who had never seen the market before, following the two of them flickering, their mouths opened round and round in "Wow".

Chi Yao clenched his fists to support his side face, looked over, and saw this scene.

It was very ordinary, but also very warm. It was obviously nothing, but the corners of his lips slowly curled up when he saw it.

Looking back and looking out the window, the tree nest has faded away from the view, and the moonlight is bright and clear tonight, quiet and peaceful.

Lu Lu didn't continue looking for someone the next day, so he couldn't continue.

As soon as Shi Xing came up, he told the administrator about Lu Lu in the communicator. As soon as Lu Lu entered the venue, the administrator walked towards him.

The two entered the garden one after the other, and before Lu Lu could speak, the administrator spoke first.

"Shi Xing has already matched."

"Little Master Lu, you don't need to look for it."

Lu Lu's heart contracted, and for a moment, there was only a sharp whistle in his ears.

He stared at the administrator, his eyes were dark for a moment, "What did you say?"

In front of him, Lu Lu was like a ruthless little milk dog. He looked fierce, but he had no actual lethality.

The steward repeated.

Lu Lu: "Who is it?"

Manager: "According to Tree Nest's regulations, there is no need to comment."

The list after matching will not be included and published on the Tree Nest official website until the Blue Stars mature .

According to the usual practice, only Blue Stars who have passed the maturity stage will be announced.

Lu Lu said word by word, "I know those five officers. I went to look for them one by one, and I could always find where Shixing is." The

steward didn't give Lu Lu an answer, "That's your private matter. "

Lu Lu couldn't get any news, and stubbornly confronted the administrator. The administrator smiled like a spring breeze, and Lu Lu's eyes showed the madness and irritability. "Don't think I have no other way." Lu Lu: "Even if

that I can't find a few officers, and they still have to come back to sign the treaty, and once in and out, they can't be completely invisible."

The steward frowned, but Lu Lu didn't back down.

Knowing that it's useless to say more, and Chi Yao doesn't have to worry about Lu Lu's whereabouts at all. Thinking from this perspective, the administrator's brows were flat again, and he said from another angle, "You are here for Shi Xing, right? , if the time and stars are matched, do you want to continue the dinner?"

"The princess is very concerned about you, she called me yesterday and asked me, hoping that the tree nest can take care of you, if..." "

No." Lu Lu interrupted the administrator , "I don't want anyone else."

The administrator smiled.

Lu Lu turned around and strode away, with the image of a wounded and lonely wolf cub on his back.

And after the night passed, the other five officers finally realized that Shi Xing chose someone else.

The five people who were originally planning to show off in the group chat after being matched, did not expect that after the matching banquet ended the next day, the role of the "Top 5 Strongest Candidates" group turned into mutual help and mutual assistance, reduced to the same end of the world. A shelter for the fallen.

Tan Yan: [Light a cigarette.jpg, it's really not the four of you? 】

Guan Qun: 【Brother, my eldest brother, it's really not true, you've asked me eight hundred times here, isn't it true?] Guan Qun: 【We've been in the

group together for so long, even if we don't have a relationship, we all have had quarrels In the dispute, you just say who is really matched, and you are willing to hide it and don't want to show it off? ]

Xiang Heze silently gave Guan Qun +1.

Park Chongguang also gave Guan Qun +1.

Tan Yan: [Ge Ming, you don't want to add 1 too, do you? ]

Ge Ming: [Just getting ready]

Ge Ming: [Adding one verbally is fine, +1]

Tan Yan: "..."

Guan Qun: "..."

Tan Yan asked the ultimate question, [So, in the end, he Who the fuck? ! ! ]

Guan Qun: [Good question]

Xiang Heze continued to give Guan Qun +1.

Park Chongguang also gave Guan Qun +1 again.

Tan Yan: [Are you dumb, you will +1? ? ? ]

Ge Ming: [Yes, +1]

Tan Yan: "..."

Guan Qun: "..."

But at least the problem was solved, and Xiang Heze was willing to type. [After the matching banquet, the bracelet will be recalled only after the matching is completed. I am afraid that the result will be affected. In the ring, the candidates, the candidates and the Blue Stars, and the Blue Stars can't be contacted through the communication number]

[This is an army group built in advance with the army ID, so the military level is high. Sealed]

[You want to know, we want to know too, but we have to wait until the communicator is unblocked before asking, right? 】

Tan Yan was surprised, 【You guys are still waiting to be unblocked. People I know have already asked through my sister-in-law's communicator, and those are the only ones who came. We five circles of friends put together a fight, can't we finish the question? ]

Ge Ming coughed lightly, [Actually, I also asked]

Guan Qun: [Coincidentally, I asked my brother to ask too]

Park Chongguang did not forget his original intention and continued to give Guan Qun +1

. It's because I've been hit too hard, I'm exhausted, I don't want to admit the reality, I don't want to type

any more] Tan Yan is also affectionate, [You called a few brothers this night, dear, you have been hit hard]

Before every call Brother is all irony.

Xiang Heze said sincerely, [It can be said that the psychological shadow is huge]

Xiang Heze added, [I'm talking about myself]

[This group name now seems to me to radiate the holy light of irony]

Park Chung-kwang perseveres in giving Xiang Heze +1 .Tan

Yan: [No, everyone has to cheer up]

Tan Yan: [Since I have asked, there must be a result in these three days. After the result comes out, we can't be so sad] Guan Qun: [

As soon as the result is mentioned, a raging fighting spirit burns in my body]

Guan Qun :【Whoever digs our corner, I will make him pay the price! ! 】

Xiang Heze hurriedly reminded, 【Calm down, impulsiveness is the devil, private fights are not allowed at the matching party】

Guan Qun: 【I know! ]

Guan Qun: [Is it okay to formally meet in the training room after returning to the imperial capital? ! 】

Guan Qun:【Master, I have never been angry like this. If you dare to poach someone's corner, you must be mentally prepared. Let's see if I don't beat him until the time comes! ! 】

Tan Yan posted an emoji to applaud Guan Qun.

It happened that Yun Wu, who had communicated with Xu Jin, came back. The chat was projected, and Yun Wu saw the above content, and his expression was subtle for a moment.

Yun Wu: "Guan Qun wants to fight?"

Tan Yan: "He said yes..." He looked up and saw Yun Wu froze, "Sister-in-law, what is your expression?"

Yun Wu smiled, "Respect and best wishes."

Was matched to the Imperial Majesty after rebirthTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang