The room was decorated with different flowers you could think off, mostly sunflower. And a big happy birthday sign and a flower themed cake by the side.

It was all beautiful but ... come on! I turned back to a grinning Bianca. "Her party is today, after school, he's gonna surprise her. I can't wait!"

"Can't wait for her to die?" I asked, crossing my hands over my chest. "Oh please, stop being so dramatic, Char. The worst these can do to her is to send her to the ICU"

My mouth dropped open. "Do you have a therapist?"

"God, no!"

"Look Bianca, if you like Chadwick so much you wouldn't do this. Don't you see it? This could ruin your friendship with-"

The door flew open immediately and everything I was said flew out too. "Fuck! Check out this place" Chadwick heaved.

"Hey Chad, you like it?"

"It's... amazing. You did a great job, Bianca" he walked to her. "Oh, it's nothing" she shrugged it off. "Stop being modest" she looked up at him.

"You're a good person"

"Good is a strong word, there are much more better people out there" she mumbled. "Then you're one of them, 'cause you're amazing"

I see the way she looks at him, she did like him.

"Hey Charlotte, you've got the best friend ever. Keep her" he called out to me. "You have no idea" I replied, glaring at her.

"I gotta go prepare. Thanks Bianca" he winked at her before walking out. "Did you see that? He winked at me!" She shrieked.

"You need professional help" I said walking past her while she squealed.


"Literature is the worst" Bianca mumbled as we stared at the teacher. "How bored can I get at this point?" I asked back and she sighed.

"Why is Tyler blowing me air kisses?" I chuckled, glancing at him.

He was indeed blowing her air kisses.

"At least someone is keeping you from falling asleep"

"No shit" she mumbled as a note was handed to her. She opened the rumpled piece of paper and read out. "Aren't you tired? You've been running through my mind"

I chuckled and the teacher shot us a look and we quiet down. I scanned the class and I spotted him, he was laying head down on the desk.

So, he gets to sleep and not us!!!

"No staring" Bianca tilted my face from his direction. The bell rang and I let out a sigh, we both began heading to our lockers.

"Spanish class next" she said and I inputted my combination before pulling it open. "Hey guys!" We both turned back to see Luana.

"Hey Luana, how things going?" I asked.


"Nice" conversations are the worst. "But I've got great news" she pulled out a notepad from her bag. "I found this kid by the road side, his name is Elvin Reed, he is lost, he got separated from his family..."

I and Bianca turned to her in shock. "And?" She asked. "Since it's our job, we could help him find his way home. He's a cute kid and is really helpless and homeless"

"Did he really say that though?" I smacked Bianca. "It's really nice of you to do that, Luana isn't... really our specialty"

"What? It is! We are the salvation of the lost"

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