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It had been at least a week since our daughter was born, and Lo'ak had yet to hold our daughter. He always made excuses, running off in a hurry when I asked him to, or when I was putting her to bed.

We didn't even sleep next to one another anymore, he wasn't even home when I went to bed, always leaving to Eywa knows where. Lo'ak didn't contribute to her name, and I hate to admit, everything piling up on one another made me think that he didn't care.

It happened all over again tonight, the only person wanting to cuddle me nowadays was Tuk, not that I was complaining.

But the desperate cries of my daughter awoke me from my slumber as I drowsily sat up and walked to her cot, where she laid with pink puffy cheeks with little pools of liquid running down them.

"Oh Awtala..." I mumble, picking her up and holding her close as I admired her dual toned splotches of turquoise and navy amongst her skin. Her yellow iris's shined in the darkness as she began to quiet down, her tears subsiding. I looked in the marui, hoping to find my husband, but to no avail he wasn't there.

Awtala looked around curiously, now wide awake as footsteps made themselves clear. The muscular frame of Lo'ak was clear as he walked through the entrance and slightly jumped back when he saw me awake and with our daughter.

"Where have you been?" I kindly ask, separating Awtala's clenched fist from my hair as she grabbed onto it in wonder.

"Out" He bluntly says, moving passed me as he sat in a corner, watching me intently as I frowned. He was being so childish and distant, and for what?

I huff quickly scrambling to get our daughters blanket and toys as I wrapped her in them. That got Lo'ak's attention as he stood up, sauntering over to me as his hand reached out to take back Awtala's favourite blanket. I slapped his hand away as he flinched back.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked, holding his now slightly red hand as I stared at him with disbelief.

"What's wrong with me? Well let me think...I have a lousy excuse of a husband who refuses to sleep next to me, refuses to help with literally anything, refuses to hold is daughter and doesn't even want to smile at me. Do you know how that makes me feel Lo'ak? Do you know how it makes me cry that my own partner is acting like he hates me? I'm taking our, no wait, scratch that, I'm taking my daughter and we're going 'out' until 'Daddy' can make up his mind and decide if he should just fly back where he came from, because at the moment he isn't anyone's father because he's sure as Eywa not acting like it" I huff.

Tuk lightly stirred in her sleep but I wasn't paying much attention as Lo'ak still looked at me like I had just insulted everything he stood for.

I scoffed, briskly walking out of the house as he remained frozen, not allowing himself to chase after me because a little girl was inside the marui and he didn't want to leave his sister alone in the dead of night.

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