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Tension fills the air as his hand reaches upwards and cradles my cheek, he gave me time to react, to flinch, to yell at him, to do anything remotely negative to tell him to let go. But I don't, I just sit there basking in the warmth of his palm. 

He leans forward, hesitating for a moment before he leans inwards, our lips connecting as he slowly moves his other hand under my thighs, picking me up as he places me on his lap. 

He guides my leg to the side of his hip, away from his injured leg as he deepens the kiss, riddling it with passion and apologies. Our mouths slowly move on one another, our heads automatically tilting to get to the best angle. My hands slip into his hair as I quickly open my now closed eyes before shutting them again. 

His hair was down instead of it's usual style, and I couldn't help but think it made him slightly more attractive as he pressed his chest to mine, leaning back slightly to lean against a cave wall. 

"It's always been you" He murmurs against my lips, pressing even harder and deepening the kiss. I struggle to keep up with his fast pace as I desperately try to hold on. He must've noticed as he separated, chasing my lips for a millisecond before leaning his head on the wall behind him. His head faces the roof of the cave as he intakes deep breaths. Still holding onto me fiercely, as he looks down at my face. He held me against his chest as he rested his head atop mine. 

"I can't be with anyone else Se'aeylwa, it's you and only you" He breaths out, tightening his arms impossibly tighter. My entire mind blooms and my heart pounds heavily in my chest. It was a silent declaration, a declaration that he wanted me to be his mate, he wife, his partner before Eywa.

"I'm sure there are other fine women out there who find you as handsome as I do Lo'ak" I reassure, patting his chest slowly. 

"You find me handsome?" He asks mischievously. My cheeks became rosy instantly as I hid away from his face in the crook of his neck. He softly chuckles as he pulls me away and holds me in his arms, looking down at me with that gaze he always had when we where near each other. 

"You look beautiful" He whispers dreamily, his eyes staring into mine as I avoid his gaze. But it's impossible when he grips the base of my jaw and forces me to stare at him once more. 

"And you'll look even more beautiful when you're mine" He lightly says. 

"Lo'ak, we're too young-"

"Can you please be a little selfish? Every time I try to do something you come up with reasons not to?" He asks. The weight of his words pull on my heartstrings as I realise he was right, I was always coming up with excuses. 

"Look Se'aeylwa, it doesn't matter if you don't love me yet, all I know is that we have a connection, a bond, and I'm not willing to risk it because you keep trying to block me out, because even if you don't love me, I know for certain I love you" 

He sees me beginning to retaliate and immediately talks once more to stop me. 

"I've never been more sure about something in my entire life"

I stare helplessly as he reaches down, and only then to I realise the small satchel attached to his hip. He fiddles with the opening a few times before he successfully opens the pocket. He pulls out a small, thin, woven armband that was covered in shells, pearls, and all sorts of different materials. It was crafted beautifully as he held it in his open palm. 

He lightly grabbed my arm, slipping the band through my arm for it to rest on my bicep. I marvel at the new piece of clothing as I run a hand along it. 

"It's a tradition from my clan, we gift the woman we're interested in a thin armband, only to replaced by a thicker one once we mate. It's a sign that your being courted." He explains.

"Umm, you can take it off if you'd like" He shrugs, recoiling slightly as he sees me stare at it interestingly. I feel a small part of me break, Lo'ak was possibly expecting me to reject him. I knew that actions spoke louder than words as I wrapped my arms around him tightly. I squeezed him as hard as I could, rubbing a soothing hand along his back. He relaxed in my grasp as he held me with the same strength. 

I knew the moment wouldn't last long as I felt a warm liquid seep into my leg, I looked down and saw the bright red blood of his thigh starting to leak out once more. I warily try to move off of him, my legs still stiff as they move slowly and painfully. I quickly turn back and smother a paste along the wound, seeing him let out a relieved breath as I continued. 

The soft material of a bandage met my hands as I perched his leg up slightly. Moving my arms around rapidly to form a secure bandage. I tied a knot when the end pieces where all that was left, and placed a salve over it, watching as it sunk into the fabric. 

"Come back" He pleaded, his arms slightly opening as he slurred slightly. I slowly moved back onto his lap, making sure to bring a bowl of a specific paste with me as I held it to my chest. 

Once I was comfortable, I dipped my hand in the mixture and slowly reached a hand up to his face, he nearly swatted it away, but stopped once the salve met his bruised cheek. It instantly cooled the area and reduced the swelling as I used both of my hands to massage it in until it was no longer visible. I coated my hand with the mixture as I repeated the action, travelling down to his chest and shoulders, covering them as much as possible. 

He hums in approval as I finish, quickly applying extra to the small cut around his collar bone. He weakly took the bowl out of my hands and placed it next to us. He looked as if he was lulled to sleep as he lazily threw his arms around me. 

My body melted into the warmth of his skin as the small dots illuminated, creating a whirlwind of patterns between our melded bodies. Eclipse was surely at it's peak as we both made ourselves comfortable. I felt Lo'ak's lips meet the crown of my head in a chaste peck as he mumbled a goodnight. 

I murmured the same words as my eyelids closed over and I fell asleep to the soft thumping of Lo'ak's chest against my ear.   

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