Day 57

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Second Doctor, 1968, story 57, The Invasion

The TARDIS materialises in space over the dark side of Earth's Moon, and is promptly fired upon by a missile from an unknown spaceship. The Doctor rushes to affect an emergency relocation out of the missile's path. After rematerialising, the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe find they have arrived in the late 20th century just outside London. The TARDIS' visual stabiliser circuit has become damaged, rendering the ship invisible.

In order to have the circuit repaired, they set out to find Professor Travers and ask for his assistance. A driver offers them a lift to London. A security guard on a motorbike follows in the distance. The driver alerts the travellers of the danger. They get clear of the area and hide in some bushes while the driver explains that passes are required to get in and out of International Electromatics. He himself got in alright, but getting out might just be a bit more difficult. He tells them of the company International Electromatics. The driver tells them that IE have set up factories and houses, all of the local people have been bought out, and most of them join the company, while others have vanished. Once the coast is clear, they return to the truck.

At the guard post, two security guards note the truck driving towards the entrance. The truck stops at the post and the driver shows the guard his pass. The guard looks at him and then hands it back to the driver. The truck continues, but once it is a couple of yards away, the driver soon realises there is another problem. A motorbike stops at the guard post entrance. In the distance, the driver stops the truck, opens the back and the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe get out of it.

The security guards arrive on the scene, and one of them tells the driver that he will have to come back with them for questioning. The driver refuses to return to the compound with them, telling them there is nothing they can do to make him. The guards pull out their guns, there is a sudden gunshot, then a second one. The driver collapses. Once the third shot has been fired, there is a silence - the driver is dead.

Meanwhile, the Doctor and his companions get another lift from a car driver. When they arrive at the professor's home, they find that he has left for America, leaving his home in the care of Isobel Watkins and her uncle, Professor Watkins. She explains that the professor has disappeared, after he worked on an invention for International Electromatics. The Doctor and Jamie go to IE's head office in London to investigate. When the computerised receptionist won't let them past, they seek out another point of entry. They fall unconscious after being gassed, and are taken by security chief Packer to see IE's Managing Director, Tobias Vaughn. Vaughn apologises for the rough treatment they have endured. He explains that Professor Watkins was engrossed in a delicate stage of his work, and agreed to remain on site. The Doctor's suspicions are piqued. After they leave, Vaughn opens a hidden panel in the wall of his office, revealing an alien machine.

The Doctor and Jamie are abducted by two men, later revealed to be Corporal Benton and Tracy. They are taken to an EC-130H Hercules transporter plane, housing a complete operations room, where they are met by the Brigadier. He explains about UNIT, and the taskforce's investigation of IE.

Concerned about the Doctor and Jamie's failure to return, Zoe and Isobel leave for IE in search for them. They also encounter the receptionist, but, instead of seeking another method of entry like Jamie and the Doctor, Zoe destroys the computer by assigning it an insoluble equation in ALGOL, causing its circuits to overload. Vaughn is watching, and once again opens the hidden panel. A decidedly inhuman voice speaking through the machine tells him that the Doctor and Jamie have been recognised from Planet 14, and are a threat to their plans. Vaughn orders Zoe and Isobel brought to him. Isobel is used to make her uncle, who is being held captive, co-operate.

The Doctor and Jamie return to Travers' house, to find a note from Zoe and Isobel, explaining their going to search for them. They return to IE, and find several packing cases being loaded onto a train. Part of a feather boa Isobel gave to Zoe is hanging out of one of the boxes, alerting the Doctor and Jamie to the fact that their friend is inside. But before they can rescue Zoe and Isobel, the Doctor and Jamie are again captured by Packer.

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