Day 30

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First Doctor, 1965, story 30, The Myth Makers.

Outside Troy, two warriors, who reveal themselves to be Achilles and Hector, are engaged in a long fight. The warriors are so engaged in their battle that they fail to notice the TARDIS materialise behind them. For a protracted length of time, the Doctor and his companions observe the fight between the two men. Eventually, the Doctor decides to intervene. As he emerges from the TARDIS, he distracts Hector. Achilles uses this opportunity to kill Hector, much to the Doctor's anger. Achilles immediately assumes the Doctor is Zeus, citing his sudden appearance coupled with the fact that his presence seemingly aided him in killing his foe as proof positive. The Doctor plays along with this assumption to make Achilles feel guilty about slaying Hector. The Doctor tries to return to the TARDIS, which he refers to as his "temple", but Achilles pleads for the Doctor to stay in order to help them seek victory over the Trojans. While they are having this discussion, the Doctor and Achilles are interrupted by Odysseus. Achilles tells Odysseus that he killed Hector, but Odysseus is disbelieving. Achilles tells Odysseus to ask Zeus if he doesn't believe him. Odysseus pours scorn on Achilles' claim that the Doctor is Zeus and marches the Doctor back to camp, claiming that he is a spy.
Meanwhile in the TARDIS, Vicki and Steven have watched the Doctor being led away. Vicki's ankle is still injured, so Steven ventures out alone to help the Doctor.

At the Grecian camp, Agamemnon and Menelaus are arguing about the cause of the war. Agamemnon states that if Menelaus had kept control of his wife or fought Paris, none of this would have happened. This discussion is interrupted by Achilles, who has beaten Odysseus to the camp and informs Agamemnon of his story. Agamemnon is doubtful. Soon, Odysseus arrives with the Doctor. Odysseus mocks the Doctor openly in front of all the men and claims that he is a spy. The Doctor tries to prove that he has omnipotent powers by using his knowledge of history. He tells Agamemnon that his wife is unfaithful to him, but Odysseus claims that everyone in the camp knows this. Agamemnon is unsure what to do. He cannot kill him if he is Zeus, but he cannot let him walk free if he is a spy. He decides to imprison the Doctor until such a time as a better decision can be made.

Outside the camp, Steven is in the undergrowth, sneaking past guards to try to track the Doctor down. Little does he know he is being followed by a one-eyed man. This one-eyed man, Cyclops, is in the pay of Odysseus and runs to his master to inform him of Steven's presence. Odysseus tracks Steven down and captures him. Steven claims he is a traveller, but Odysseus suspects he has something to do with the Doctor and plans on using him as a way of forcing the Doctor to reveal his true identity. Once inside the tent, Odysseus claims that Steven is a spy and asks the Doctor if he has ever seen him before. The Doctor says that he hasn't but knows, using his godly powers, that Steven is a traveller headed to visit his father. Agamemnon is not sure who to believe, but one thing is certain: no spy can be allowed to live. He asks the Doctor's advice. The Doctor says that Steven should be killed but only by the hands of Zeus tomorrow at his temple. A complication arises when Odysseus reveals that "Zeus' temple" has disappeared.

The next morning, the Doctor and Steven go to the plains with the Greeks to find out what happened. The TARDIS has indeed disappeared, but tracks lead off in the direction of Troy. Odysseus claims that this is the final proof that the men are spies. Menelaus calls upon the Doctor to sacrifice Steven as he had planned; the Doctor's protestations that he can only do it in his temple fall on deaf ears. Out of options, the Doctor finally confesses that he is not Zeus and that Steven and he are friends. Menelaus is furious at the Doctor's lies and leaves him to the mercy of Odysseus. Abandoning all pretense, the Doctor tells Odysseus the truth about how they arrived in Greece.
In the city of Troy, a crowd is gathering around the TARDIS which has been brought into the city centre by Paris. Priam asks his son why he is bringing back trinkets rather than seeking vengeance upon the man who killed his brother Hector. Paris tries to convince his father that his spoil of war is an important acquisition, but his case is not helped when his sister, the prophetess Cassandra, says that she has dreamed of a ploy devised by the Greeks whereby they seize Troy by hiding in a vessel which is willingly brought inside the city walls. It is decided that the TARDIS must be sacrificed to the gods by burning it. Inside the TARDIS, Vicki is watching this scene unfold and is terrified to hear that her life is in imminent danger.

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