Day 38

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First Doctor, 1966, story 38, The Smugglers.

The Doctor is shocked and angry to discover Ben and Polly inside the TARDIS, as they innocently try to return a TARDIS key. Ben and Polly are confused and doubtful about the Doctor's stories of time travel and his lack of control of this machine. The Doctor bars Ben from touching the controls and, on landing, shows them the scanner and tells them not to leave until he has run his checks. Bemused, they obey him.
They are shocked to leave the TARDIS and find themselves in a cave adjacent to an ocean beach. The Doctor says he cannot take them back to London, which Ben takes as a refusal. Polly is excited about these events, but Ben is anxious to get back to his Navy barracks. They go along a path up the cliffs in search of a bus or train, but the Doctor is worriedly amused at the prospect of convincing his new companions where and "when" they might be. Polly suspects that they may be in Cornwall.

Ben spots a church at the top of the cliffs, and the Doctor guesses they may have arrived sometime after the sixteenth century, but before the Victorian period. As they look around, a man with a flint-lock pistol in his hand accosts the three travellers, mistaking Polly (in her 1960's trouser-suit) for a boy. The Doctor is able to convince him that they are innocent travellers, and asks him to direct them to a place of shelter. He introduces himself as Joseph Longfoot, the churchwarden, yet is still suspicious, and asks if they know Avery or Pike. The Doctor insists that he doesn't and, in order to gain more trust, resets the churchwarden's dislocated finger. The grateful man directs them to an inn and warns the three to keep to themselves there, and also entrusts the Doctor with a riddle: "This is Deadman's secret key, Ringwood, Smallbeer, Gurney." The Doctor is confused, but as a storm is coming on, the travellers depart. Ben and Polly want to go back to the TARDIS but are precluded by the high tide. After the churchwarden retires inside, a large, muscular sailor emerges from behind a tombstone and goes inside the church.

Jacob Kewper, landlord of the inn, sends stableboy Tom to give a message to the churchwarden regarding a "delivery" expected soon. Soon, the Doctor and friends, soaked from the rain, arrive at the inn to an unfriendly, suspicious welcome from Kewper. They are told that the inn is full, but when they mention Longfoot, Jacob becomes more accommodating.
A drunken Longfoot is confronted by a sailor named Cherub, who calls the churchwarden an old shipmate of the Black Albatross. Cherub has come for knowledge of Captain Avery's gold. Sobered, Longfoot refuses to give up knowledge of the gold. Cherub asks who the old man and his two lads (Ben and Polly) were, suspicious they may be involved in some way. Cherub kills Longfoot, and decides to pursue the three travellers.

Tom reports back to Kewper about Longfoot's death, and is sent out to fetch the squire. Cherub, now with three sailors, finds the Doctor and his companions at the inn and threatens them, demanding more information. Cherub grabs the Doctor, and Ben is knocked out after attempting to intervene. The men kidnap the Doctor and haul him into a cart. Polly calls for Kewper, who attempts to calm Polly and says the squire will sort everything out, though this doesn't stop Polly from worrying about the Doctor. The squire arrives, but instead of helping Polly find the Doctor, he questions the strangers about their origins and demands information.

Cherub and the cart arrive at the coast, where the Doctor is put on a small rowboat and rowed out to sea. When Ben comes to, he and Polly refuse to give any information as to their origins. The squire, suspecting them to be guilty of the murder of Longfoot, arrests them.

Cherub and the Doctor arrive on the Black Albatross, where they are led into the Captain's quarters. The captain introduces himself as Captain Pike. When Cherub says the Doctor will not speak, Pike slams his hook on the table and says he will be forced to tell what he knows.

Pike reveals that Longfoot, Cherub, and himself were all shipmates under the now deceased Captain Avery. He accuses Longfoot of stealing Avery's gold, stating that the plunder rightfully belongs to the trio. Pike believes that the Doctor is somehow embroiled in the plot, and Cherub begs Pike to allow him to torture the Doctor.
Ben and Polly find themselves in the village Gaol, guarded by Tom. Ben is distraught, still eager to report back to his ship in the 1960s whilst Polly seems caught up in the adventure - until she sees a rat. They are unable to convince Tom that there are other strangers in town (Cherub and the sailors were unseen by other inn patrons) and that it was they who killed Longfoot. Polly hits upon the idea of exploiting the superstitions of the locals to try to escape.

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