Day 20

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First Doctor, 1965, story 20, The Romans.

The four travellers materialise on the edge of a cliff. Before the Doctor has time to take off again, the TARDIS falls from the cliff, crashing to the ground.
A month later the four friends are in Rome living in the lap of luxury. The Doctor, Ian and Barbara are content, but Vicki is beginning to tire of the life of a Roman and seeks adventure. As she talks to Barbara about the adventures she was promised, a man lurks threateningly in the bushes. The two women find themselves in a market where they are seen by two suspicious looking Romans, Didius and Sevcheria. The men speak of some sort of crime they intend to do in the village. The two women are overheard talking about London by an old market stall owner. The two Romans bribe the woman for information about Barbara and Vicki. She states that they spoke of London and have been in the area for the last month house sitting for Flavius Giscard, who is away campaigning in Gaul. The two men set off with this information. As they leave, so does an old lyre player named Maximus Pettulian. He does not get very far before he is attacked on the road out of the village and killed by the sinister man who observed Vicki and Barbara earlier in the day.

Back at the house of Giscard the other travellers ask the Doctor if they should go back and check the TARDIS, but the Doctor says that the craft will be perfectly safe without it being constantly checked upon. The Doctor asks if they are getting restless and anxious to leave. Barbara and Ian state they are perfectly happy but Vicki yearns for adventure. Spontaneously the Doctor states that he plans to leave for Rome as soon as he can and that Vicki can come with him. When Barbara asks to come, the Doctor reacts crossly, stating that he doesn't need a nurse maid. As soon as the two are packed, they leave Ian and Barbara alone in the villa. Didius and Sevcheria plot a siege on the villa later that night. As Ian and Barbara relax they are set upon by the two men. The two friends put up a gallant fight but Barbara accidentally catches Ian on the head with a jug which was meant for Sevcheria and knocks him unconscious. Ian and Barbara are carried away by the two men.

On the road out of the village, the Doctor and Vicki come across the body of Maximus Pettulian. They are surprised by a centurion who has his sword drawn. He notices the Doctor is holding the old man's harp and asks if it belongs to him. When the Doctor answers noncommittally, the centurion states that he has been sent out to look for the lyre player by his master, Nero. Unable to resist the temptation the Doctor passes himself off as Pettulian in order to meet Nero. The centurion leads him and Vicki away.

Outside the villa, Ian and Barbara are tied up to a slave cart as they discuss how to escape. Barbara's primary concern is the Doctor and Vicki not knowing where they have been taken and leaving on the TARDIS. Didius and Secheria do business with a slave owner who wants to buy Barbara, but they refuse, saying that the woman will get a higher price in Rome. The man says he does not plan to go to Rome but will take three men - including Ian. As Ian is led away a distraught Barbara is even more fearful now she is away from him.

In the camp of the centurion, the assassin is summoned to the centurion who berates him, saying that his orders were not carried out and that Pettulian lives. He says that he will give the assassin one last chance and directs him to where the Doctor is asleep. The assassin approaches the door with his dagger drawn.


The assassin attacks the Doctor, who fights him off before Vicki comes in and pushes him out of an open window. After the Doctor boasts of his abilities in fisticuffs, Vicki informs him that the centurion who brought them thus far on their journey to Rome has disappeared. The Doctor rightly assumes that he is the reason for the death of the real Pettulian and the recent attack. The Doctor assures Vicki that they are to stay there one further night and then go on to Rome to meet Nero themselves. Vicki is unsure if this is a good idea, but the Doctor persuades her.
Meanwhile Barbara has already been thrown in jail in Rome, awaiting an auction wherein she will be sold to the highest bidder. She is put in the same cell as a woman who has a bad cough and is clearly ill. Barbara comforts her and speaks of Ian who will come and save them.

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