Day 41

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Second Doctor, 1966, story 41, The Highlanders.

Members of the clan McLaren, including piper Jamie McCrimmon, flee the battlefield at Culloden Moor in 1746. The Laird, Colin McLaren, is wounded, and son Alexander and daughter Kirsty McLaren help him.
The TARDIS arrives nearby. Ben, Polly and the Doctor emerge. Ben is pleased as he sees that it is Earth and suspects it may be home until he dodges an incoming cannonball. The Doctor wants to leave, but Ben has gone to look around and Polly insists they follow him.

Meanwhile, the party of Scots have taken refuge in a ruined cottage. They lament the failure of the battle. Jamie curses the prince, who fled the battle, and is berated by Alexander. They hear something outside and prepare to strike.

The Doctor, Ben and Polly are examining a "spiked" cannon. The Doctor sees a Highland bonnet on the ground, tries it on and casts it to the ground. The Scots surround them. Alexander forces the Doctor to pick up the hat. They force the Doctor and his friends inside the cottage.

The Doctor realises the hat belongs to Prince Charles Edward, "Bonnie Prince Charlie." The Jacobites intend to show no more mercy than the Redcoats as they suspect that they are Englishmen come to steal from the dead. However, when Kirsty hears Polly refer to the Doctor, she begs for them to live long enough to treat her father. With this distraction, Ben steals a gun and points it at the Laird whilst the Doctor disarms them. The Doctor tends to the Laird, sends Kirsty and Polly to fetch water and tells Ben to put down the gun when the Highlanders give their word not to harm them. Ben throws the gun on the table, but it discharges. This draws the attention of a half dozen nearby Redcoats.

Algernon Ffinch and his men surround the cottage, but when Alexander emerges, attempting to draw them off, he is shot and killed. The Redcoats enter the hut. They take Ben to be a Highlander, and when he reveals his accent they suspect him to be a deserter and intend to kill him. The Doctor undertakes the guise of a German, "Doktor von Wer," and speaks with a heavy accent. He says he is waiting for an escort to return him to England. Ffinch is unmoved at Ben's insistence that they are prisoners of war. He says rebels are not treated as such and orders them to be hanged.

Solicitor Grey and his clerk, Perkins, watch the battle and lament the needless killing of the rebel troops as a "waste of manpower". In his role as his Majesty's Commissioner of Prisons, Grey intends to profit from this rebellion by selling prisoners as slaves in the West Indies. After remonstrating Perkins for serving him corked wine, the two move off to try to "save" some of the Scots.

Polly and Kirsty return. They try to cause a diversion by throwing stones at the soldiers. Ffinch follows Kirsty and Polly after recollecting that the prince may be trying to escape disguised as a woman. Kristy and Polly quickly run away from the soldiers. Polly's shoes make it hard to keep up with Kristy's pace. She discards them and continues on barefoot.

The sergeant tries to hang the prisoners with the officer away. The prisoners are on the verge of having their stools kicked away from them but are stopped by Grey and Perkins. Grey bribes the sergeant. The men are released into his charge to be sent to Inverness. Grey rejects the Doctor and the Laird and orders them hanged, but "von Wer" quotes a point of law that convinces Grey to take him, with the Laird under the Doctor's care.

Kirsty hides Polly and herself in a cave known to her family. Polly searches for valuables they can sell to bribe guards. She realises their friends will be put in gaol. She spots Kirsty's gold ring, but Kirsty won't allow it to be sold. It belongs to her father, who entrusted it to her. As Polly argues that they would need the money to get to Inverness, Kirsty pulls a knife on her. Polly, frustrated, goes off on her own. Kristy warns her she's liable to get lost in the dark. With light fading, Polly walks down a path until she falls into an animal pit. As she struggles to get out of the trap, she's confronted by someone above, holding a dagger.

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