Day 40

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Second Doctor, 1966, story 40, The Power Of The Daleks.

Ben and Polly are bewildered after watching the First Doctor transform into a completely different, younger man. Ben asks how this is possible and Polly remarks that the Doctor said his body was "wearing a bit thin" and this is what it probably meant. The Doctor recovers and groans in pain. His head is filled with the sound of drumming. He finally comes to and chuckles to himself that "it's over". The ring that the First Doctor used to wear falls off his finger because it doesn't fit anymore. The new Doctor rummages through his old things and finds a mirror which he thrusts into Ben's hand. The mirror reflects back the face of the First Doctor before changing into the Second Doctor's face. He also finds a dagger which "the Doctor" got from Saladin. Ben asks why he is referring to himself in the third person and begins to suspect he isn't the Doctor. The Doctor finds a piece of metal in his jacket and murmurs "exterminate" to himself. He also finds a recorder. Upon further searching, he finds a five hundred year diary. On finding this he suggests they go for a walk. He opens the TARDIS door. Ben is concerned that the Doctor hasn't taken any readings, but the Doctor reveals he has but no one noticed.
The Doctor exits the TARDIS while reading the diary at the same time. The TARDIS has landed on a desolate planet filled with rocky formations and mercury pools, which he manages to dodge whilst not looking up from his diary. He reaches a large rock and in order to test out his new body, leaps it. There he finds a man shouting for assistance. As the Doctor approaches, the examiner is murdered by an unseen assassin. Examining the body, the murderer finds a badge explaining he is the Examiner from Earth. Meanwhile, the Doctor is almost the assassin's next target; he is knocked unconscious, though he pulls a button off the attacker's clothes as he is taken down.

Ben and Polly emerge from the TARDIS but get too close to the mercury pools and collapse from the fumes.

The three travellers are rescued by Quinn, Deputy Governor, and Bragen, Head of Security. They take the Doctor for the Examiner, something the Doctor elects to go along with. They explain that they are on the planet Vulcan and allude to the fact the Examiner must be here to examine the "space capsule."
At the human colony Lesterson, a scientist, is informed by his assistant Janley that the Examiner has arrived. Lesterson has no knowledge of this. Janley asks if she can still have her meeting here tonight. Lesterson agrees, warning her against underground movements, but is distracted by experiments on his capsule which is made of a metal that is entirely non-corrosive.

When in the colony the Doctor admits nothing, playing the fool and (much to Ben's annoyance) remains very inactive, hoping to expose the murderer of the real Examiner. Governor Hensell introduces himself and gives him free run of the compound. The Doctor asks about the capsule and Hensell explains it was fished out of a mercury pool from where it had lain dormant for hundreds of years. The Doctor states that he will look at it later and dismisses his visitors. The Doctor confides to Ben and Polly that he thinks he this story is not true.

In the corridor outside, Janley comes across Quinn, with whom she seems very close. She touches his sleeve and mentions that he is missing a button.

With Hensell, Quinn and Bragen, the Doctor and his two friends are brought to the laboratory where scientists Lesterson and Janley are studying the capsule. Whilst looking around the lab, the Doctor finds a piece of metal exactly like the one in his jacket. The scientists ask him for permission to open the capsule - which he grants them. They open the hatch with a laser to reveal an empty entryway. The Doctor finds a thin opening in the capsule but doesn't mention it to anyone. He orders they go no further tonight, to Hensell's annoyance. Hensell states that he must regret sending for the Examiner now. Lesterson said he didn't send for him.

The Doctor returns later that night and secretly re-enters the capsule, using the piece of metal from the TARDIS as well as the one from the lab as a key. Ben and Polly follow him. Finding his way into an inner chamber, the Doctor discovers two dormant Daleks and a space where a missing third one must have been. Polly screams as a mutant creature scurries across the floor.

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