Day 3

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First Doctor, 1963, story 3, hunters of earth.
Sorry no day 2. I couldn't find a plot for quinnis. So enjoy day 3!

In London's East End, during a foggy Thursday night of October in 1963, the Doctor is hurrying down a street, clutching an item that will help him repair the TARDIS. Two motorbikes, being ridden by teenagers, come right at him, but the Doctor quickly gets out of the way. He then notices that someone is following him. He hurries down the street, only to stop when a figure appears from the fog, ahead of him.
The figure turns out to be Susan Foreman, the Doctor's granddaughter. Susan says that she has been looking for him. She notices the item the Doctor is carrying and accuses him of stealing it. The Doctor admits to such, pointing out that they need it to repair the TARDIS. Susan tries to get him to promise her to get any future components legally, like everyone else. The Doctor is against it, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to him and Susan. However, he promises her that he will do so.

The Doctor notices a figure nearby, heading for them. The two quickly leave and enter the junkyard where the TARDIS is. As the Doctor tries to locate his TARDIS key, Susan looks through a hole in the wall. She watches the figure approach the junkyard and can make out his features. The man pauses in front of the gate, before shaking his head and walking on. The Doctor finds the key and opens the door, allowing the two to enter the TARDIS. Susan tells the Doctor that she recognises the man as Colonel Rook, a teacher at Coal Hill School.

The next day, after school, Susan is all alone, as she's not good at being social with humans. She pulls out her transistor radio and turns it on. She is so absorbed in the music that she doesn't see Colonel Rook until she bumps into him, causing him to drop some papers. Susan apologises and helps Colonel Rook pick up the papers. Colonel Rook glares at Susan's radio, making Susan realise that he wants it to be turned off, so she does so. Rook gives Susan an odd stare, creeping her out. He ask her how long she's been a pupil at Coal Hill. He then points out that he had talked to the secretary, who has no recollection of receiving any documentation on Susan, not even a birth certificate.

Susan tells him that her grandfather and her have been travelling, and the documents had been sent to them, but must have gotten lost after that. Colonel Rook then mentions how odd of a student she is, how "unearthly" she is. Susan uses the excuse of homework to end the conversation, so Colonel Rook leaves. Cedric, another student at Coal Hill walks up to Susan, having overheard the conversation. He invites Susan to join him and his friends at Rosa's. The two head for Rosa's, listening to Susan's radio. Neither notice Colonel Rook watching them leave.

At Rosa's coffee bar, Susan and Cedric join the rest of their friends. They are joined by Rosa, the owner. Rosa is a refugee from another country, that was bombed due to the war. However, her adjusting to living in Coal Hill hasn't gone smoothly, as she has been harassed by people. The trouble started four months ago, around the time Susan and the Doctor first arrived. As Rosa returns to work, one of Susan's friends, Mavis, asks her to change the music. Rosa changes the radio station. Suddenly, Susan lets out a yelp of pain, as she is suddenly struck with a headache.

As Cedric heads off to get some water for Susan, the music on the radio gets cut off. Cedric comes back with the water, and suddenly Mavis smacks it out of his hand. She starts saying that people like Susan should go back where they came from. She then grabs a knife and moves to attack Susan, but Brian and Richard, the other two who were with them, try to restrain her, but she shakes them off. She starts circling Susan and Cedric, who was defending Susan. Rosa comes over, turning off the radio as she demands to know what is going on. Mavis suddenly returns to normal, confused on what had happened. Mavis feels a headache hit her and has no memory of attempting to harm Susan. Brian and Richard escort Mavis home, while Cedric asks Susan if she's okay. Susan is fine, and her headache is gone.

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