Day 37

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First Doctor, 1966, story 37, The War Machines.

The Doctor and Dodo arrive back in modern-day London, the Doctor taking care to hang an "OUT OF ORDER" sign on the TARDIS door to keep away any unwanted police. Immediately the Doctor senses something isn't quite right about the newly completed Post Office Tower, comparing it to a feeling he previously had around the Daleks. He takes Dodo to investigate.
The Doctor, posing as a computer specialist, is escorted to the top of the tower by Major Green, where he meets Professor Brett and the professor's life's work, WOTAN. Also in the room is Professor Brett's secretary, Polly. The Professor proceeds to explain how WOTAN is the most advanced computer ever made and how it will soon be linked to other computers around the world to create a central intelligence. The Doctor challenges WOTAN to give him the square root of a large number, which it does flawlessly. Dodo, hoping to stump the computer, asks it what the word TARDIS means which it also answers correctly, much to the Doctor's consternation. Dodo then becomes seemingly mesmerised by the machine. When brought back into the conversation she complains about a slight buzzing in the ears. Polly, looking after Dodo, invites her to go to a dance club called the Inferno.

Arriving at the club, Kitty, the bartender and Polly's friend, tells them that a sailor that Polly met the previous week has come into the bar every night since and sat at the end of the bar drinking and depressed. Just then, the sailor enters and Kitty asks Polly to try to cheer him up. Polly and Dodo make a valiant attempt, but finally decide to leave him to himself. Shortly after, when Polly is being harassed by another patron calling himself Flash, the sailor jumps to her defence, starting and quickly ending a minor bar fight. Dodo is then able to get the sailor's name, Ben Jackson.

A taxi pulls up to the Royal Scientific Club, the location of a press conference about WOTAN. The assembled reporters learn that on the following Monday, 16 July, all other computers around the world will come under the control of WOTAN in an event called Computer Day or C-Day. After a number of questions from reporters, Sir Charles Summer, head of the Royal Scientific Club, tells those gathered that WOTAN actually thinks and has no political allegiances or any reason to lie or hide the truth. Professor Brett, who is oddly absent, is sent for by Sir Charles.
Professor Brett, caught on the phone in his office, finally prepares to leave for the press conference when he calls in Major Green. The Professor informs the major that he's had the feeling all day that someone has been watching and listening to the goings on in the area. The major assures the professor that the building, and especially the area WOTAN is in, is secure. After Major Green leaves, Professor Brett prepares to go, but hears a strange buzzing coming from WOTAN. Stopping momentarily, he is overcome by the buzzing, and though he attempts to fight off the sound, he quickly comes under the mental control of WOTAN.

Back at the Inferno, Dodo tells Polly and Ben that she has a bit of a headache, but tells them that she is really fine. When they go off to dance though, Dodo's face shows that something isn't right.

Just as Sir Charles prepares to dismiss the gathered reporters, Professor Brett finally arrives, but he does not seem himself at all. While he refuses any comment to the media, he takes Professor Krimpton aside on urgent business. Sir Charles introduces himself to the Doctor, who inquires about Professor Krimpton. Sir Charles, remarking that Krimpton is their foremost electronic expert, begins to worry that something is wrong with WOTAN, and leaves to find out. The Doctor seems to have other ideas.

Back with WOTAN, Major Green enters the room on his rounds and quickly comes under the control of the machine. He then calls the Inferno and places WOTAN on the phone. It takes control of Dodo through the phone, and she then leaves. Shortly after, Professor Brett returns to WOTAN with Professor Krimpton and explains to him that WOTAN has come to the conclusion that humans cannot develop the world any further and that it will take control and humans will be the servants. When Professor Krimpton attempts to leave, he is stopped by Major Green and becomes the fourth to fall under WOTAN's control.

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