Day 49

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Second Doctor, 1967, story 49, The Abominable Snowmen.

Professor Edward Travers, an anthropologist and explorer, is awoken from his sleep by the screams of his companion. He is horrified to see a lumbering, hairy creature standing over his friend's lifeless body. It grabs Travers' gun and twists it into scrap metal as the terrified man scampers into the night.
The TARDIS has materialised on a cold and windy hillside. The Doctor is delighted at their destination - the Himalayas. He tells Jamie and Victoria to start searching for what he calls a "Holy Ghanta". They begin searching through a trunk, wherein Jamie finds a pair of bagpipes and a sword, and the Doctor finds a fur coat which he puts on to protect himself against the cold weather. He leaves Jamie and Victoria to look for the Ghanta which he explains is a bell.

The Doctor goes out and observes an ornate monastery in a valley below. He sees a set of gigantic footprints in the snow.

Jamie and Victoria find the Ghanta and discover a label on it reading "Detsen Monastery". The Doctor returns to the TARDIS and convinces Jamie and Victoria to stay put whilst he deals with the situation outside.

The Doctor is certain he is being watched and elects to travel to the monastery first.

Victoria soon gets bored of the TARDIS and convinces Jamie to explore.

En route to the monastery, the Doctor finds the remains of Travers' camp and the dead body. He takes the rucksack with him.

Jamie and Victoria find the huge animal footprints around the TARDIS. Jamie goes back into the TARDIS to fetch the sword.

The Doctor arrives at the monastery, clutching the remains of Travers' rifle and rucksack. There is no response when he knocks on the huge wooden doors. He enters. The inner courtyard is deserted, much to his confusion, but when he turns back to the door, his route is blocked by a group of armed monks. Travers is also present, and before the Doctor can explain his presence, Travers spots his rucksack in the Doctor's hand. Travers is convinced the Doctor is responsible for the death of his friend, despite his earlier claims to the monks blaming it on a beast. The Doctor protests that he can't be the beast but Travers states he must have got confused by the coat in the night. The Doctor loudly protests his innocence to the peaceful monks, but Travers insists he is lying. The leading warrior monk, a gruff man by the name of Khrisong, sends the Doctor to a cell.

Back on the hillside, Jamie and Victoria have followed the trails of footprints right to the mouth of a deep cave. At first, Jamie is unwilling to enter it for fear of some savage animal, but he changes his mind when he spots timbers holding up the roof and sees it must be a man made system. Victoria sees a huge creature at the cave mouth, and the pair watch in horror as massive claws push a boulder that traps them inside.

The Doctor is increasingly irritated in the confines of his cell. He climbs up to a window to peer outside. Travers pops his head through a hatch and mockingly informs him of the hundred-foot drop beneath the window. He accuses the Doctor of being a sabotaging journalist. When the Doctor asks what Travers is talking about, Travers cries, "You know! The Yeti! The Abominable Snowmen!"

Jamie, unable to shift the rock, decides to go deeper into the cave system.

The Doctor protests he has no idea to what Travers is referring. He does say he has encountered Yetis before and they are naturally timid so wouldn't have inflicted any damage on him or his friend.

Khrisong is in conference in the courtyard over the fate of this apparent murderer. The other monks doubt Travers can be certain of his claims, but Khrisong says, "He is an Englishman. Why should he lie?" The monks are almost certain the Yeti are somehow responsible for this death and a spate of recent deaths of fellow monks. Khrisong believes that if the Doctor isn't directly the killer he may be inciting the Yetis. The more peaceful monks elect to turn over the matter to the Abbot after prayer. Once they have gone, Khrisong ignores their decision and orders the Doctor brought to him.

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