Day 13

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Sorry but there was no plot for story 10, The Fragile Yellow Arch of fragrance or story 11, farewell great Macedon or even story 12, the masters of Luxor. I know, disappointing but oh well. Onto story 13.

First Doctor, 1964, story 13, The Sensorites.

The TARDIS travellers find they have landed on a drifting spaceship, and its crew is dead. The corpses are warm, even though their self-winding watches (which are powered by the movement of the wrist) say they have been dead for at least twenty-four hours. As the travellers go to leave, one of the crew members, Captain Maitland, regains consciousness. Ian Chesterton helps revive him with a device he later calls a heart resuscitator. They use this device on the other crew member, Carol Richmond. The two tell the travellers they are on an exploration mission from 28th century Earth and are orbiting Sense-Sphere. Its inhabitants, the Sensorites, refuse to let them leave orbit; they are able to control the brains of any human around them. They say the Sensorites put them to sleep but never kill them; indeed, the Sensorites feed them regularly.

As they leave, the TARDIS crew do not notice a mysterious figure burning the lock out of the TARDIS. As Ian starts to question Maitland on the future of Earth, the Doctor decides they should leave lest Ian learn too much. It is then they discover that the lock is missing. The TARDIS is permanently locked.
The Sensorites send the Earth ship on a collision course with the Sense-Sphere by taking over the minds of the pilots. The Doctor diverts this; the TARDIS crew seem to be immune to the Sensorites' power. Carol says they have found different people are affected in different ways. She speaks of another crew member named John, who was affected more. When Maitland is asked about John, he says he'd rather not talk about it.

Later that day, Barbara and Susan are making food for the rest of the crew and ask Carol where they can find some water. Misunderstanding the directions, they go through a sensor-operated door. An unknown man, seemingly John, locks them in with him. John appears to be in a zombie-like state and shuffles towards the frightened girls. However, when he has them cornered, he collapses in front of them and weeps. Barbara consoles him and says she will make sure he gets better.

Meanwhile, outside the door, the rest of the crew realise Barbara and Susan are stuck inside with John. Maitland begins to use a cutting device to get them out. While this is happening, Carol confides to Ian that John and she were to be married when they returned to Earth. As the cutting goes on, Maitland hears a noise. It is an approaching Sensorite ship. The crew ready themselves at the controls as the ships roam into sight. Eventually the ship is surrounded and Ian is astounded to see a Sensorite at the window.

The Sensorite at the window renders Carol and Maitland paralysed. The Doctor awakens Maitland and reminds him of Susan and Barbara trapped on the other side of the door. Maitland continues to cut them out. In the locked area, Barbara and Susan comfort John, who is still distressed. He appears to be in almost constant communication with the Sensorites, who are trying to convince him to scare away the travellers. He refuses to do this because they are his friends now. This defiance leaves him crumpled up in pain on the floor.
John senses two Sensorites have entered the ship. He informs his new friends. Susan mentions to Barbara that she once visited a planet named Esto where there was a species of telepathic plants which screeched if you stood between them because you affected their thought pattern. With this in mind, Barbara and Susan try to overpower the Sensorites by focusing on the phrase, "We defy you", at the same time. The Sensorites crumple to the floor.

Ian and the others open the door and release Barbara, Susan and the unconscious John. Whilst Ian is putting John to bed, John mentions the phrase "the dreams of avarice." Ian shares a theory that John discovered something about the Sense Sphere that would prove valuable to the human race. This is why they have trapped the vessel. Maitland states that John was the ship's mineralogist. A quick glance at his findings confirms to the Doctor that the Sense Sphere is rich in molybdenum, a precious material. As the Doctor makes this discovery the Sensorites mentally attack Carol and Maitland again. Barbara and Ian look for the Sensorites and eventually find them. Barbara runs back to the crew to ask how to lock the doors to imprison them, whilst Ian slowly backs away, threatening them with a hammer he's found.

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