Day 18

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There was no plot for day 17, The Flames of Cadiz :(
First Doctor, 1964, story 18, The Dalek Invasion of Earth.

A man staggers towards the River Thames, wearing ragged clothes and a strange metal helmet. He screams, tearing the straps off the helmet, walks into the river, and drowns himself. Near the same spot, the TARDIS materialises. The Doctor cannot see where they have landed but it appears to have a similar atmosphere to Earth. When they leave the TARDIS it is clear that they have landed in London. Ian and Barbara are delighted they have returned home at last, but it is a curiously silent and deserted London. The Doctor is concerned about the decay they see around them and wonders what year it is, fearing that it is nowhere near Ian and Barbara's time. Susan tries to look over a wall, but slips and twists her ankle. The force of her fall causes the bridge under which the TARDIS has materialised to collapse, burying the TARDIS and blocking the travellers' access to it.
The Doctor and Ian decide to look around in a nearby warehouse for tools to help unblock the TARDIS door. Barbara remains behind to look after Susan. Exploring an abandoned warehouse, Ian and the Doctor are unaware they are being watched. From a window, Ian spies Battersea Power Station with its chimneys damaged, while the Doctor finds a calendar marked 2164.

Back with the TARDIS, Barbara goes to the river to soak a handkerchief for Susan's ankle, but as she does she sees the body of the man that killed himself earlier. She returns back to Susan only to find her gone and a dirty-faced man there instead. The man tells her that they have to get out of there before they get killed, and that Susan has been taken by someone called Tyler. He urges her to follow as the sound of automatic fire is heard in the distance.

Meanwhile, in the warehouse, the Doctor and Ian stumble across a corpse wearing the same strange helmet seen earlier. They also find an electronic receiver attached to the helmet and a whip on the body, and discover that the man has been stabbed to death. They decide to return to the others. As they do they are shocked to see a flying saucer hovering over the city.

Barbara is still following the man across the ruins of London. Tyler carries Susan down a flight of steps into an empty Underground station as Barbara catches up. Susan and Barbara demand that they find the others, but Tyler says that there is no time. Tyler activates a secret panel and David Campbell emerges from it, telling Tyler that he had a struggle with a Roboman and that they will have to tell Dortmun to change the storehouse. He also reveals that he saw the Doctor and Ian in the warehouse but thought they were enemies. Dortmun, a man in a wheelchair, arrives, and Tyler tells him that a saucer has landed at the heliport. Dortmun says that this time they will be ready for "them". Dortmun is glad to see Susan and Barbara, especially since Barbara can cook. David goes to find the Doctor and Ian whilst Tyler takes Susan and Barbara below. Dortmun stays on watch, armed only with a knife, similar in style to the one that had killed the corpse in the warehouse.
Ian and the Doctor have arrived back at the TARDIS to find the women gone. They decide to wait to see if they return. Ian finds a poster forbidding the dumping of bodies in the river and wonders if it is plague that has emptied the city. David spots them from a window but he also sees several Robomen converging on their position. The Doctor and Ian find themselves surrounded, but the Robomen only tell them to stop in flat tones. The two try to run for it, but turn to see, rising from the Thames, the distinctive form of a Dalek.

The Dalek asks the Robomen why the humans were allowed so close to the river and why the area was not guarded. They get no answer.

The Dalek orders that the Doctor and Ian be brought to the landing area, and warns the Doctor that resistance is useless and that they have already conquered the Earth.
In the resistance base, the humans listen to Dalek propaganda broadcasts demanding their surrender. A young, rather precocious woman, called Jenny, tends to Susan's ankle while Barbara prepares food. Tyler and Dortmun debate about whether they are capable of attacking the Dalek saucer with the numbers they have. Dortmun shows off a new acid bomb that he has created, which he is confident will shatter the Dalek casings. David returns, reporting the capture of the Doctor and Ian. They have been taken to the heliport at Chelsea.

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