Day 25

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First Doctor, 1965, story 25, The Chase.

As the Daleks place the Doctor's position in time and space, the Doctor and his companions are busy in the TARDIS. The Doctor is spending all his time fixing the Time-Space Visualiser, Barbara is making a dress, Ian is reading, and Vicki is at something of a loose end. Eventually this peace is broken by an ear-splitting shriek from the Time and Space Visualiser. The Doctor explains to his companions that the machine is something like a Time Television, which allows one to see any event that has happened in the past. They each choose an event to witness: Ian picks Abraham Lincoln giving his Gettysburg Address, Barbara elects to look into Elizabeth I's court and sees the genesis of William Shakespeare's plays The Merry Wives of Windsor and Hamlet; and Vicki sees the Beatles performing "Ticket to Ride", but is surprised to learn that they played "classical music". This experimentation is interrupted when the TARDIS begins to materialise. The four travellers find themselves on an arid and desolate planet which possesses two suns that move quickly across the firmament. The Doctor suggests that days and nights must be very short here. Ian and Vicki head into the desert wilderness, the former entrusted with the TARDIS magnet in case they should get lost. Vicki investigates some formations in the shape of humans similar to seaweed, which Ian knows is impossible. They find a trail of what appears to be blood in the sand, which Vicki runs off to follow. As they move off, they do not notice a tentacle rise up from the sand where they were.

Meanwhile, the Doctor and Barbara sunbathe. Barbara is distracted by the sound of the Visualiser, which has not been shut off. She sees a "broadcast" of the Daleks preparing a report. The Doctor enters and hears to his horror the Daleks' plan to follow "the enemy time machine" (the TARDIS) to the Sagarro Desert on the planet Aridius which is where the Doctor has found himself. The Dalek assassins plan to use their time machine, find the Doctor and his companions, and exterminate them due to the fact that the Doctor is the only person that stands in the way of their ambitions to take over Earth. The Doctor and Barbara watch a group of Daleks embark into the machine and dematerialise. The Doctor informs Barbara that these events must have happened in the past for the Time and Space visualiser to be able to show it which means that the Daleks are already on their way. The Doctor and Barbara agree they need to find Ian and Vicki and leave the planet immediately.

Tiring from their walk, Ian and Vicki take a rest as the "blood" trail ends; by this time night has fallen very quickly. They find a large metal ring. At first, Vicki is reluctant to disturb it for fear of what might happen (due in no small part to a myth from her childhood wherein pulling a ring in a field would lead to a drawbridge on a mysterious castle to open and something awful to come out). However, they decide they should pull it loose. At first, nothing happens and they prepare to leave, but an ancient trap door creaks open in the sand. They enter the newly-opened cavern to have a look. Once inside, the door closes behind them - they are trapped - and another tentacle looms out of the darkness. As they turn they see a mysterious figure looming in the darkness.
The Doctor and Barbara have had no luck finding their friends, night has fallen, it becomes cold, and the wind has begun to pick up, covering all tracks, including their own. They decide to return to the TARDIS, not entirely certain of the direction. A sandstorm breaks out, and the Doctor and Barbara fall to the ground. When the suns come back up again they look around for the TARDIS but to no avail. They speculate that it has been covered in sand. They are about to leave when the Doctor tells Barbara to get down, and they see a Dalek, buried by the sandstorm, emerging from the sand.

As Barbara and the Doctor duck out of the way two more Daleks appear, but cannot find the time travellers. As the two Daleks leave to look for the time travellers the Doctor and Barbara get up to go. As they mount the crest under which they have been hiding, they are faced by a group of bipedal lizard-like creatures. One of the creatures is sensed by the Daleks and exterminated.
Meanwhile, under the surface of Aridius, Ian and Vicki escape the oncoming horde of lizard-like creatures that pursue them through the labyrinthine passageways - often having to attack the creatures with rocks in order to escape their clutches.

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