Chapter 1. [Harmony's P.O.V]

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I went there the next day with my then twenty two year old brother and had a meeting with the head of the agency... Daniel was in the room with the owner of the agency, both discussing the types of work they could guarantee I could get... I remembered where i'd heard Daniel's name be mentioned before... In my final acting exam at college one of the other students was hyping all around the room cheering 'He's here! Daniel Torres!'... He'd already seen me act, he knew exactly what I was capable of... 

They wanted to sign me. They'd made that pretty clear, but I had a few terms of my own I'd like to clarify. I didn't want my real name being used, I knew if people from Cheshire or even London found out it was me I'd never hear the end of it. They agreed to help me create a fake identity, a stage name if you will... Lyric Bryans was born that afternoon in that meeting... She was home schooled so had an excuse for no one knowing her. Her 'mum' was my personal assistant, her dad had left when she was five. An only child currently aged eighteen, born twenty first of May. Kept her private life well out of the way of her public life... Brown eyes, light brown shoulder length hair, a beauty spot on her right cheek just below her eye... The complete opposite to me... 

Lyric received her first acting role a few weeks later after passing an audition, it was to be in a new movie that was being filmed... The lead role; pretty rare for someone who'd just began acting right? Once the word had got out about who was playing that role the interviews and requests to meet Lyric began to build up... It was tiring, overwhelming but it was everything I had ever dreamt of so I continued to work hard. 

Within months I was on the list... The top five biggest teen stars in the United Kingdom... Top Ten of the world... Only aged Eighteen and six months, i'd already accomplished a lot...

It always seemed like whatever I did was in the press the next day, just like with One Direction! ' Lyric bought bread from Tescos' or 'Lyric picks up a starbucks frapacinno', they didn't seem interesting stories to me but everyone seemed to love reading it... Harry had the same problem as far as I could see when reviewing newspapers every day, he couldn't leave his own home without getting photographed...

I really wanted to get back in contact with him, I had the resources now I was famous, but if I did my cover would be blown. Life continued without even a hint of speaking to Harry again...

I met TJ that summer after my birthday, well Lyric met him... TJ was the newest rock star to hit the world. He was twenty one, two years older then me, but I hadn't met anyone like him before. He showed me things I'd never thought about before, he taught me how to live in the moment and not make regrets... I loved him so much, Lyric and him becoming a couple within a few months of meeting each other... I couldn't carry on pretending to be someone else to him, I had to tell him about how really I was Harmony, Lyric being my cover... 

I went over to his house one night dressed as Lyric, we were going to be catching some documentary on TJ's life so far. A little vain but I couldn't blame him, any news reports about me I would record them to watch later... 

"I have to tell you something..." I took a deep breath turning to face him, "You might hate me after but..."

"You're not who you say you are?" He smirked, "I've known for ages Lyric or whoever you are, but I didn't see the point in changing everything... You're still the same person..."

"My names Harmony, not Lyric..." I smiled, taking off my wig and cap, letting my dark hair falls from its bun. 

"Still a music theme I see..." He joked as I rubbed off the drawn on beauty spot from my cheek. I finally took out my contact lenses, placing them back into their box... "Wow..." TJ wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me towards his chest, "You're a lot more beautiful as yourself then Lyric..."

My Guardian Angel [A Harry Styles Fanfiction]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin