Chapter 16: Warning

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“What, you are not letting me go right now?” The Mind Manifestation cultivator was shocked. If this person wasn’t letting him go, then why had he wasted so many words just now?

“The city has its rules, the sect has its bottom line. Path Friend, you thought incorrectly.” Heng Yan put down the teacup and looked up. “Wu Chuan, please invite this Path Friend down. Remember, it’s the fourth cell. Don’t forget.”

“Yes, Master, this apprentice understands.” Wu Chuan took out a rope from his storage bag and threw it around the Mind Manifestation cultivator, tying him up tightly. Except for his legs that could move, he seemed to lose all power.

The Mind Manifestation cultivator started to be afraid. He wanted to shout, but he couldn’t even make a sound.

The damned Splendid Cloud Sect would use such sinister means!

“Fourth cell?” Kong Hou had never been to Splendid Cloud Sect’s jail before, and did not understand why Splendid Cloud Sect’s Shibo emphasized this.

Ling Hui said in a small voice, “The fourth cell is slightly special. Inside, one cannot see any light at all times, and because there are sound formations inside, one cannot hear anything. So the light isn’t strong and it is peaceful.”

Without light and sound, this kind of jail was scary.

Looking at the smiling Sect Master Shibo, Kong Hou put her head lower and became even more respectful.

“You did well today, but there are also some mistakes.” Heng Yan looked at the apprentices. “Facing a Mind Manifestation cultivator for the people is brave, but you cannot just be brave in your conduct without any strategy. If it had been a more vicious Mind Manifestation cultivator, would you be able to guarantee everyone would have been able to escape unharmed? If your Wang Tong Shibo did not get there in time, what would have happened?”

The apprentices lowered their heads in shame. Sect Master Shibo was correct. They had been too impulsive today.

Seeing them listen to his words, Heng Yan nodded in satisfaction. “Although you did not have enough strategy, your conduct today is worthy of praise. Each of you can go get fifty spirit stones from Five Elements Hall as a reward. Go back and think of a better way to take care of this matter if you encounter a situation like this in the future.”

Wang Tong turned to look at Heng Yan. Did he get a share?

“We will abide by Sect Master Shibo‘s teachings.” The apprentices wholeheartedly accepted Heng Yan’s lecture.

“You are still young, and to have done this, it is already good.” Heng Yan ignored Wang Tong’s gaze and said to Kong Hou, “Kong Hou, you did well this time. You knew to notify your master first and delay for time. However, you were too rash later on. If your shixiong and shijie hadn’t taken out their talismans to protect you, your master may have been unable to block the other’s attack in time, and you would have been gravely injured. You have to remember that before the matter is completely finished, even if victory is in sight, you cannot be careless.”

“Thank you, Sect Master Shibo, Kong Hou will remember.” Kong Hou was thoughtful. Sect Master Shibo was right. She had not concealed well enough, and she had to do better in the future.

“Go and rest. You have all received a fright now.” Heng Yan had the apprentices leave, and then turned to look at Wang Tong. He said with exasperation, “It’s a reward for the young ones. You have the face to accept it as well?”

“If you give it, I will definitely not be too embarrassed to take it,” Wang Tong said. “Why should I not take what I deserve?”

“All right, I will have Five Elements Hall deduct one hundred spirit stones from what you owe.” Heng Yan waved his hand. “Out, out, out. I feel angry just looking at you.”

Ascending, Do Not Disturb! Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin