Oh how i love you

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Wednesday Addams POV:

I have never in my horrid years of living has ever thought I would be able to have a significant other so beautiful. That word barely explains Enid though it is the closest thing someone will tell there lover when they go out to eat or just a simple stroll through the park. I'm completely lost in my thought forgetting all about the world, attempting to focus all of my energy and attention to the beauty of the woman in front of me.

We have finally returned to the estate, I first leave the car then Enid follows. "Hey baby can you carry me pleaseee.!" Nothing feels more refreshing than to hear the nickname "baby" come out of Enid's mouth, how can I say no?

"Of course my love." Without any other word being spoken I swiftly sweep her off the grassy floor of the humongous lawn. I can tell by the look she was giving me she wanted to burry her face into my neck. So instead of picking her up in a bridal style, I picked her up in the intimate style just identical to our position in the car, her face hidden in the crook of my neck, legs wrapped around my waist, and soft breaths felt on my skin. I open the door to the mansion, slowly walking in not to hurt my delicate puppy. We finally make it to my room, I remember the gift I got her which was still on the bed. Enid (who was wide awake) jumped onto the bed landing on the mattress she stretches and begins to speak "Wedssss!!" Her tone seeming like she hasn't seen me in more than 3 days.

"Yes Enid?" Trying to show a little bit of enthusiasm.

"Come here I wanna tell you something" she says in a way where her tone of voice makes me shiver. I quickly walk over to my bed, standing near the bottom leg, "what is it you desire for mi amore"

"Wednesday your still a bit to far come here and lay next to me" Enid says with a slight smirk. I began to proceed making my way on the bed, climbing on top of her, and straddling her lap. I softly put my hands on each side of her head landing on the bed.

"Is this close enough?" I asked

"Not quite , actually I thought you'd be a bit like this" Enid finished her sentence pulling me into a kiss that was loving and meaningful. Though I can still taste the wine she had at the restaurant. She hums as she slips her tongue slightly into my mouth.

Soon I pull away "Is this what you wanted to tell me?"

"Nope I just wanted to say I love you" She says in such a cheerful voice with a smile at the end. Oh how i long for her smile, so bright and joyful it tortures me but I love it. I smile it hurts all the muscles in my face.

"OH MY GOD! Babyyyy your smile is so cuteeeeeeee!!!" A little sequel at the end of her statement of course out of excitement. "AND OH MY GOSH YOU HAVE DIMPLES?!?!?!"

"Yes Enid I do." I say in a way that sounds like I'm about to burst into laughter which I try to contain. "I keep falling more in love with you Wednesday" she lightly cups my face with her hands "I really hope we are together for the longest time" Enid sounding like she will shed a tear or two

"Enida il tuo amore per l'eternità e ti amerò fino a quando avrò esalato il mio ultimo respiro su questo disgustoso pianeta e sugli altri mondi a venire Voglio affrontare le mie battaglie CON te al mio fianco.. ti voglio per sempre"

"Wednesdayyyyyyy I CANT understand Italian!"

"Then learn my love" I say as plain as possible. Although most of my emotions are stuck in a cage deep down in my soul never to be seen by anyone, that promise to myself was broken because of a little puppy named Enid and I am entirely convinced she will wield that power of me being able to show her my deepest and darkest most inner thoughts in the whole planet.

At this point in time I remember the gift I had gotten her before we left. "Enid my love may you close your eyes" she does so happily close her eyes.

I take the time to grab the gift making sure everything was in place before speaking "you may open puppy" Once Enid opens her eyes she sees before her a black bag that is obviously a present. "Aww baby thank you also for the chocolates on the bed but I'm really really full so I'm going to eat those tomorrow."I  nod handing her lover the present.

"Okay that's fine open it" Enid takes out the paper cover the top to uncover there is two black boxes. She picks the one that has glitter first which is the one that wields the necklaces. Once she opens the small box she immediately starts to tear up "Wednesday...." She sees the small sun and moon that are in the middle of there sides of the heart. Once connected makes a complete heart, she pulls me into a deep hug sniffling into my neck.

"Come on my puppy one more." She quickly jumps back up "Okay okay save the crying for after both gifts are open got it!" She proceeds to grab the other tiny black box what is located inside is the two rings. Soon as she opens it she begins to sob so hard she wasn't able to see there last name initials carved into them.

"Baby yo- your so so- UGHHH I love you Wednesday Addams so much" pulling me into a strong kiss short but very emotional. 

"No more crying my big baby let's go to sleep and we can put these stuff on tomorrow so it may match our outfits." Enid immediately jumped up "YES YES YES ONE THOUSAND TIMES YES!!"

"Okay then come we will take a shower first"

20 minutes later

We are now out of the shower hair very damp as she lays her head on my chest "Goodnight Wednesday.. I love you.."

"Goodnight Enid. I love you more" I kiss her head softly before I hear her drift into a nice sleep.


Enida il tuo amore per l'eternità e ti amerò fino a quando avrò esalato il mio ultimo respiro su questo disgustoso pianeta e sugli altri mondi a venire Voglio affrontare le mie battaglie CON te al mio fianco.. ti voglio per sempre= Enid your my love for eternity and I will love you till I breathe my last breath on this sickening planet and the other worlds to come I want to face my battles WITH you by myside.. I want you forever

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